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I was sitting on the stairs and was bouncing my leg nervously. It's been one month since Ryan attacked us, and he had been in the cell in Newfield, Morgan's birth town. Morgan's uncle and aunts were there and watched him so he couldn't run away.

I heard voices behind me, and I turned to see my fiancé talking with his parents and siblings. Our eyes met and I saw his loving smile. He came to me and held his hand saying:

- Come on, Love.

- I love when you call me like that. – I chuckled taking his hand and standing up.

We walked to my car, and I sat in the passenger seat. Morgan sat in the driver's seat and started the car.

- Where are you taking me? – I asked.

- Surprise. – Morgan smiled and started driving – You have to wait.

- Why do you like to torture me? – I sighed making him laugh.

We drove for some time in silence, but we kind of enjoyed it. Morgan drove with one arm, and I was holding his other hand. From time to time, he let go of my hand changing the car speeds.

- Where are we going? – I asked for the third time.

- Elena, you are asking me for the third time. – Morgan chuckled a little.

- And I still didn't get an answer. – I sighed causing him to look at me smiling.

- We are almost there. – Morgan answered and stopped at one traffic light – Do you plan to ask me for the fourth time?

- For now, no, but you will understand. – I answered.

Morgan leaned on his seat watching at the traffic light waiting. I did the same and looked at our hands interviewing. Finally, Morgan started driving again and we exited the town. Soon we were in the woods, and I kept looking around.

After a few more minutes Morgan pulled out and exited the car. I exited after him and closed the door. Morgan took his backpack and when he stood next to me, I asked:

- Where are we?

- In the woods. – Morgan answered like it was obvious.

- Are we here because you want to kill me? – I pretended to be scared.

- Is that so obvious? – Morgan asked as he started walking somewhere.

I ran after him. I couldn't understand where we are, and we are finally stood on one big cliff. I could see the stars and the town.

- How do you know about this place? – I asked.

- I was listing during my lesson in your school. – Morgan answered me putting his backpack near one log.

I kept looking around like a baby and I stirred when I felt his arms around my waist. His soft lips touched my neck and I moaned. I turned back facing and kissing him placing my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer to his moving his hands from my waist to my chest. We separated and I asked with a smile:

- What do you plan now, Morgan?

- Talking around the fire. – Morgan answered me.

We sat on the log sitting next to each other and we baked marshmallows on the freshly lit fire.

- You never answer my question. – I asked and he glanced at me confused – Are you planning to get back to school with me?

Morgan looked at the fire sad and started playing with his ring. He only did this when he was nervous and tried to organize his thoughts. I took his arm and squeezed it a little.

- Morgan, is everything okay? – I asked.

- I won't go back to school because I won't be in the town. – Morgan answered and looked at me – I am going back to Newfield at the beginning of the academic year.

- That means we have a month together. – I realized – When you are coming back?

- This is the problem. – Morgan sighed and moved his look again to the fire – I don't know.

- Then I am coming with you. – I said.

- No, Elena, you need to finish school. You need an education. – Morgan answered and glanced at me – Promise me you will do it.

- What about you? – I asked – You never finish.

- I finish school in my birthplace, Newfield, at age of 16 with an Excellent and just before we met, I finished my last semester in the university with a speciality in Management. – Morgan answered looking at me.

- But you are only 19 years old. – I got shocked – Why did you never tell me this?

- I don't like to brag about my education, but in principle it was obvious. I saw the mistakes of the teachers even without paying attention. – Morgan explained.

- I will never be like you. – I sighed – But you will help me with the homework.

- Of course. – Morgan smiled and pecked my lips.

- Why are you going to Newfield? – I asked.

- Family reunion alongside finding new members. – Morgan answered and I hummed understanding – And I still have to face Ryan.

- What? – I almost yelled – You almost die last time.

- I won't fight with him, but we need to talk. – Morgan said quietly and shook his head – Let's talk about something else.

- Morgan, I won't leave you alone dealing with this. We were together when we fought, and he was indeed the killer of my mom. – I said – As much you want revenge on him, I want that too.

Morgan didn't look at me anymore and his face was now unrecognizable. His leg was bouncing nervously, and he played with his ring even more. I tried to take his arm to calm him, but he moved from me.

- Morgan. – I exclaimed.

- I forget something in the car. I will be back. – he said with a black tone and stood up.

- You will just leave me here!?– I yelled, but he didn't reflect me.

I sighed. I knew this topic made him angry and it was painful, but I thought we could go through this together. I kept waiting for him and I heard his footsteps. I turned and I saw him.

- Did you take what you forget? – I asked furiously.

- Yes. – Morgan smiled sadly sitting next to me and took one box from his pocket - I was going to give you these in the car after we had a good time, but I guess now is the right time.

He held the box, and I took it. Opening it, I saw a beautiful locket. I saw there was a written word "M.C. ♡ E.W.".

- This is amazing. – I smiled happily, and I looked at him – But what exactly did you plan here?

- I planned to have a beautiful fire snack time with you under the sky and when we get back in the car, I would have given you these. – Morgan finally smiled lovely – My father gave my mother a promise ring on their second date showing that she is part of the family. I decided to give you this because it is unique.

- A promise to be always together. – I asked smiling.

- My family's motto is Always and Forever. – Morgan answered – I love you.

- I love you too. – I smiled.

I thought everything will be fine, but I didn't know that destiny already had plans for me and Morgan. 

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