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Jacob P.O.V

I feel like a Mr. Good Guy now because I'm starting to change. Which is very unexpected I never thought that I could give up my problem but since I'm helping out Jordan who I know really needs it. I know it's going to be hard 18 and pregnant that's like WW3 I figured that I done so much hurt to girls that i treated like a sex toy and leave them like trash and just go on to the next one that I begin to really think about my mom and all the hurt and pain she went through with my father who I'm force by law to even call him that. I know God probably won't forgive me from all the bad things that I done in life but if he do then that make me wanna do the tango to know that their is SOMEONE to look past my faults and forgive me. That's what Jordan did. I think. She is staring to become more open and we are beginning to talk more and actually get to know each other better. I made a promise to her that I will forever keep which is no matter what situation she is ever in that I will be their for her. That's my promise from a FRIEND to a FRIEND. I smiled at the thought of knowing that I'm doing a good deed. However, my attention became focus on Ms. Diaz my Spanish teacher as she stood up and talked about a project that we were all assign to do for the Latino Culture. I know I'm going to past this with a A since I have my Mexican Trait as well when my Grandma come a visit my mom and I when I was 12 she always tell me stories about our culture and long ancestors  from Mexico and Cuba. Yeah Jacob Perez know a little something something.

Ms. Diaz: and this will be only for 2 weeks so don't be giving be No excuses on why you didn't do it. On this project I will allow Partners (class cheers) but only 2 people can work together that's it

Miguel: yo Ms. Diaz can you be my Partner *wink wink*

Ms.Diaz: (smiles) ha you funny Miguel

Miguel: I'm not just good at being funny either. If you know what I mean (smirks)

Ms. Diaz: oh really?

Miguel: yeah really.

Keke: She wants the D (class laughs)

Jacob P.O.V

Keke know she is funny. She make anybody smile no matter what they are going through. I like that about her.

Ms. Diaz: I only want the D from older and mature men

Boy1: oh Miguel you just got owned

Boy2: boy you just got rejected (laughs)

Miguel: I'm Mature

Ms. Diaz: you are to young for me

Miguel: age don't matter. Plus you won't be saying my age when I have you screaming for mercy (smirks)

Ms. Diaz: sorry but you don't know how to handle a Grown women like me (smirks)

Miguel: I'm old enough (laughs)

Ms. Diaz: only in your dreams

Miguel: Every night till it come true *winks*

Ms.Diaz: okay class back to class I want all of you to make arrangements with your partner the one that you had chosen while i run to the office right quick (leaves)

Keke: yo Jacob can you be my Partner?

Jacob: I don't know. *shrugs* what you going to give me?

Keke: a punch in a face

Jacob: haha very funny. But yeah you can but don't think just because I'm half Hispanic means that I will be giving you all the answers

Keke: nigga please you better be helping me

Jacob: (laughs) sure I won't

Keke: I'm dead ass serious (serious face)

Jacob: .......

Keke: .........



Jacob: OK OK damn you scaring me.

Keke: (laughs) I know right. So what we gotta do first?

Jacob: just read page 34 about how Mexcio was found. That's the only page we are going to do today (turns to page)

Keke: ight (they work on the page for 30 minutes)

Jacob: we finished early

Keke: (looks at clock) We have 15 more minutes then it will be time for lunch

Jacob: now you sounding like Craig

Keke: I'm hungry thou. What you think we having today? I feel like eating some pasta

Jacob: why the hell do you want some pasta? I want some of that chicken feita that my grandma use to make

Keke: is your grandma cooking today?

Jacob: no

Keke: then Pasta it is (smiles)

Jacob: we'll see

Keke: ......So is you ever going to tell us what happened?

Jacob: bout what?

Keke: when Jordan was crying and you left and came back like Craig just had robbed you (laughs)

Jacob: oh well um I went to go set that nigga straight

Keke: you mean you beat him up? Did you win?

Jacob: yeah I went Jackie Chang on that nigga (laughs)

Keke: (laughs) if I was their I would of went Chris tucker up on him. He deserved it though

Jacob: yeah he did. When you messes with any of us you messes with all of us

Keke P.O.V

Wow Jacob is sounding really different now. He is not like that I wan sex boy anymore he is actually changing?!! Damn this school must be putting some holy water up in our food or casting a spell or something. People around here are starting to change and especially Jacob. I like that.

Keke: I know right. All for one and one for all (holds up fist)

Jacob: true. (smiles)

Keke: it's really good that you went and talked to Jordan. I know me and Asia pushed her off by getting upset at her but I am over that cause I know it was very stupid to be mad over some shit like that but Lane was telling us to go talk to her when she web over Jaden room but we didn't. I wish we did maybe things would have been different. Lane was the only right one.

Jacob P.O.V

I just wanted to hug Keke and tell her not to blame herself over something that she didn't intend to do. Yes, she pushed Jordan away but she didn't make Jordan open her legs and sleep with Jaden. It's not her fault Jordan made her own mistake.

Jacob: you don't have to blame yourself over something you didn't do. Keke people make mistakes and even though it's bad it's your choice to turn around.

Keke: (slightly smiles) thanks.

Jacob: hey look it's lunch time (gets up) I know you hungry c'mon girl

Keke: ight (leaves)

Keke P.O.V

I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to stay their with Jacob and share that moment that we just had. That moment that made me see a huge difference with him. That moment that I felt like I wanted to.......kiss him.

Charlie: Oh Snap!!! What did Keke just say?!!! Vote. Comment, share. Tell me what you think. Bye love you my darlings:) also I just wrote my FIRST RANT book:) its called "Say it to my face" so please check It out:) thanks

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