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Morgan didn't get in the room, and he was nowhere to be found. After I checked every room, I went to the only room I didn't search. Because he was a singer and painter, my dad made him a room in our family house, where we were, to feel at home. Walking closer and opening slightly the door, I saw him playing his guitar and singing.

My love for you is like the most amazing story,

Together, we are like toast and butter.

I love you, so much always and forever

Always and forever

Oh, darling Elena,

My amazing wife,

My beautiful girl,

The perfect companion to my broken soul.

Roses are red,

The oceans are blue,

I like your gorgeous brown eyes,

But not as much as I love singing to you!

You find so many people are dutiful

But you, you are the most beautiful

You're the perfect girl.

Leaving me in such a whirl.

You find so many people are streamlined

But you, you are the most kind

You find so many people are blazing

But you, you are mostly amazing

Oh, darling Elena,

Your soul is so caring and loving,

You're like the most loving person to ever walk in my world

Whenever bad happen,

Whenever I am not here

Find me in your heart, always and forever.

Always and forever

- Beautiful song. – I spoke making an entrance and he jumped scared but relaxed seeing me – I rarely hear you sing.

- Yeah, I only sing when I am in a mood. – Morgan answered as he closed his notebook where his songs were and left the guitar next to him – What are you doing here?

- I came to check on you. – I answered and sat in front of him– You scared me with your drinking all my problems in the night.

- Sorry about that. – Morgan smiled taking my arms – But I am sober now and I promise I won't drink again.

- Were you sober while we talk? – I asked him.

- Not so much. – Morgan sighed – And I may have drunk more than three glasses, but it's fine. I am okay now.

- Why did you do it? – I asked him, and he opened his mouth to say something, but I stop him – And don't say that you are fine, because you aren't fine, Morgan. You seem like you are dying from inside.

Morgan exhaled closing his eyes and opening them glancing at me with his blue-green eyes.

- Just everything I experienced last a few years, rush into my mind while we were laying, and I couldn't bear all this pain. I thought that driving the motor will relax me, but it didn't. That's why I took your dad's whiskey thinking that this will calm me – Morgan explained and sighed – I am sorry I didn't tell you. It is just I am bad at expressing my emotion sometimes.

- I don't care for expressing your emotion or talking explaining what you are thinking. I would have just hugged you and even kiss you or made it whenever I could to help your anxiety. – I said and hugged him.

He hugged me back and I smiled. I touched his neck with my lips and left a few tender kisses on it. He said nothing, but at that moment I licked him, forcing him to back away. He wiped his neck and looked at me confused asking:

- Did you just lick me?

- Maybe or maybe not. You can never be sure? - I said and stood up.

- Elena, come here. - Morgan shouted and I ran away.

I entered the living room, but before I could escape through the kitchen outside, Morgan knocked me to the ground, pressing me to keep me from running away. He was smiling and I knew I distracted him. Morgan leaned close to my lips but stopped on a few millimetres.

- Did I tell you how much I love you? - he said passionately.

- No, you can do it again. - I said, smiling broadly.

Morgan chuckled, but instead of kissing me, he licked my nose as I had. I yelled at him and he burst out laughing. I hit him and tried to knock him down, but I couldn't.

- Give up, Elena. You can't beat me. – he smiled proudly.

- I will never give up. – I said trying to knock him down, but I stopped and sighed – I give up. You win.

Morgan laughed even more and kissed me this time. I smiled under it and kissed him back.

- Morgan, Elena, there are rules here. Stop making out. – I heard my dad.

Morgan stood from me, smiling innocent and helping me to stand too. I hit him in the chest causing him to smile lovely at me. I love him so much. Through the baby phone on the table, I heard whimpering and sobbing. The twins were awake. Morgan realized the same thing and together we went upstairs. Entering I saw Jacob awake crying while his twin Jason was still whimpering in his dream.

Morgan took Jason kissing him and he started to wake up. I took Jacob in my hands and he let a happy sound. Jason finally woke up and hug Morgan happily. The baby in my hands held his hands towards my husband and he take him in his hands too kissing his temple. We change their diapers, and we went downstairs.

Soon we were at the table and I was feeding Jacob with a bottle of milk. Morgan was sitting next to me feeding Jason.

It seems like everything is okay with Morgan. He seemed happy, especially on Christmas Eve and Christmas. His gift was amazing. He gave me the keys to my motor and my dad got angry about that. Morgan had been teaching me to drive and it was amazing. The days between these days and New Year were quiet and then New Year came. It was the best and Morgan didn't drink this time as he promises.

However, two days before we go back to Newfield I woke up during the night and I saw that Morgan wasn't in the bed. I sighed and stood up. Jacob and Jason were still sleeping in their crib, and I went downstairs.

I saw Morgan in the kitchen drinking whiskey from the bottle. I don't know what happened. Early he went somewhere and the moment he returned he wasn't in the mood. Now he was drinking all his problems again and he was doing it from the bottle. I got closer to him smiling and greeted him:

- Hey, Morgan.

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