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I went into class and realizing this is Geography I smiled. This was the only class that I had with Morgan, and I didn't have the patience to see him. I waited for him, and the class began when he entered again late.

- Do you have an excuse today, Mister Curse? – the teacher asked.

- Yes. I was talking with my parents all night and I barely slept after that. – Morgan said.

He looked tired and everyone could see it. The teacher nodded and he sat next to me yawning slightly when the teacher turned.

- Why didn't you sleep? – I whispered.

- Nightmares. – Morgan smiled tiredly.

- You had told me you had. I could stay with you. – I whispered.

Morgan glanced at me without saying a word and looked at his notebook. He opened it and focused his attention on the teacher. I could sense something had happened because Morgan was a little nervous and distracted now.

At lunch, Erika mentioned there would be a party in the woods and maybe that was the opportunity to understand what happened with Morgan. I went to his door room and knock. He opened the door wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

- Hey, Elena. – Morgan smiled and let me enter closing the door behind me – What is it?

- I didn't see you at lunch. – I said.

- I am not hungry. – Morgan answered walking to one door.

I followed him and I was shocked. Morgan had his little laboratory and a wall holder for his weapons. He had a pistol, quiver with arrows and bow and two knives. It wasn't so much but knowing Morgan can use them, was surprising.

- How did you manage to put these things here? – I asked.

- No one ever checked my luggage. – Morgan shrugged off.

I went closer to him and I saw he was making a potion.

- What is all that? – I asked and I took one of the bottles, but Morgan took it from my hand and put it away – Are you planning to kill me?

- You... never. – Morgan smiled for a second – My time is running out. I had to finish this mission tomorrow.

- But you had one more and you are gone. – I realized.

Morgan didn't respond. He took one bottle and mixed it in a glass that was full of something red. Even if I wanted him to explain, I wouldn't understand. The liquid turned green. Morgan poured the liquid lightly into a small skewer and closed it.

- So, the spy also makes poisons. – I chuckled.

- This is my speciality. – Morgan answered and we exited the door, who locked


- What will happen if my dad enters there? – I asked.

- First, he can't because of the alarm, which can be unlocked only by my eyes. Second, even if he enters, he will see a room with a big piano. – Morgan answered.

- Why piano? – I asked.

- Ask my mom. She thought that playing the piano and singing will help me express my feelings. – Morgan answered going to his wardrobe – But the painting is easier for me.

He took his T-shirt making me realize that he had abs on his stomach and if I count correctly, they were 6. I didn't manage to look at them so detailed last time.

- I wonder if you want to come with me to the party. – I asked finally waking up from my trance.

- I would have to go anyway. – Morgan smirked.

- Then you will go with me. – I said and I went to him stopping him from putting his T-shirt on the chair.

I kissed him passionately and the moment I touch her body I notice he was all sweaty.

- Why you are so wet? – I asked stepping back and staring into his eyes.

- I spend two hours in that room and there is no air conditioning there. – Morgan answered and finally put his shirt on the chair.

- Put something cool for the party. I will pick you up at seven. - I said.

Morgan smiled sly with his typical Devil smile as I call it. He gave me a fast kiss and I left him to take a shower. At 7 o'clock, I was at the door and knock. Morgan opened and closed the door too fast for me to look at his room.

- Promise me that this time you won't fight. – I said.

- I promise. - Morgan chuckled.

Soon we are at the party. Near the table, with the drinks, Conner and Dana were sitting.

- You are still breathing. – Dana smirked.

- That was nothing. Once I was almost beaten to death, but I survive. – Morgan smirked pushing me near the table maybe to hide him - You know I decided that we could make peace.

Morgan offered Dana a drink saying:

- Peace offer.

- But you will drink with us. – Conner spoke.

Morgan nodded and poured himself a drink. I looked at him confused but he smiled a little at me. We hit the glasses saying Cheers and drink our shots. I grabbed Morgan's hand to dance and when we are far, I asked:

- What will happen with Dana?

- This is a secret. – Morgan sighed.

- Morgan, we are partners. You don't want me to go to Dad and tell him, do you? – I blackmailed him.

- It will start with symptoms of flu and then she will die suddenly. – Morgan explained.

- Why had she had to die? – I asked.

- I think she and her family are some mobsters killing and stealing money. – Morgan shrugged, apparently not knowing more details.

At that moment, it started raining and I giggled looking at the sky. I stopped dancing and looked back at Morgan, which hair was already wet and had lost its upward position. He grinned and shook his head, trying to dry his hair slightly, but that only made me laugh.

- This is the perfect time for flu. – I chuckled.

Morgan laughed taking my arm and we run to the school.

However, I stopped him and kissed him. He kissed me back wrapping his arms around my waist and I put my arms on his neck. The kiss was sweet and wasn't rushed, but there was still a passion behind it.

Yes, we kissed in the rain. My whole body was wet and tremble because of the rain and the cold but I didn't care so much. 

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