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Chres P.O.V

I woke up and saw Asia passed out lying down right beside me. I forgot how she ended up in my bed "Did we fuck?" I thought as I got out of the covers but hen I looked down and saw that I still had on my clothes so we couldn't have had done anything "damn" I said to myself. Still I wasn't really that upset cause I wanted it to be something special like my dreams that I been having when it just me and her listening to Drake and eating a nice meal and me feeding it to her while she do the same. Yeah that is what I call a "Nice Fucking Day" I sat up in bed trying to remember what happened yesterday. I looked around the room and saw Keke spread out like a animal in bed. Dang that girl is a wild sleeper then I looked over to the window high was where Jacob was laying down and I saw that this nigga was sucking on his thumb. Seriously this boy just sometimes have me wondering about him. I shook my head glancing over at Ray who had his hands in his boxers I scrunched my face up cause I was wondering of this boy ever washes his hands cause from now on I'm not touching it. I turned around and saw that Lane was on the floor she must have fallen out of her bed. I chuckled to myself quietly not trying to wake anyone up. I also saw Craig who was just knocked out while his legs were hanging of the bed. "Is that everybody" I thought as I searched around the room but something was telling me that someone was missing.....Then it hit me "Jordan where is she at?" I realized that I haven't even seen her last night either "What happened last night?" I scratched my head along with a yarn. I was about to lay back down and cuddle with Asia since we didn't have to go to class today but as I was just going underneath the covers her name popped in my head "Tanya!!" flashbacks were running through my head as I was thinking about what happened yesterday. I remember!! I couldn't lay down so I got up and kissed Asia on her forehead before leaving out the door. I remember the yelling, punching, arguing, screaming, and me slapping Tanya!! That's right I slapped Tanya! Tanya? I have to go to Tanya.

Narrator (Keke) P.O.V

Chres was heading over to Dashia room; being the guy that he is once he seen that he made a mistake or done something wrong he always would go straighten it out and apologize. Even though he don't like Tanya he had to do what was right.

Chres: (knocking on Dashia door) hey!! Open up

Dashia: (just woke up out of her sleep) who the fuck is at the door?!!

Chres: it's me!

Dashia: (gets out of bed) me who?

Chres: Dashia it's Chres now stop playing

Dashia: (opens door) why in the hell is you up this early like damn nobody ain't even woke yet

Chres: is Tanya here?

Dashia: so now you want her back huh (evil smirks)

Chres: no. I just came to apologize (walks in he room)

Tanya: (wakes up since she heard Chres was at the door) What the fuck you want?!!

Chres: (Chres saw that Tanya eyes were red and puffy from crying all last night and this made him feel guilty and more hurt than before cause he never ever thought in life that he would hit on a girl) I just came here to say sorry

Tanya; (wipes face) bullshit!

Chres: no Tanya I really mean it. It just that you (Tanya cuts him off)

Tanya: I don't want to hear it!! Chres you fuckin hit me!! You fucking hit me on my face and you think that coming here (Chres cuts her off)

Chres: I said I was sorry

Tanya: and? Saying sorry wont stop this pain I'm feeling! Saying sorry wont stop me from crying and saying sorry wont earse the past it won't erase what happened yesterday!

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