Maybe I Change

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Craig POV

I only been in this class for about 30mintues or so and I'm already fucking hungry!!!i feel like eating some cornbread and chicken with French fries on the side heck I wanna eat the whole damn combo. Bruh when is it lunch time? But right now I'm working on writing a whole page about my life like for real a whole damn page. I don't know of we are trying to try out for the army or what! I mean why in the hell these noisy ass people wanna know about my life for. It's not that damn interesting and important. You can already tell I'm not in the mood right now well you're fucking right I'm feeling tired and hungry all together and with those 2 mix emotions things are gonna get crazy up in this bitch or should I say I'm going to get crazy. Anyway I don't like telling people about my life it isn't they fucking business anyway but I know y'all some noisy ass people and I bet y'all curious about me huh? Well to waste time I'm going to do a lil explaining about myself. Ight so where should I start... Well to begin I'm from Philadelphia born and raise man that's my home right their. I lived in the projects and as you mostly see black families anyway my mom raised both me and my lil brother Trey. My father was no where around or should I say don't wanna be around us. That bitch ass nigga always leave when things started to get tough and sometimes we don't even know where are next meal is coming from but my mom always found a way. And that's what I live about her she would work her ass of to help keep a roof over our head and keep food in our mouth unlike my father that I call dad who is a stupid ass bitch and don't even know how to be a fucking dad and help out his family. My mom is the best thing that ever happened to me even though I hurt her a few times in my life I still and always will love her. If you ever try to say something bout my momma bruh I swear I'm coming after ya ass. I just wished that I didn't have to do what i did in the past and remembering seeing my mom cry and telling me that I'm acting just like my dad. All I ever wanted was to help out I never on intended to do what I did...but a man gotta do what a man gotta do. I thought by stealing and selling would be the best for me...would be the best for my family. But I guess I thought wrong cause I did just the complete opposite. I wanted to see my mom and brother happy I wanted my mom to have a break from all the work she was doing unwanted her to live a happy life. I just wish that maybe if I change that I could do all those things like getting a good job and buying her a nice house. I don't know if that will ever happen in this life time but maybe just maybe.

Keke POV

I only wrote about 2 paragraphs nearly no where close to a whole fucking page. Man I don't know what the fuck to write and my life doesn't take a whole page to be explained it takes a whole lot of pages. Which I am not going to write cause my life is my life and only if I had one. My story is a story that never been told and I don't wanna tell it. My story is a life that a girl or nobody actually wants its full of nothing but miserable ness and loneliness and tears nothing but tears I shed. That's why I am the girl I am now I don't like talking about my personal life that's why I Don't want no help from anybody (play that song "Runaway Love" and you will get the picture) that's why I did what I did to my teacher who is always trying to figure me out but need will. I'm just a girl that's misunderstood been through rough times in the hood never had it all good. My family is what I don't is a hoe...yep that's what I said and can say it again she is a straight up hoe. Bringing home men different hours of the night starting with some laughs usually ending in a fight. How come you think I was born exactly and that's why I never meet nor saw my dad. I only remember me asking my mom where is my dad and all she did was just shrug. Yep she just fucking shrug so that's all I know. I know nothing hats what I know all I ever known was by making a living you either have to steal, sell drugs, kill, or do what my mom do a hoe around. Have sex with strangers just do she can pay rent or get her hair fix and her nails done. Now don't get me wrong I respect my mom it just that I don't respect what she do. I understand you need money to have stuff and you can't live no where for free. I just wanted her to do the better thing and not use her body as some toy. That's why I'm not opened up and that's why I'm here now to change ha that's funny cause I will never be that smiling happy going girl who lives talking and have a wonderfully life. Fuck the shit I would rather be this.

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