I wanna love you

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Asia P.O.V

I didn't feel like getting my ass outta bed to go to eat breakfast which I lost my appetite I don't know why but I'm not in the mood for nothing. I just feel like staying in bed so that's what the fuck imma do yeah I'm skipping class I don't gives fuck *shrugs* let me be alone cause that's what I need is some alone time right now-... I mean if I did wanted to talk to someone I can't cause of all them is gone and whatever but not like I care thou. Right now I'm just sitting in bed I felt like writing since I do a lil of writing when I'm feeling this fukery feeling that I have now. Yeah yeah I do have my moments when I don't feel like cutting some bitch neck I do my other calmness moment which is writing. About what? Aww thanks for asking *phony smile* to answer your question *clears throat* is that I write whatever the fuck I feel like writing OK that's kinda harsh fine let me just say I write about my feelings and shit. Yeah Asia do have a soft spot I can say but that's only last for a little while I will cut a bitch if you ruin my good girl moment then you will be awaiting some slicing and dicing from a ninja. So right now I have my notebook that my mom bought me when I was in 6th grade and she tell me to write about how I feel and all that shit she say it would calm my nerves and make things for the better. Smh please nothing better stil haven't happen but I write to calm my nerves that sort of helps. And since everyone is gone I like to write out loud.

Asia: (writing in her notebook and she is saying out loud) "I know the bell rung to go to breakfast and class but I didn't go. I'm not in the mood so I didn't go. Yeah I'm gonna get in trouble but why should I give a single fuck for? I'm tired and sick not literally but tired of all this shit. I don't know what has over came but I ask myself why had I came. To this place where they say they can help. What they need to do is fuck themselves. Why did I come? I could of stayed at my dead ass home. Still I came not wanting to change; I'm the fire and this place is the rain they trying to put me down and I stand my ground. Being the bad ass girl that I am now. No one understands so don't say you can please let go of my hand and let me be. Being the bad ass girl...ha yeah that's me."

Chres: Maybe someone do...maybe I understand you

I turned around to see Chres walking towards me I was shock yet embarrass I didn't want him to see me being some soft bitch writing spoken word and shit. Oh hell naw how long was he standing here wait don't tell me he heard everything?!!

Asia: Chres what- are- you I mean- (Chres cuts her off by saying spoken word)

Chres: if you open your eyes and realize that i was their for you the whole time. I know you probably shock well don't be cause I'm not. I know how you feel I understand and if you let me I show you that I can. Listen to me ma listen to me im asking just asking would you let me?(lick his lips while walking closer to Asia)

Asia: let you do what?...

Chres: anything..I wanna help you

Asia: seriously Chres what the fuck you doing?!! Why you didn't tell me you were in here wait I thought you supposed to be in class. How in he hell do you all of a sudden do spoke word?!(tilts head)

Chres: I know I had to be in class but I forgot my book so I had to come get it back

Asia: oh (rubs arm and stares at ground)

Chres: or maybe I just wanted to see where you were at...( licks lips)

Asia: huh?...Can you stop with the whole spoken word shit an how in the hell do you speak spoken word(points at him but Chres ignores her comment and continued speaking)

*Play the song "Take Care" it fits this part of the story*

Chres: I know you been hurt by someone else I can tell by the way you carry yourself (Asia cuts him off)

Asia: so you singing now? Chres you been smoking on something cause...(He cuts her off)

Chres: if you let me here what I do...I take care of you

Asia: I loved and I lost...

Chres: I fought and I lost...(walks over to Asia bed sat down)

Asia: um why?

Chres: why what?

Asia: why you doing this? I mean (he cuts her off)

Chres: cause I want to take care of you. I know what you been through and (Asia cuts him off)

Asia: no you don't. I been through way to much fucked up shit to be understood. Chres I don't need your (chres cuts her off)

Chres: Asia just let me

Asia: cut me off one more time and I swear (stands up and puts hand on hip)

Chres: I just want to help..that's all

Asia: I don't need no fucking help from nobody!!

Chres: Why?

Asia: cause the fuck i said so!! And why all of a sudden you wanna cars or help a girl like me huh?!! Or is it some type of thing you tryna do huh? You think you slick I bet you only doing this type of "I wanna help you" shit do that you can get something in return. If you thought that then nigga you thought wrong!

Chres: you're right

Asia: damn is

Chres: I don't wanna care for you (walks closer) I don't wanna help you (walks closer)

Asia: Exactly. That's what i thought (Chres cuts her off)

Chres: I wanna love you

Asia: I said cut me off one more wait you wanna what?

Chres: I like you Asia their i said it!

Asia: you what? Huh- I mean you (points to him) like me (points to herself)

Chres: yes I do

Asia: why? Why would you want a bad ass tough bitch like me when you can get someone way girly and better

Chres: you are better...you don't need to be some girly ass bitch. I like you for who you are the bad ass tough bitch that you are is better than any girl

I didn't say nothing for a while cause I was waiting for a camera to pop out of nowhere and tell me you be tricked that this was all a prank or I was waiting for my ass to wake up in reality to see that what just happen is not a dream. I kept blinking and blinking but I was still in the room with Chres staring right back at me. I know he was waiting for a response but heck I was waiting for one to. I don't know what the fuck to say this type if thing never happened to me. No boy who I hardly knew and sexy as fuck just approach me and say that he likes me!! Like the fuck?!! Is their any cameras up in this bitch if it is please come out before I actually start believing that someone cares for me and I know no one don't.

Chres P.O.V

I can understand if she wanna say no that's fine with me but that won't stop me from feeling the way I am now. I really want to help her I want to care for her I want to fucking loving her!! I know I only known her for about a week by their is something about her that I love since day one when I came here and her and Ray was going at it the way she stood up for her self turned me on like I love a girl who is brave and not afraid of shit. And she is that girl. I like a girl who knows who she is and is real. And she is that girl. And when I heard what happen to her though I'm not gonna tell her that I was listening to them that day but what I heard touched me like seriously I know I sound like a fucking girl but that's the only way to explain the shit in feeling right now. And I just what her to be my girl.

Asia: um *clears throat* I um it's- that um- this whole type of thing never happened to me and um I don't know what to say (Chres walks up to her face)

Chres: how about you say this (he leans in and kisses her)

Asia P.O.V

I never had my first kiss I know lame right but i just did what I thought I was suppose to do and closed my eyes and kissed back and damn this feels good and wait hold the fuck up did I just say this feels good? Am I'm actually kissing? I'm actually kissing Chres? Did he just say he love me? Okay okay things just got weirder.

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