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I went into the cafeteria and after I get my lunch, I sat next to Erika. She was talking and flirting with Rafael.

- Did you hear it? – Peter came to us smiling.

- Go to hell, Devil. – Erika snapped.

- I heard that Tania Joshua invited Morgan Curse into her bedroom and now they are together. – Peter said and winked at me.

I remember Morgan's words to trust him, but my heart was breaking. Maybe Peter was lying. I went into the garden, and I saw Morgan. I was about to shout when I noticed that he and two unknown boys were putting Tania in the trunk of the car. I approached slightly and heard Morgan complain:

- That was the worst sex I had done, and I had only two.

- Sorry, Wolf. – one of the boys chuckled – The King wants you to take this down.

He gave him one folder and Morgan opened it. He hummed thinking.

- You want me to kill the girl. – Morgan asked.

- Yes. – the other boy answered, and he left with his friend.

I rаn to my room trying to avoid him and thought about what I have just seen when Morgan came to me smiling.

- Hey, Elena. – he greeted me and kissed my cheek.

- Hey. – I said scared.

- Why are you scared of me? – Morgan asked, frowning slightly.

- I saw what happened. – I whispered and Morgan pushed me into my room locking the door – Please, don't hurt me.

- What? – Morgan asked shocked, but shake his head asking – What exactly did you see?

- You and two boys put Tania in a car. You had to kill someone. – I answered.

Morgan ran his hands through his hair, breathing hard and nervously. I didn't know what to do or what to think.

- Just forget what you saw, Elena. This is for the best. – Morgan spoke and turned to leave.

- No. – I said and ran to the door stopping him from leaving – I need an explanation.

- No, you don't. If I do this, both of us will be killed or worse. – Morgan growled.

- You wanted me to trust you. How do I have to trust you when you are hiding things from me? – I said – I promise I won't say anything.

Morgan sighed and turned back walking to my bed. He sat on the bed and made me a gesture to come. I sat next to him, and he started playing with his ring nervously.

- I am a spy and I work for a secret organization. I can't give you more details except that I have three missions here. – Morgan spoke – Tania was the first. This girl is the second and when it comes to the right time, I will do the third.

- And after that, you will leave? – I asked.

- That's the plan. – Morgan answered.

- Then I am coming with you. – I said confidently.

- No, no. I won't let you. – Morgan said jumping back on his feet.

- Why not? – I asked.

- Because I can't lose you. – Morgan yelled and took a deep breath - This is a dangerous job, and you are never sure if you will get back.

- But I will help you with the cases. Don't push me, okay? – I said and Morgan sighed nodding - Whom do we have to kill?

- You mean whom I will kill. You will just keep my back. – Morgan corrected me, and I nodded asking:

- Who is the girl?

- Do you know someone called Dana? – Morgan asked me.

- She is upper class, and she is friends with Peter. – I answered and Morgan thought – And she is dating Conner if that helps.

- Is Conner like Conner the Football star? – Morgan asked and I nodded – That will be hard.

- If I don't mistake, she is a cheerleader and she has practice every day. – I continued.

Morgan looked somewhere, clearly thinking of a plan. His gaze returned to me and said:

- I will see you later.

- Where are you going? – I asked, but he shook his head and walked out of the room.

Morgan ignored me the whole day because he was busy talking with Dana. Now when I know the truth, I wasn't terrified.

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