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I took a deep breath as I was looking at myself in the window in my and Morgan's room. I had scars on my leg from this maniac King Adam who even wasn't the main villain. There was someone else who was playing with us.

I took a few more breaths and put on my jeans. I went downstairs. I heard Christmas songs playing around the house and chuckled. It was Christmas now and our Christmas tree was full of presents, but there was no one under them.

- Daddy, I want juice. - Jason shouted.

- I want juice too. - Jacob shouted after him.

I went into the kitchen and saw that my family was enjoying their breakfast. Jacob, Jason, Hannah, and Gabriel wore the Christmas jumpers. Morgan was wearing a Christmas T-shirt, and I saw that he was holding Gabriel in his arms and feeding Hannah.

- Good morning. - I said and kissed each of my children on the forehead.

Morgan was kissed last. I heard a whimper and something climbing on my leg. I looked down and saw Loki. I bent down stroking him, and he whimpered happily, twirling his tail. I sat down at the table and after a nice breakfast, it was finally time for the presents.

Soon the kids played with their new toys, and I gave my present to Morgan. He opened the present and he grinned at my choice – identical gloves for both of us. These gloves could be used even when we had missions. Morgan gave me one box and I opened it. I find two watches for women and men.

- Morgan, this is amazing. – I smiled.

- These are smartwatches with GPS, spy camera, listener, phone-like talking features, and even equipped with intoxicating arrows and the best thing is showing the other person's heart rate with the same watch. - Morgan explained.

I kissed him passionately and immediately put mine. My husband put on his and brought our watches closer. They immediately lit up and I saw the time with the date. Morgan withdrew his hand, and I turned the dial. I saw the name "Morgan" and then below his heartbeat. I smiled and Morgan showed me the same thing on his watch. He explained to me about the other functions. This was the best present and I assure Morgan that I will never take it out. He smiled even more at this idea.

Later while I was cooking, Morgan played with Hannah and Gabriel in the living room with their new toys and I can see they liked them. Jacob and Jason used their new military toys running around the house. They used their new spy gear to open bars, doors and whatsoever. I was happy with this family picture.

We spend the whole day together doing family games and making a marathon of the Home Alone series and around 10 pm, the kids start to get sleepy. Fifteen minutes later they were all in their beds.

Jason and Jacob were sleeping peacefully in their room on their beds cuddling with stuffed animals. I wrapped them and checked Hannah and Gabriel. Just one week early we moved them into the guest room next to my boys and they were taking it well.

After I made sure everything is fine, I walked downstairs, and I saw Morgan just pouring in two glasses of wine. I walked to him, and he gave me the glass.

- How are the littles? – he asked me.

- They sleep. Where is Loki? – I asked looking around the puppy.

Morgan pointed and I saw him sleeping on the sofa cuddling in my sweatshirt.

- We have the best kids and puppy ever. – Morgan grinned – If everyone is like them, I want to have more.

- One day maybe. – I smiled thinking about this.

Maybe a little girl with my hair colour and Morgan's eyes or maybe Morgan's hair colour with my eye colour. I smiled at this thought and glanced at Morgan who was just drinking from his whine.

- Do you feel it or this wine turning you on? – I asked him, smiling slyly.

Morgan smirked devilishly and drank his whole glass taking my arm. I did the same and we kissed each other. I jumped wrapping my legs around Morgan's waist and wrapped my arms around his neck. He had one arm around my waist while the other was supporting my legs. Without releasing the kiss, he walked to our room and let me fall on the bed. He lay on top of me giving me a few kisses on the neck and before it got more passionate, I stopped him by pushing him back.

- Did you keep it? - I asked him.

- Of course. - Morgan smiled playfully and stood up, pulling out what I was talking about.

He lay down again and this time I jumped on him attacking him with kisses ...

The next day my children, Morgan and I spend the whole day playing with their new toys. Around noon Logan appeared with gifts and the kids were happy to see Uncle Logan as they call him. He gave our children new toys even though I thought they had enough. Even Loki received a new toy, which after an hour he had already torn off the leg of the toy.

Then we all watched A dog purpose 1 and 2 together and I cried at times, but Morgan was there to calm me down.

- Do you think Loki was sent here for the same reason? - I asked.

Morgan looked at the puppy, which was just licking its buttocks, and looked at me intently.

- I doubt it. - he replied with a huge grin appearing on his face.

The family holidays were perfect and soon the New Year came. Morgan insisted that I come to the garage where he had previously spent two hours. Going inside holding Gabriel, I was speechless. А brand new red car was sitting in our garage.

Jacob and Jason ran happily to her looking at it. Hannah followed her brothers with the help of her baby walker, given to her for Christmas.

- This is amazing. - I said and looked at my husband - How did you do it?

- It was supposed to be here for Christmas, but there was a delay in delivery due to the weather, and it came now - Morgan said as if it were nothing and went to the car, opening the car - The best thing is that there is a place for eight people, and I know a perfect service that will put the ninth place if it is necessary.

I didn't resist myself and kissed him. We all spent the New year together as one big family, but the children fell asleep very early. This, of course, gave me and Morgan a chance to be alone.

It was almost midnight, and the fireworks began. Morgan opened the champagne and poured it into glasses. I was waiting for him on the balcony watching the view. He came handing me a glass, but despite the good time, I kept thinking about the mysterious villain.

- How do you think this year will go? – I shared one of my thoughts.

Morgan looked at me with his blue-green eyes and smiled sweetly in response saying:

- Whatever happens, I promise we will do it together and we will never separate like in the past. I will always be here with you.

- Always and forever, right? - I asked, quoting his family's motto.

- Always and forever. - Morgan smiled and raised his glass.

We clinked the glasses and drank champagne.

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