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I woke up and I saw I am laying on one mattress with my head on Morgan's lap. In his embrace, Jason and Jacob were still sucking their pacifier and looking around. My head hurt like hell, and I grabbed it with my hands.

- She needs painkillers. – I heard Morgan say – Please if you don't want her to die, do it.

It was quiet for some time when I felt someone shaking me slightly. I opened my eyes, but because of the pain, I couldn't concentrate. Morgan helped me to stand and whispered:

- I will give you one pill. Would be able to swallow it? – I nodded and he put the pill in my mouth.

He held a bottle so I can drink and when I was ready, I sighed in relief. I maybe fell asleep because I don't remember what happened next. When I open my eyes, I was feeling better, and I looked around. We were in one house in the forest. I had a feeling of Deja vu and I shook my head. I saw Morgan holding Jason and Jacob who were sniffing a little while still sucking their pacifiers. I sat and I asked:

- Did I miss something?

- No, since they gave the painkillers, they didn't come. – Morgan sighed and kissed our twins' heads – They are hungry, and we have only water.

- Is there something we can do? – I asked and Morgan shook his head.

Jason and Jacob started crying, and I took Jacob rocking him. Morgan started rocking Jason and both our boys calm down, but there were still tears in their eyes. When I looked at Morgan, I saw that his leg was chained and mine too. We couldn't move. I looked around, but there was nothing that can help us, and we were alone in a forest cabin with two hungry babies.

- We have to find a way to feed them. – I said.

Jason and Jacob weren't big fans of breastfeeding, and we were feeding them with a bottle of milk or pureed fruits. One man finally appeared holding two bottles of milk and gave them to us. Before I fed them, I pled Morgan to try it before giving it to our boy. We tried them and it was normal milk like they use to drink.

- Relax, we won't hurt the babies without a reason. We need all your family alive. – the men explained

We fed the twins and we tossed them slightly over our shoulders. We patted them and they burped sweetly. That made me laugh and Morgan smile.

He looked at me with love in his eyes and a beautiful smile. I couldn't stand it and kissed him. He kissed me back, but we parted when I heard Jason and Jacob giggling. I looked at them. They were so sweet.

They had a combination of my hair and Morgan's hair and nice blue-green eyes just like Morgan's.

There were so cute, and I love them. I moved closer to Morgan putting my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead. Jason and Jacob still in our laps started grinning at each other and interacting.

Maybe a day or two passed and I was sure that our family were already searching for us. Usually, different men come bringing food for the twins or us, but no one thought to bring us blankets. It was winter and the only to keep Jason and Jacob is if we put them under our jackets. With Morgan, we cuddle keeping ourselves warm, but it was cold. It was a matter of time before one of us get cold.

In the morning everything was all right, but after we fed them, Jason started crying, and I couldn't calm him. I kissed his forehead, and I was shocked:

- He has a fever.

- What? – Morgan said as he moves closer still holding Jacob and putting his hand on his head – Oh, my god.

Jason started crying even more and Jacob frowned yelping.

- Someone, our kid is ill. – I yelled – He has a fever, please.

One man appeared and glanced at us. He touched Jason even if I didn't want and he left the room. I started rocking Jason trying to comfort him while someone come. Jacob was crying too, but he was okay, and he was just crying because of his twin. Morgan kisses his kid's salty cheek trying to calm him. Jason stopped and Jacob started trying to play with him maybe comforting him.

The man appeared and gave us Tylenol. Jason was still a little fussy after he drink it, but he eventually fell asleep cuddling with his twin on the mattress. With Morgan, we lay on both sides keeping them warm.

- Morgan, what are we going to do? - I asked - We can't continue like this. It was Jason now, but what if Jacob got sick too.

- They'll find us. They just need to track the tracking device in me. - Morgan replied, looking me in the eyes. - It's only been two days and they've certainly had enough time to realize that they can track me.

- They couldn't follow us like that last time. - I said scared remembering the last time and I shook my head.

- Yes, but I've made small improvements to the tracking device inside me. - Morgan said, pointing to where it is - Even if there's no connection, they will be able to find us.

- We have to put a tracking device in the twins. – I chuckled watching our sleepy twins.

- When they become older, we will do it. – Morgan said and sighed closing his eyes sad.

- Are you okay? – I asked taking his arm in mine squeezing it – I am here for you. If there is something, you can tell me.

Morgan fake smiled and looked at our kids sleeping peacefully with their pacifiers in their mouths. He remembered something with his family because there was even a tear rolling on his cheek. I immediately wiped it, but I didn't move my hand from his cheek. I rubbed it and he sighed sadly. I leaned kissing his lips softly making him smile and he returned the kiss with big passion. 

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