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Three days later and Morgan was finally allowed to train only if he is careful and don't overload himself. I was sitting on the bench with Hayley and Mike. Little Henry was sleeping in Hayley's arms.

Morgan, Blair and Gracie on the other hand were training with their dad. I have to admit Nikolaos was so good and was able to take down them at once.

- Use your brains. – he yelled at them – Attack me like one.

Morgan, Blair and Gracie look at each other from their spots and show up each other some unknown symbol with their hands.

- Is he always so demanding? - I asked.

- Yes, but he does it for their good. Every spy needs to upgrade his skills. - Hayley explained.

- One day I will train with them. - Mike said.

- But you're still young. - Hayley said.

- At what age does a spy start?- I asked.

- Morgan started at the earliest of all at the age of 14 and by the age of 17, he was already an expert in pistol, arrow shooting and hand-to-hand combat. - Hayley explained. - Blair and Gracie started soon, and as you can see, they're still learning.

Blair and Gracie lay on the mattress tired, knocked down again. Morgan hadn't been demolished yet, but he couldn't take his father down. Nikolaos took his hand and made a quick, incomprehensible motion in which he was already holding Morgan's hand behind him. He released him and helped his daughters.

- Well done to you, but you have to work on it. - he said - We're done for today.

I took Morgan's bottle and handed it to him, pecking his lips slightly.

- I was wondering if you would come with me to make my first tattoo. – I asked while Morgan was drinking water.

He smiled while drinking and when he was done said:

- Of course. We can go to the tattoo centre where I did mine and my parents too. Do you know what will be and where?

- Yes, but it will be a surprise until we get there. – I answered him and he rolled his eyes.

He looked at his parents for permission. They had overheard our conversation and knew why Morgan was looking at them like that.

- You can go, but if you bring your weapons for safety. – Nikolaos said

Morgan smiled and held his hand towards me. I took it and holding hands, we run to his room. Morgan took a shower and after we got in his car we drive to the tattoo salon. Entering one man appeared.

- Morgan Curse, it is a pleasure to meet you. – he said – Ready for the next.

- Not yet, Eric. – Morgan smiled – But my girlfriend wants.

- Morgan never brings his friends here. You have to be special. – Eric smiled at me – What is your name?

- Elena. – I answered and I looked at Morgan – I think I am special.

Morgan gave me a sly smile winking at me. I sat down on the chair, took off my T-shirt, and took a breath. Morgan was sitting next to me looking at an album with all sorts of tattoos.

- Can you do all this? - he asked in surprise, and Eric nodded.

Morgan showed him an amazing dragon tattoo and I laughed a little.

- I think you have already picked your next tattoo. – Eric giggled.

- Oh, yeah. – Morgan smile.

- I will start calling you then a dragon. – I teased him.

- There is and wolf here. – Morgan said and showed me – I am choosing this one.

- But you have to choose a good spot for this. – I said and Morgan nodded looking through the tattoo album.

Eric prepared everything he needed and put the tattoo on my collarbone. I decided to make a blue butterfly.

The moment he started doing it I clenched my teeth painfully and Morgan took my hand. He leaned forward, kissing my cheek and whispered in my ear:

- You're strong, and if you want to know, my father hits harder than that.

I laughed lightly. Once it was ready, we come back to the organization and we hide in Morgan's room.

I lay with my head on Morgan's chest and drew circles on his belly with my finger. This was my favourite thing, especially trying to outline his tattoo. Morgan hugged me with his hand and stroked me lightly. Our legs were tangled.

- Do you want to go back to school with me to see my parents and sister? – I asked already missing my family.

- Okay, we can go tomorrow and stay for a few days. – Morgan answered.

I stood up, leaning on my elbow, and stared into his face shocked. Morgan frowned in confusion tilting his head slightly.

- Are you serious? – I asked.

- Yes. I still can't go on missions, or train harder, and if I'm left here alone without you, I'm sure I will become crazy. - Morgan replied.

I smiled and kissed him on the lips. He put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I put my arms around his neck and moved it down his chest. But I stopped immediately, feeling the stitched wound on his chest, and pulled away. I didn't want to bother him or make him uncomfortable.

- Why did we stop? - Morgan asked confused.

- Let's wait until you're completely healed. - I said and touched his chest where his heart was - I do not want this to stop again.

- And it won't stop. - Morgan said and smiled - I won't leave you again.

- I still can't remove the memory of how it stopped. - I sighed - This was the scariest moment for me.

- Elena, I'm here. I will not leave you. - Morgan said and wiped with his thumb a single tear from my cheek - Everything will be fine.

- I know this, but I don't want to hurt you while we do it. – I said and Morgan nodded finally agreeing.

I could see he wasn't so thrilled about this idea to wait. He was beginning to get annoyed by all the prohibitions he had and how others treated him as if he was weak. At least that's what I found out about Morgan. He didn't like people to think he was weak, and when someone called him that, he would argue with him for hours. But now he agreed too quickly, but he was angry at me. He didn't want to look at me, and he had focused on the TV, changing channels. I leaned down kissing his jaw, cheek, and lips. I put my hand on his cheek and pushed his head as our eyes met again. I kissed him apologetically, and he immediately responded more passionately. He let go of the distance, placing his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer. He put his tongue in my mouth as he kissed me and I melted, but I managed to recover.

- Let's wait. - Morgan said pausing as we separated.

I rolled my eyes playfully and lay down on his chest taking the remote to find a film. We stayed in bed cuddling and watching the movie. 

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