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After three days Morgan was a little better and after begging my dad, Sara made sure there isn't a tracking device in him or controlled in some way, Morgan was able to see the twins. I told them that their dad is hurt in the chest and had to be careful. They listen and were careful.

Jason was just like Morgan with his temperament, while Jacob was like me, but both had Morgan's blue-green eyes with a combination of our hairs.

They bond with Morgan, and they liked when he and I told them a bedtime story together. This was their favourite moment from the night before falling asleep.

It was 6 am and I woke up. I turned seeing that Morgan was still sleeping. The outside world didn't know he was dead but knew he had disappeared, and we created the story that he had spent these two years captured until he was found by our private detectives.

Yesterday we renewed our marriage and I smiled watching my husband sleep next to me. The scratch on his cheek was almost healed, but there was still a red trail. I leaned on my elbow and kissed him tenderly. This made him open his eyes and rubbed them sleepily.

- What time is it? - he asked in a hoarse morning voice.

- 6 a.m. We must go get our new family member. - I said and Morgan nodded, yawning.

We got up, and when we were done with our luggage, we woke Jacob and Jason. Still sleepy, our children had breakfast of milk with cornflakes and the moment they got into the car in their child seats, they fell asleep hugging their toys and baby blankets. After a bit of arguing over who would drive, I won the debate and Morgan had to ride in the navigator's seat. I drove the car carefully.

It was quiet for some time, and I wonder what to tell Morgan. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him, but I was scared that he will push me or try to keep his emotion under the radar.

- Morgan, can I ask you something? – I asked him, and he hummed turning to me – I wonder why did you act like you don't know me when I met you in the park?

- These men who beat me were around and that's why I acted like I don't remember so they don't think you and our kids are dangerous. Also, I wanted to see if there is someone else in your life. – Morgan explained.

- I always loved you, Morgan and I always will. – I smiled and Morgan smiled back.

It was quiet for some time and the only thing that can be heard was the music from the radio.

- Why didn't you run away the moment you notice something is wrong? – I asked and I looked at him because the traffic light was red.

- I realized Lana was pregnant, and I just couldn't face you after I cheated on you, but everything become harder and harder. The only way to protect my family is if I am with them. – Morgan answered and smiled sadly – I am sorry.

- Nothing from this is your fault. Logan is just a manipulator, and we get trapped in his mind games. – I relaxed him stroking his hurt cheek – The important thing is that we are together.

Morgan smiled and was going to kiss me when I heard giggling from behind. Jacob and Jason were awake and smiling.

- How much did you hear? – I asked them.

- Everything. – they laughed.

- Little devils. – Morgan smirked and stretch succeeding to tickle them.

Jacob and Jason laughed with their cute baby voices. I started driving again smiling at my family. Morgan stopped tickling them because his phone rang. He saw the number and pick it. Due to the fact, that his phone was connected to the car through Bluetooth, I could hear what the woman was saying.

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