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I heard a strange voice and I looked around. I turned on my night lamp and I saw that Morgan had heard the strange voice too. He stood up glancing at our kids who were still sleeping peacefully, before grabbing his gun and opening the door. I stood up too grabbing mine. While Morgan went downstairs to check, I went to check Jacob and Jason. They were awake and I took the twins to my other two children.

I went downstairs and I saw that Morgan is just exiting the guest room downstairs. We checked everything and the kitchen was the last place we hadn't. Morgan motioned for me to walk forward, and he walked around the back entrance. We both jumped, pointing our guns, and I fell in love.

A little white puppy had come in from somewhere and had managed to open the bottom cupboard by eating our spare cornflakes for the children. I put the gun on the counter and picked it up. Morgan approached and the puppy barked happily at seeing so many people.

- Where did you come from, small thief? - I said in a baby voice to the puppy, and I heard Morgan giggle - Don't laugh at me.

Morgan looked at the puppy. It had no collar and did not appear to have a home. Since we didn't know where it came from, Morgan and I made a bed downstairs in the living room until tomorrow when he would take him to the vet.

I went upstairs and saw that Jacob and Jason were asleep on our bed. I lay down next to them and they huddled instantly. Morgan came in after a while and came under the covers, too.

In the morning Morgan took the puppy to the vet and I tried to hide it from my kids, but Jacob and Jason spotted the bow next to the sofa and knew there was something here.

I was having breakfast with my kids when the door opened. I saw Morgan putting a big box on the table after checking what is inside.

- I have a surprise. – he yelled happily.

Hearing these words Jacob and Jason ran to the room and Hannah grumbled desperately. I took her off the chair and I held her in my hand. I put her next to her brothers. I return to take Gabriel in my arm sitting on the couch next to my family and Morgan took the lid of the box. Jacob, Jason, and Hannah waited happily for the surprise, and my husband finally opened the lid.

The white puppy barked happily showing himself. It was bathed and had a nice blue collar with a locket.

- Puppy. - Jacob and Jason shouted, and Morgan pulled the puppy out of the box.

It started running around and my boys ran after it smiling. Hannah crawled after them.

- Where did this puppy come from? Did you understand? - I asked.

- The vet guessed it came from a dog shelter because several dogs had recently escaped. I adopted him and he is a boy. - Morgan said, sitting next to me and tickling Gabriel.

- You named him, didn't you? - I asked.

The puppy came and whimpered, obviously wanting to get on. Morgan took him in his arms, and Jacob and Jason appeared caressing him. Hannah stood up as I supported her, and she leaned back on the couch, holding out her hands to the puppy who lick her with its tail spinning with joy. Gabriel held his hands towards to white creature and he was licked making him laugh.

- Yes, I named him Loki. – Morgan replied and the white puppy barked agreeing, making me and the kids laugh.

- You mean you named him Loki as the god in Norse mythology who is often simply described as the 'trickster' god for his love of playing pranks. – I asked making Morgan nod smiling and I scratched the new member of the family – Welcome home, Loki, little trickster, and thief.

Loki barked happily and licked my hand. For a miracle, today everything seemed fine, and we had fun. Morgan, along with Jacob and Jason, taught Loki to "Fetch" and since the walls were high and there were cameras everywhere, there was no one to surprise us. I sat in a chair watching my boys and rocked Gabriel, who was taking a nap. Hannah was at my feet sitting on one big picnic blanket and playing with her toys.

Loki ran to us licking Hannah making her laugh and sat whimpering. The little girl laughed babyishly and began to caress the puppy. Jacob and Jason ran to us and sat on the blanket, starting to play too. Morgan approached me and kissed me on the lips.

- We have children and a dog. A real family. What is next? - I said and pretended to think - A cat?

- I prefer dogs. - Morgan replied before laughing.

He kissed my lips again and looked somewhere before sighing. I followed his gaze and saw Nadia together with her friends-shadows Katie and Siena came.

- Aunt Nadia, Aunt K, Aunt Si. – Jacob and Jason yelled and ran to the ladies as they approach.

- Hey, little boys. – Katie greeted him – Can I steal your father?

- For what? – Morgan asked.

- This. – Siena sighed and gave my husband a folder.

Morgan looked in it and I stood up to look at it too. Meanwhile, Jacob, Jason, and partly Hannah were introducing Loki to Katie and Siena who were kneeling in front of them. Nadia didn't do anything and just watched them with crossed arms. Morgan frowned reading the document.

This document was about three of our spies who were being caught by King Adam and he had tortured them. They returned just yesterday, and Pablo, Winston, and Milton realized something is wrong and locked them inside the bars. They had been controlled and they had to be the next traitors.

- Where are they? – Morgan growled and glanced at three girls.

- In the prison in the main building. The Nike brothers with the whole team 11 and 12 are watching them. – Nadia answered.

Morgan glanced at me, and I knew what he is asking for. I sighed and kissed his cheek whispering:

- The dinner is at 7 p.m.

Morgan pecked my lips and kissed the kids explaining that he has urgent work. Nadia, Katie, and Siena followed him. Jacob, Jason, Hannah, and Loki look at me expectantly and I smiled sitting down. Gabriel finally woke up and he let the baby laugh when Loki jump on my lap looking at the baby. The baby received a lick as a greeting from the puppy.

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