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When we were ready, we went downstairs smiling. My parents and Erika saw us. Morgan walked to the table kissing Jacob and Jason who grinned. It was quiet at the table until my dad spoke:

- Morgan, why did you drink my bottles?

- I am sorry, Mr Wood. I just wanted one or two cups, but they started to be more and more. And everything was blurting after this. – Morgan answered.

- Then why do you do it? – my mom asked.

Morgan opened his mouth to say something, but then loud noise was heard outside.

I went out with Morgan, Dad, and Erika to see what was going on. We found only one of Logan's followers and after we caught him, he killed himself with one last sly smile on his face. I didn't understand what it was about, but when we came back, we had the feeling that everything had collapsed. My mother was badly injured, and Abby and Cassie were dead. But there was no sign of my sons Jacob and Jason. Morgan ran to find them, and I helped Dad and Erika to take my mother to the hospital.

She would be fine, but there was a chance she wouldn't walk. But the doctors would do anything to save her.

As I watched her be operated on through the window, Morgan approached me and hugged me over the shoulder. He wiped my tears from my cheeks and rubbed them. I looked at him smiling sadly and he asked:

- What do the doctors say?

- She has a chance to walk again, but we have to be patient. - I thought - Did you manage to find our sons?

- Yes, they're in the same house with Logan. – Morgan replied.

I immediately felt anger raging inside me.

- Take me there. - I said angrily, but Morgan shook his head - Now, Morgan.

- I won't let you go so nervous. - said Morgan - Please calm down first and we'll go.

I sighed and nodded. I took a deep breath calming down and we left. Erika and my father came with us along with many other spices.

Everything seemed normal at first, and soon our boys were safe, but Logan had something in mind. Morgan and I fight him, but he pushed me to the ground. I stood up but fell to the ground again as a terrible pain pierced my leg. I looked ahead. My husband still managed to fight the traitorous liar, but he was starting to lose. Logan grabbed Morgan and beat him something in the neck. He fell to the ground holding for the neck. Logan laughed.

- This serum will make you do whenever I say. – he chuckled and Morgan glanced at him angrily – Take the gun from my pocket. I want you to shoot Elena Wood.

Morgan tried to break free, but he grabbed the gun pointing it at me. His hand with his finger on the trigger shook heavily and his eyes were full of tears. He was trying to fight it.

- No, no, I won't. – he mumbled.

- It's okay Morgan. It's not your fault. – I said smiling a little – Tell my family that I love them and kiss Jacob and Jason from me. I love you.

- No, no. – Morgan shook his head with his hand shaking even more – I won't hurt you.

- You can't stop it. SHOOT HER. – Logan yelled.

- It's okay. It's not your fault. – I repeated and I closed my eyes – I love you.

- Me too. I am sorry. – he said.

BANG. BANG. BANG. The sound of gunshots boomed, but I didn't feel any pain. How? I heard that the bullets had left the gun. I opened my eyes slowly. Everything was in slow motion. Logan smirked falling to the ground trying to catch his breathing. I was so relieved, and I looked at Morgan, but my smile dropped. He was still holding the gun with one hand, but the other was on his abdomen. Blood started dripping from his mouth. I looked at him and immediately put two and two together. He had managed to fight the serum. He had stopped himself from killing me and in doing so he had shot himself and Logan. The grip he had on the gun loosened as it felt on the ground. Morgan fell to the ground coughing even more blood. I ran to him grabbing his body in my embrace and caressing his cheek making him look at me. The anger and sadness, I was seeing a few seconds ago, had long disappeared and now I can see only pain and tiredness.

- Please, stay with me. – I begged, feeling my tears.

- Do you remember when I told you that one day I will die in agony? – Morgan asked me tired.

- Yes, but I don't believe it. – I said – You won't die. I won't let you, Morgan. Do you hear me?

Morgan wiped the blood from his mouth with his hand and kissed me. I kissed him back holding him close. We stopped our kiss, but Morgan coughed getting weaker by the second. His eyes shifted between open and closed.

- No, Morgan. Keep your eyes open. Stay with me. – I begged.

- I love you, Elena Wood-Curse. – Morgan said as he barely held his eyes open.

- I love you too, Morgan Curse. – I said letting my tears down.

Morgan smiled once more before he lost consciousness. I held his body crying. I heard footsteps, but I didn't care. I sense Erika putting her hand on my shoulder, but I kept crying.

My dad separated me from him and made him chest massage and breathe mouth to mouth, but nothing works.

In my room, Erika was trying to calm me down, but I knew she had something in her mind.

- Erika, what is it? – I asked.

- Don't you think is weird Morgan died from a single shot in the abdomen since he was able to stay alive when he was pierced in the chest? – Erika asked me.

- He was losing blood, Erika. – I said sadly.

- And then he was losing blood, but he was able to hold until his father finds him right and then get him back in the headquarters. – Erika continued.

- What do you suggest? – I asked.

- That is just weird, is all I am saying. – Erika said and I thought about this.

My twin was right.


Morgan woke up with a gasp and with instinct grappled his belly. His wound wasn't so serious, and he sighed painfully remembering what happened. He looked around. He was in a big bedroom and his only companion was the person he hates the most.

Logan sat on the bed next to him smiling like an idiot and greeted him:

- Hey, how did you sleep?

- Fuck you. – Morgan growled trying to stand up, but the pain struck him, and he lay down.

- You may have shot you and I may have helped you, but you are still hurt. After all, it still caused you to split blood from your mouth. – Logan explained and smiled – And the serum worked. It slowed down your brain function and heart enough, so they think you are dead.

Morgan clenched his teeth, but he knew about this plan and had already dealt with it. He knew from the moment he went to the orphanage opening. He had been knowing that the day when he had to fake his death will come and it came. Now his new family Elena, Alaric, Caroline, Erika and even Jacob and Jason, think he was dead.

- I am glad we are together, because now you, me and Lana will live until death separates us like one big family. – Logan chuckled and Morgan closed his eyes sad.

Like always Morgan pushed all his emotion inside him and once he opened his cold blue-green eyes, Logan smirked.

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