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It was a week left until Christmas Eve and Christmas. Today Morgan will celebrate with us, but this would be his second Christmas without his parents, siblings, aunts and uncle. It was devastating, but he had me, my family and our wonderful boy twins Jason and Jacob.

They were five months and were identical. The only thing that may be differentiated them was their birthmark. While Jacob has his birthmark on his abdomen, Jason had it on his collarbone. It was the same birthmark as Morgan's one.

I put the last things in their suitcase and look at them. They were laying in the bed on their belly playing with their toys.

- Are you ready to see your grandparents and aunt? – I asked them.

Jason was just scratching his ear and Jacob was trying to eat his fist, but both of them let a playful giggle.

I chuckled and took them in my embrace walking downstairs. We were in Newfield and we had to travel after three hours after the twins fell asleep. The trip to New Globegra was long and we need almost a day.

I opened the door and I saw Morgan sitting on the chair in the command centre. His bored face immediately lit up when he saw us.

I sat on the chair next to him and Jason and Jacob held their hands toward him. He took them and kissed their foreheads.

- My beautiful angels. – he said making them giggle and giving me a sweet kiss – And my gorgeous wife.

- When I will have you only for me. – I pouted.

- After a few seconds. – Morgan answered me looking at the monitor- What's going on?

I heard Nadia's voice through the system:

- We catch him, but there is no sign of Logan.

When Morgan killed Bryce, Logan disappeared and we have been searching for him for months, but we didn't find him.

- Make sure we have one kidnapped villain and bring him here instantly. – Morgan ordered.

I heard people say "Yes" and Morgan was finally ready. I stood up taking Jason from his embrace and I took Morgan's free hand. We went into the dining room. The Spies and professionals immediately greeted us. Some even came to us to see Jason and Jacob and tickle them. Both giggling grabbed their hands and pushed them.

Walking on the stage, the waiter brought our dinner with their pureed apples for the twins. We fed them first and then we put then we let them play a little with their toys while we eat.

Unfortunately, Jason and Jacob were the only babies and didn't have friends with who to play. Of course, all spies played with them and take care of them. Once we were ready, the babies were becoming fussy and wanted to spend some time with us before they fell asleep.

The moment they fell asleep and as soon as the suitcases were in the car ready, we moved in the car, our trip will start.

I woke up. I had felt asleep, and I looked around. Morgan was leaning back in his seat, looking at the car in front. He held the steering wheel with his left hand and the right was the gearbox tapping with his fingers. We were in a traffic jam because we didn't move at all.

- What's happening? Since when have we been like this? - I asked.

- Fifteen or twenty minutes. - Morgan said looking at me and giving me a morning kiss - Good morning, Love.

I smiled under the kiss and returned it. I looked back at our children. Jason was rubbing his eyes as he awoke, while Jacob was already moving his arms nervously and hungry, not yet fully awake.

- Is there a gas station somewhere nearby? - I asked - Soon they will start crying and want to eat.

- There's a little more left. Тhere is a small restaurant nearby. - Morgan replied. - I just need the car to move a little and we will be able to turn left entering.

But we didn't move, and Jacob and Jason started crying. I gave them toys and even started singing to them a little. Morgan left the car, and our kids stop crying still sniffing. I glanced at Morgan. He was talking with one man who just like him left his car to see what was happening. I saw Morgan sigh and he came back to me.

- Well, what happens? – I asked.

- Car crash, but the person in front of us will try to move so we can enter the restaurant. – Morgan explained as I nodded, and he smiled at our kids - Curse genes. – they giggled – They are the same as me, my siblings and dad. Nervous if they don't eat.

I smiled a little. This was the first time Morgan mention his dad and siblings without crying. The cars finally moved, and we were able to park in the restaurant. The babies had a bottle of milk and after we change their diapers, they were happy again. However, now they were fully awake and because of the traffic jam, we would be late.

In one moment, we change, and I was driving while Morgan was taking a nap. I followed the GPS and from time to time I glanced at my angels. Jason was playing with his little white wolf and Jacob was hugging his stuffed lion with his hands. Both of them were sucking their pacifier and were quiet because of the music. It calmed them down for two-four hours until it was time for eating.

I turn left after the GPS said and I hit one hole without noticing. That caused Morgan to stir and open his eyes rubbing them. Jacob and Jason moaned unhappily through their pacifiers but didn't cry.

- What happened? – Morgan asked still sleepy.

- I may have hit one hole. – I smiled innocently, and Morgan hummed – Did you sleep well?

- Yes. – Morgan said and glanced at the GPS – Seven hours and fifteen minutes until we are in New Globegra.

- Why so much? – I pouted and Morgan laughed – Don't laugh at me, Morgy.

- Never call me like that. – Morgan crossed his arms angrily.

- Why not, Morgy? You call me Love, Princess or Elena all the time. Why I can't have a nickname for you too. – I said happily.

- Don't call me Morgy. – Morgan sighed and looked through the window.

Something was wrong, but then I realized that sometimes his family and friends called him like that when he was little.

- Morgan, I am sorry. I didn't know. – I tried to apologize.

- Relax, is nothing. – Morgan fake smiled at me.

I was going to say something when the car in front of us hit us. It wasn't hard but it was enough so we can stop. I lost consciousness and I didn't know what happen. 

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