More People More Drama: Let's start A war

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Narrtor POV

It is the start of a new day and everyone are now in their classes. Before I go on telling the story lets just say who are in who class right now so you guys won't be lost. Tanya have class with Dashia, Bethany, and Yana (if you don't know who the other two girls are just read on in this chapter and you will find out( Asai have class with Ray (hopefully they won't get into lol but they cool now so we good thou) Lane have class with Chres(Lane is hallucinating because she haven't had a drink in weeks but hopefully she can control herself today) Craig and Keke have another class together and Jordan have class with Jaden (you will find out about him in this chapter he is also a new student) and Jacob also have class with them. Ok so now that you guys know where they are lts get started!!!!!

Tanya POV

I saw on my scheluded that I have one class with Chres. Yes one fucking class and I'm tripping about that messed up shit cause I really need to get my way in with him. The only way I can get close ebough to him is if I have a class with him and not his bitch ass Red Robin Hood girlfriend. Anyway at least I have a class with him I don't know how I planned to get him back. I do know that he still want me like who don't want a fine ass bitch like me? Hell yeah bitches and niggas I'm the badest you can't fuck with me. So right now I'm in this class which is called "In and Out rm 1235" I don't know why the fuck they call it "In and Out" but I need to breath in and out cause my ass is fired up!!!!! I pissed that Chres is treating me like shit and that need to come to a stop and I know Asia and whoever the rest of them girls is in that room don't like me. Well guess what?!!! I don't give a rat ass about them bitches!!!!! All i want is Chres and Chres only If I can't have him then no one can and if a bitch would I say "Let's start A war"

Ms. Green: (hands out worksheets) ok class today we would be working on a worksheet that I am passing out to you. It will ask you about 20 different questions on events that would happe and what would you do. Like for example if someone cuts you in line what would you do?

Davis: knock them the fuck out (laughing)

Ms. Green: that wouldn't be the nice way to do

Davis: it wouldn't be a nice thing to cut me in line in the first place

Ms. Green: ok but I just want all you guys to be honest and at the same time do what's sensible and answer these questions you can also work with a partner ok.

Dashia: (sitting down at her desk) Bethany get ya ass over here

Bethany: (walks over to Dashia) you could of ask my ass nicely

Dashia: ok (speaks in a nice tone) Bethany my darling would out get ya ass over here and help me with this shit?

Bethany: (laughing) don't mind if i do

Yanna: (Talking to Tanya) hey you new

Tanya: yep

Yanna: what room are you in?


Yanna: for real? So that mean you are with Craig and Them?

Tanya: I think that his name

Narrator POV

What Tanya didn't know was that Yanna likes Craig and she just wanted to get close to him as she possibly can so Yanna try to befriend Tanya to get close enough to Craig and Dashia who still has a thing for Jacob even though she only hit it with him one time she wanted him more.

Yanna: oh gurl you wanna work with us (Yanna had a plan and since btw neither of them like Asai and the rest of the girls so they were going to become their own click)

Tanya: ight cool with me (walks over by Dashia table)

Dashia: so what's ya name girl I'm Dashia (flips weave and pops gum)

Tanya: oh I'm Tanya

Dashia: anyway you in the room with Jacob in the right?

Tanya: yep but I wish that butch Asia would get the fuck

Dashia: gurl I like you already (laughs) I hate all them bitches in their especially Jordan thou me and her got into cause she was hattin on the fact that Jacob wanted my pussy instead of her bucking ass(rolls eyes)

Tanya: (laughing) I didn't even meet the bitch yet cause she was mostly quiet

Dashia: yeah cause I put the bitch on mute (holds up fists)

Narrator POV

Now Tanya and Dashia along with her other friends Bethany and Yanna are getting along sine they all can't stand Asia and the rest of the girls. But do you see how Dashia actin all bad talking bout she put Jordan on mute? You and I know damn well that Jordan knock that hole out so she better stop lying.

Yanna: yep my girl Dashia went all ham up on that bitch

Yanna need to shut her stupid ass up cause first of all she wasn't even their. Acting that she knows what went down.

Tanya: yea we need to gang fight them bitches (laughing) cause I need my man back

Bethany: who is ya man?

Tanya: Chres and Asia got him but not for long thou

Dashia: and I want Jacob I mean I know we only hit it once but I'm staring to think I'm in love with him thou he had something special

Dashia know damn well she ain't in love. The hoe don't even know what love is all she want to do is start shit and ride that dick from time to time. Dashia need to sit her nasty ass down and close her fucking legs. Step hoe!!!!!

Tanya: me and Chres had went out when we went to school but then we kinda broke up cause I just did one little mistake

She seriously going to use the word "Little"? Fucking another boy is not a little mistake! It's a hoe and trifflin mistake. Tanya is a hoe also so she need to stop chasing her thirsty ass to Chres. He said he don't want her actually he said "Fuck you" so that didn't mean he wanted to fuck you Tanya. I dont know if you are special Ed but girl he meant like get the fuck away from him so I suggest you to do so. Unless you wanna die like Asia said.

Bethany: girl we all make mistakes and I know Chres want you back

Dashia: yeah gurl he just confused right now

Tanya: (pops gum) I know he still want me

That's a fucking lie!!!!

Tanya: but anyway I'm going to get him back and if Asia and her click wanna start some shit I say let's fight

Dashia: damn right

Bethany: I'm with you gurl

Yanna: I don't like Keke she is so thirsty all over Craig and she know he don't want her he want me cause I can ride that dick like bow (laughs)

Yanna is the one that is thirsty and shit the bitch hungry too. Talking bout Criag want her in the first place Criag don't even know her so she is messed up and Keke and Craig are not even going out yet..... Just kidding but Keke aint got time for no fighting over some stupid ass shit but if Tanya and her click wanna go at it then I say Let's Start a War.


To Be Countined....

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