So far so good: Summary

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Narrator (Keke) P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since Jessica came and about 3 weeks since the whole incident with Jordan and Jaden. It's been a month since we heard anything from Tanya who is now staying in Dashia room. Everybody been so for so good lately. Lane and Chres were doing good with the whole secret of giving Asia a nice dinner. However Ray noisy ass caught them and demanded answers so they had to tell him or else he would of open his big ass mouth. They all agreed to keep it on the low and surprise Asia. Her on the other hand has been worried about her relationship with Chres. She think that she is doing something wrong cause the past few days Chres had been busy and not spending time with her only because he is still working on his date. Jessica started to become really close friends with everybody and they are all cool with each other. Jessica still have a thing for Chres but she pushes that thought behind her head and try not to worry bout it as much though she still think of him. Jordan been to herself lately just sleeping in bed and going to school. Jacob helps her out with her work or when she feels to tired he finishes it for her. Jacob and I almost is finish with are project and I know we are going to make a A+ on it!!! Jacob and I are actually becoming close but only as FRIENDS so don't fuck your mind up by making statements and assuming. Ray has been doing a little bad right now since the nigga hadn't smoke a blunt in what he felt like been years but only 2months. If he didn't get his high on or Lane get a drink they both are going to loses it. I cross my fingers they won't go crazy and shit. That's it though everything been so far so good. No drama!! Thank God. But I know it's going to be some drama. Their is always something going down in Good Behavior.

Charlie: I know this may seem boring but I just wanted to give you guys a brief summary from Keke who is the narrator of this whole story. You will see why when you read the sequel to this story. Yes their would be a SEQUEL!!! But it's not the end of the drama trust me:) Vote. Comment. Share. I would love at least 5 comments and votes if not it makes me think that you guys are not liking my story and maybe I should stop writing it:( hmmmm

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