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A few minutes later, Morgan was feeling a little better and we went into the kitchen. Morgan took Hannah from me to put her on her baby chair while I helped Jacob and Jason to sit on their chairs. Miss Baker brought us orange juice and I smiled.

Morgan was about to drink when he sniffed something in his glass. I noticed change his glass with Miss Baker's. He smiled winking at Jacob and Jason. They grinned making the same gesture. Miss Baker came with his plate of food and we ate in silence.

Morgan took his change glass and drank from it. I saw how Miss Baker smiled, but the moment he left the glass and continue eating, her smile dropped. She drank from her juice, which was Morgan's and after two minutes she started coughing.

- I am a spy from a young age and I was raised by spies. – Morgan spoke leaning towards her – Did you think I won't notice the old trick with poison in a glass?

- Then did you check the glasses of your wife and kids? – Miss Baker asked, and I got shocked.

- You aren't that cruel. You wouldn't kill them even if this means saving your life. – Morgan smirked with his eyes getting colder.

Miss Baker started checking her pockets searching for the antidote, but I saw Morgan was holding a little bottle. The woman coughed again putting her hand on her mouth. Jacob and Jason were getting worried, and I took them to the living room to play with Hannah. They didn't oppose. I returned and I saw that Miss Baker was starting the cough blood, but Morgan didn't give her the antidote.

- With my knowledge. – Morgan spoke and smelled the poisoned glass – This is poison from a snake combined with scorpion's poison, spider's poison, and Logan's serum. – he glanced at Miss Baker standing up – Am I right? – Miss Baker didn't answer, and Morgan went to her other side leaning on the table – With that huge amount, you have an hour.

Miss Baker split more blood and tried to stand up, but her whole body was paralyzed. I looked confused, but Morgan didn't.

- Oh, did I see one hour? I meant 4 minutes. – Morgan chuckled darkly and grabbed her head making her look at him – Why did you want to poison me?

- You don't remember? – Miss Baker laughed, and I stepped forward as Morgan frowned in confusion – After all, you spend days in your two years living with Logan and Lana just killing. I fully understand why you are trying to forget it.

- What are you talking about? – Morgan growled his anger rising now.

- I mean you are forgetting the only thing that made you what you are. This scene now only proves to your wife that you are a monster who likes to kill and torture people. – Miss Baker smiled and glanced at me – Am I right? Do you see the monster?

I opened my mouth to say something, but Miss Baker fell to the ground coughing even more. The kids were still in the living room and if this didn't get under control soon, they would come.

- Morgan, give her the antidote. – I ordered and he was going to oppose, but I yelled – MORGAN, GIVER HER THE ANTIDOTE.

Morgan went to Miss Baker, opened the bottle and gave it to the woman. She sighed in relief and smiled cruelly. Using her foot, she knocked Morgan to the ground, striking him in the chest. She jumped up and grabbed me with the knife on my neck. There was no way I could get out because one of her hands with the knife was on my neck, and the other was on my stomach, holding one of my hands and pining the other.

Morgan leaned on his elbows, but I could see that because of the pain in his ribs he couldn't do more than that.

- Thank you, Elena. I knew you would save me, but who would save your kids. - she smiled sinisterly and threw me to the ground near Morgan.

She ran to them, but then a knife struck her in the head, killing her on the spot. Jacob and Jason jumped to their places in fright as Hannah cried. I looked at Morgan. He had jumped abruptly, throwing one of the knives at her, but that had only hurt him even more. He fell to his knees, holding on to his broken ribs, coughing. I ran to him, and he said between his coughs:

- The kids, take care of them.

I didn't want to leave him like that, but he was right. I ran to them and hugged them. I took Hannah in my arms and with my boys following, I got back to Morgan. Like one big family, we hugged. Jacob, Jason, and Hannah calmed down after a while and fell asleep...

I put the last suitcase in the trunk of the car and closed it. I looked at the three cuties, but they slept in their baby seats, hugging their toys. I closed the door slightly and went to Morgan. He was standing in front of the steps of the house, holding a lighter in his right hand.

- What are you thinking about? - I asked.

- She was right about one thing. - Morgan said and smiled sadly as he was looking at the house - I like killing people and torturing them. Maybe I'm a monster.

- Morgan, don't talk like that. - I said and touched his chin, moving his head to look at me - You are not a monster. The fact that you like to torture people is disturbing, but it doesn't make you a monster. You're a good man, Morgan.

- Are you sure? – Morgan asked sadly.

- I never answer the question Miss Baker asked me. – I mentioned and smiled stroking his cheek – I don't see a monster, just a man who is trying to protect his family even if this means taking a life. You save Jacob, Jason, and Hannah from her and this doesn't mean you are a bad person, Morgan.

- What about what she said that I don't remember the two years where something happened? – Morgan asked confused.

- We will find this together. Like a family. – I smiled.

Morgan glanced at the lighter in his hand and walked closer to the stairs.

- Always and Forever, Miss Baker. Live in peace. – I heard him whisper.

Morgan lit the lighter and threw it into the gasoline, which I had just seen at the front door. Soon the house was on fire and Morgan took my hand and led me to the car. I sat in the seat next to the driver's seat and looked at the sleeping children. I looked at my husband. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I returned the kiss, and he started the car as we parted. We headed back home.

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