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That familiar pounding boomed through his head, the type that takes over your senses, the one that reminds you you're falling apart. 

Beomgyu blinked his eyes open, seeing the night sky peeking through the crack in his curtains. Another day passed, wasted, unappreciated.

With little care, the male dropped his hand off the couch, dragging his fingers along the coarse carpet. That hardened plastic brushed past his hand. He grabbed the bottle, shaking out two pain killers, he threw them back into his mouth, swallowing them dry.

He relaxed his whole body against that beaten up old couch; he could feel the springs poking at his back. His lungs filled with air, his chest raised up, and his head fell back. It was calm for now, but he could never escape reality.

Rough knocks attacked the chipped door, trembling the locks, as flakes of dry wall dusted the floor.

"Fuck off will you! My heads already killing me!" Beomgyu shouted, refusing to move from his uncomfortable, comfortable spot.

"Get off your ass Gyu! Or I'll beat this door down!"

Rolling his eyes, Beomgyu let out a deep moan, pushing himself up. He sat at the edge of the couch for a moment, staring mindlessly at the wall in front of him.

"I know you fucking heard me asshole!" The voice yelled, continuing to harshly abuse the door.

"Yeah I'm coming! Alright?!" Beomgyu's annoyed tone carried his words, as he approached the door. His hand wrapped around the handle, as he slid the lock to the left. "What do you want Yeonjun?"

The tall, dark haired male, sauntered into Beomgyu's apartment. A red turtle neck circled his throat, and a black short sleeve graphic tee draped over it. His black skinny jeans hugged his legs, all the way down to his chained ankle boots.

"I'm here to make sure you're awake dipshit." Yeonjun sneered, sitting himself on the edge of the kitchen counter. Beomgyu returned to his spot on the couch, which was only a few feet away from the kitchen. "We've got the gig tonight, and not just any gig, our biggest gig yet."

|Chaotic Wonderland|
Band Schedule:
Sept 5th- Ghosting
Sept 7th- Dear Sputnik
Sept 14th- Anti-Romantic
Sept 18th- 20cm
And more to be announced...

"Shit I forgot about that."

"Typical." Yeonjun scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're such a mess, get your shit together Gyu." Jumping off the counter, Yeonjun looked down at the tiles, which were all covered in trash. He kicked a pile of empty beer bottles, and rotten food containers, just to be able to see the floor again. "I mean look at this! I get you're living that 'angsty' lifestyle, but even 'angsty' people can pick up their trash."

Beomgyu peered towards the window, biting down on his tounge. He didn't need a lecture right now, but on the bright side, his pain meds seemed to be kicking in.

"Expiration date - February 18th 2019..." Yeonjun scowled, immediately dropping the half eaten packet of potato chips. He dusted his hands off, even wiping them on his jeans for good measure, it's not like he wanted to catch a disease. "Whatever, we don't have time. Get yourself dressed, I'll be waiting in the car. 10 minutes, then I'm leaving."

The door slam shuddered the apartment. Beomgyu yawned, stretching his body out. He took his sweet time getting to the shower, enjoying every minute of the hot water running over his body. He knew Yeonjun wouldn't leave without him, he was the face of the band, the lead guitarist, the main singer, they needed him.

It was over half an hour before the boy was ready. He stood opposite the mirror, checking himself over. Beomgyu's dark hair was roughly styled, giving him that untamed kind of vibe. He paired loose fitted black trousers, that had a chain running from the belt loop, with a black skull sleeveless top, covering it over with an unbuttoned black over shirt. A cross necklace dangled around his neck, and silver rings decorated his fingers.

"Took you long enough." Yeonjun groaned, as the younger entered the car. He turned his key a few times, until the car finally started. He lowered his foot onto the accelerator, pulling out of the street parking spot. 

"Cry about it."

After a 15 minute drive the two arrived at the club. 'Chaotic Wonderland', the most popular club in the city. It had been their dream to perform there since they started their band in college. If they do well tonight, they may get booked as a permanent performer. It could really open doors for them.

The club was alive, you could hear it through the walls. With guitar case in hand, Beomgyu walked through the back corridors, already anticipating the energy of the crowd. It fueled him, it sent electricity racing through his body; it was a feeling you could never beat.

"There you guys are, late again!" Yeji rushed over grabbing a hold of Yeonjun's arm, she dragged him over to where they were preparing, shoving a pair of drumsticks into his hand. "We're on in 5 minutes."

"Don't blame me, it's Gyu's fault." Yeonjun said, pointing to the boy with no cares in the world. Beomgyu was just peacefully getting out his guitar, no rush at all. "Plus we aren't technically late, as you said, we have 5 minutes to spare."

Yeji sighed, running her hand through her brown locks. A couple pink strands fell in front of her face, which she quickly tucked behind her ear. "You're fucking lucky you weren't late, or else I would have killed you right here right now."

"Okay can everyone shut up? Just focus on getting ready. We can't blow this performance." Wooyoung kept his eyes on the money. This gig was everything for them; really their make or break moment. 

Yeji hummed walking over to her bass guitar, pulling it over her black over-sized tee. A red tartan skirt poked out of the bottom, and her high platform boots raised her height by a few inches.

The once rocking music cut out, as the sounds of cheers flooded the venue. It was time for the main event, for Beomgyu's band, for Anti-Romantic. Wooyoung pulled up his baggy plaid trousers, hiding the top half under his over-sized black shirt. He grabbed his own rhythm guitar, taking himself to the side of the stage. A behavior, the other band members mimicked. 

"Tonight! A Chaotic Wonderland first! Make some noise for Anti-Romantic!"

The crowd went wild, as the four musicians took their place on the stage. Beomgyu's energy was already overflowing; just soaking in the lively atmosphere surrounding him. This is what living feels like.

"Chaotic Wonderland! We are Anti-Romantic!" Beomgyu screamed into the microphone. "Have you ever had that one person who made you feel as if you could be anything?!"

"You don't have to live this way, you can be something more."

"That person who reminded you that you don't have to live in the darkness!"

"Stop thinking you're stuck in this place, when there's a whole world out there."

"The one who promised you they'll always stay by your side!"

"Trust me Gyu, just trust me."

"Well have you?!"

Mixed screams of yes's and no's were heard from the crowd.

"To all of you who said no, I envy you. Cause that very person who sounds so perfect, will be the very person to break your heart."

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