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Morgan was recovering faster, but sometimes he still wincing at the pain in his abdomen. This time I was taking care. When he felt nauseous and I see it, I would give him the medicines the doctor gave him.

Thinking that Morgan was two years older than I was and something acted like a little child when I was giving him the necessary pills, was making me laugh. His family may have seen him like that when he was young, but they knew he would do the same things. That's why they had left me to take care of him and I could see all sides of him. Now I can truly say that Morgan couldn't surprise me with anything that appear in his mind.

However, Morgan's nightmares were something new. I knew he had them, he mentioned it a few times, but now they were every night. He was waking up barely breathing all drenched in sweat and sometimes scared to close his eyes. According to Nikolaos and Hayley, this was normal for this kind of job. Sometimes all people one spy had killed return in his mind keep remembering what he had done. His parents helped him with anxiety and nightmares, but that won't result in a snap. Morgan had them since he started being a spy and know they were just more now because he had experienced so much loss, pain and killing desireс.

I woke up in the morning and moved around the bed trying to hug my fiancé, but he wasn't in the bed. I opened my eyes and I saw him on the desk reading something from a book and writing in his notebook. He had earbuds in his ears and didn't notice that I am awake. I stood up from the bed making noise and my plan to scare him didn't work. He heard me and stopped whenever he was doing.

- Hey, Love. – he greeted me turning her chair against me.

- Hey, fiancé. – I said sitting on his lap and giving him a morning kiss – Someone brushed his teeth.

- Yes, but you need it. You have a morning breath. - Morgan grimaced - Your mouth smelled of the hot pepper you ate yesterday.

- Really? – I asked smiling and deliberately blowing in his face, making him squint in disgust – Okay, don't worry, I will brush my teeth. – I looked at his notebook and then back at him – What are you doing?

- I mentioned to you that I graduated in Management at 19, am I? - he asked, and I nodded - Well, let's just say the professor decided it was a good idea to ask me again.

- But you're 22 now. What you learned has been forgotten. - I was indignant.

- That's right, it's forgotten but as a child of the rich billionaires' Curse, who spend their money on everything. - Morgan said with sarcasm making me grin - The professor is watching me and he has not heard anything about me since I came to school and met you.

- So you have an exam. - I asked, and Morgan nodded. - When is it?

- At the end of the week. - he said, looking at the calendar - At six o'clock.

- In the evening? - I asked confused.

- In the morning. - Morgan corrected me, laughing slightly at first, and I opened my mouth in shock - Yes, I know. At least I am close here. Ten minutes with a car.

- I am coming with you. I want to see this professor, who is calling my fiancé six into the morning. – I said.

- Okay, now I have to study. – Morgan sighed frustrated.

I nodded and gave him a peck on the lips before standing up from him.

The end of the week come sooner than I expected until I realize I was awake at 5:30 a.m. After with Morgan, we brushed our teeth, which may have ended with two of us wet due to a little fight with water, we were in the car with coffee driving.

After ten minutes, we were in the university sitting on the chairs in front of one of the rooms. Morgan was leaning back in his chair with his head on the wall, concentrating. I held his hand and played with his fingers, looking around. There were no people so early. We were the only ones here, and even the professor wasn't there yet. And it was exactly six o'clock.

- Good morning, Curse, and a friend. - I heard the professor.

- Hello, Professor Genev. - Morgan said politely.

- Let's go. - said the professor and looked at me - And you are?

- I'm Elena Wood, Morgan's fiancée. - I replied shyly.

- If you want, come inside with us. You'll just be able to watch me torture your fiancé. - the professor joked.

I nodded and we both went inside following the professor into the room. Professor Genev sat on the chair and Morgan sat down in front of him. I rested next to him, and the professor put his glasses looking at the student book.

- What are the seven principles of management? – the professor asked his first question.

- The seven quality management principles are Customer focus, Leadership, Engagement of People, Process Approach, Improvement, Evidence-based decision making and Relationship management. – Morgan answered.

- Which management styles are the best? – Professor Genev ask again.

- Democratic Management Style, Coaching Management Style, Affiliative Management Style, Pacesetting Management Style, Authoritative Management Style, Coercive Management Style, Laissez-Faire Management Style and Persuasive Management Style. – Morgan answered again without hesitation and Genev nodded thinking.

- What is the TQM example? – Genev asked and smiled a little when Morgan didn't answer immediately.

I looked at my fiancé and I realized he didn't know the answer. I squeezed his hand making him look at me for a second. For an unknown reason, I knew the answer. Without the professor's notice, I glanced at the window making Morgan look too. Through the window, I could see Toyota. I hoped my fiancé will understand what I mean, and I was right.

- One of the most famous examples of quality management is Toyota. Toyota implemented Kanban System to make its assembly line more efficient. The company decided to keep just enough inventories to fulfil customer orders as they were generated. – Morgan answered looking back at the professor.

- Good job, Curse. You are still the smartest kid I have seen. - Professor Genev chuckled – What about you Elena? Did you study anything?

I thought about what really to say. I finished school and I was mainly focused on being a spy.

- I am still thinking about what to choose. – I answered.

- You are free to go. - Professor Genev said.

- Why have you had to call him at six in the morning? – I asked frustrated, but Morgan squeezed my hand reassuring me and remarked to me:

- What does she mean we ended very fast?

- If Elena means that, this means you can answer twenty more questions. –Professor Genev smirked.

Morgan looked at me a little angry and I smiled at him innocently. One hour later, we were done, and we were coming back.

Morgan suddenly started looking in the mirrors and he was tensed a little. I took his arm still don't understand why he is tense.

- Is everything alright? - I asked.

- We are being followed. – Morgan answered me and stop at the traffic light – The black Mercedes ML was behind us.

I looked behind and I saw it. There were two men there, but they were wearing thief masks. I glanced back at Morgan, but he was just clenching his teeth like always when he is nervous and trying to find a solution. The traffic light become green, and Morgan pressed the accelerator pedal, forcing the car.

Suddenly a car appeared hitting us sideways. Before I lost consciousness, I saw four men coming to us. 

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