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I was feeding Gabriel during the night, and I was watching how my family sleep. Morgan was laying facing where I was and was breathing normally without any difficulties. Hannah was sleeping in her a baby basket on her back with her hands next to her head. She slept with her mouth half-open, wrapped in a blanket, and next to her the baby blanket. Jacob and Jason slept in their beds, also wrapped in blankets, hugging their favourite toys.

I looked at the boy in my arms. Gabriel was drinking the milk, holding my finger with his hand and had his eyes closed, but he didn't sleep.

He drank through all the milk and opened his little eyes. I removed the bottle, and he immediately made a sound.

- Shh, you will wake up your dad and your siblings. - I whispered and he looked up for five seconds raising his head, looking where Morgan was - Yes, he's your dad. - Gabriel looked at me again – I am your mom.

He smiled with his baby smile, and I started rocking him to put him to sleep. I heard someone spinning in their sleep and instantly my parental instinct turned. Morgan had woken up, but he was still lying on the bed. He sat rubbing his eyes and noticed me. He smiled as he stood up and kissed me as he approached.

- Why aren't you in bed? - he whispered.

- Someone has to feed the baby. - I said softly, and he stroked Gabriel's cheek - But he doesn't want to sleep.

- Sing him something. - Morgan said softly and went to the bathroom.

A few minutes later he was asleep, and I got up and put him in his crib. I wrapped him in a blanket and placed a toy next to him for comfort. I lay down on the bed, but something was wrong. Morgan lingered in the bathroom. I got out of bed and knocked on the door.

- Morgan, is everything okay? – I asked, but there was silence - Morgan, are you okay?

I tried to open it, but it was locked. Morgan never locked the door. I panicked and ran to the panic button. Three minutes later, Nadia and two other boys entered. I pointed to the door because I couldn't breathe and said struggling that Morgan is there. They understood me and Nadia pushed me to sit on the couch.

- Everything is fine. Morgan is fine. - she told me.

The boys managed to break down the door and went inside. Without hesitation, I ran inside and saw Morgan on the ground. His head was bleeding on one side, and I knelt in front of him.

- Call a doctor immediately. - I ordered.

The three spies ran, and I grabbed Morgan's head, stroking his cheek.

- Please wake up. - I said and kissed him - Please, Morgan.

Morgan shifted painfully but didn't open his eyes and I stroked him. The doctor appeared and examined him. He had a concussion and a scratch on his head, but he was fine. However, the wound did not look like he had hit himself somewhere, rather someone had hit him. I inspected the bathroom, but there was no way anyone came in. The only exit is through a drainpipe.

Morgan could finally open his eyes. The doctor and I had moved him to the bed, and I smiled sitting next to him.

- Hey, can you stand up and take the painkillers? - I asked him.

- Do I have a choice? - Morgan smiled and stood up slowly.

I gave him the painkillers and water to swallow them. He lay down again and sigh in relief.

- How do you feel? – I asked him.

- Good. – Morgan answered and took my hand – Someone is a traitor.

- What do you mean? – I asked confused and worried.

- Only my spies know about the drainpipe and how to use them. – Morgan answered.

- If there is a traitor, that means we aren't safe here. – I realized looking at the sleeping kids and glanced at Morgan – What we will do?

Morgan clenched his teeth looking at the bathroom. His eyes for a moment become colder like always when his so-called darkness took over him, but when he looked back at mine his eyes became warm again.

- I have a plan, but you have to trust me. – he announced.

- I trust you. – I didn't even think too long to answer.

In the morning I had breakfast with him and the kids and soon after the kids were in the car. When I was sure they are safe I closed the door and turn to Morgan. He had already said goodbye to the kids and now was my turn.

- Are you sure? – I whispered hugging him.

- Yes, Love. This is the only way. – he whispered back and stepped back – I love you.

I smiled and I kissed Morgan's lips for a longer time.

- I love you too. Take care of yourself. – I said as I parted.

- You, too. – Morgan smiled and went to kiss Jacob, Jason, Hannah and Gabriel one more time.

I entered the car and I looked at him. He nodded at me, and I started the car driving away. Morgan's plan was simple. All we have to do is to leave with the kids and hide somewhere where no one will search for me while he took care of the traitor.

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