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Coco: Okay before I write about what's about to go down up in this b$?!@ I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm pregnant yeah bitches I'm having a baby boy and it came with a sister lol naw I'm not actually pregnant but anyway *clears throat* this chapter is dedicated to my number one fan and sis plus she is hella funny and you should go fan her or wait they used the word "Follow" now (young people these days) but go follow her if you don't Asia gonna cut ya ass so I suggest you to go follow @Messhia she is a true down to earth fun girl to talk to:)

Ray P.O.V

Today was another day another day up in this place. But we were all just sitting down watching TV and shit. I don't know but it felt like it was gonna be a good day but then again I had this strange feeling that it wasn't gonna be a good day. I know I sound fucked up but I'm just I don't know...*shrugs* it's only been 2 weeks we have been staying here and for the first week it was nothing but arguing and all that shit but this week we kinda been like family I guess we getting use to each other all the damn ready. But seriously though I think their is something up like something is going on between Asia and "Mr. I'm still a virgin" Aka: Chres. They both been acting all quite and shit and even though I don't know Asia that well but I know for should she ain't the quite type. Maybe she is turning into a good girl or maybe she is a Alien from Mars that took away the real bad ass Asia and switched her up with a new one!!! Okay hold the fuck up way I'm trippin cause what kind of shit is that like for real their is no such thing as Aliens. Right? Right. But still Chres been acting different lately like if I say a bad comment about Asia even though I tried my best not to say anything since i heard about what had happen to her but I don't say anything bad about her in front of her face maybe behind her back but anyway like yesterday I said a joke about her which went like this

Jacob: (eating dinner the other girls were gone) Asia look like she could of have been a stripper or something

And out of no where Chres shouts out

Chres: what the hell!!! My girl- I mean um that girl um Asia don't look like a stripper!!(scratches arm)

Ray: yea she kinda does with that body and that ass (pretends to smack his hand in the air)

Craig:(laughing) if y'all haven't notice but all them girls gotta ass in their

Jacob: to bad we can hit nine of that (lick lips)

Chres thoughts*cmon chres be cool be cool just calm the fuck down cause if I say anything that will blow me and Asia cover like I almost did by calling her my girl but I don't think none of them notice thou...hopefully

Ray: man it would be funny if Asia was a stripper cause she probably kill a nigga if they don't pay her right (all the boys start laughing except for Chres)

Chres: bruh that's not even funny she too damn fine every man will pay her fucking double

Ray: that's because they don't wanna loses their dick cause she will cut it the fuck off (laughing)

Chres: seriously bruh I don't got time for this shit (gets up and leaves)

Craig:(eating) what the fuck is his problem?

Jacob: he didn't get no pussy in his whole lifetime (laughing ) I may not be a doctor but I suggest he should do that

End of flashback:

Ray P.O.V

I swear I heard him call Asia his girl but then again I might me hearing shit since I didn't have no fucking smoke nor did i even smell weed and that's driving me fucking out of it but imma try to keep my cool but I feel shit us about to go down.

Later on that day:

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