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[Discussions of drugs ahead]

"Gyu, what the fuck? Everyone's inside already." Yeonjun spoke as he crossed the street, having to stop half way so a car didn't hit him.

"Just hurry up already." Beomgyu snapped, frantically waving the man over.

Yeonjun could only roll his eyes, and continue his journey to the other side. Just across from them was the restaurant they were all meant to be meeting at.

"This better be good, cause I'm fucking starving." Yeonjun groaned, stepping up onto the pavement beside Beomgyu. He watched the man reach into his pocket, eyes widening at the small baggy of powder he pulled out. Instantly, he grabbed Beomgyu's palm, forcing it closed. "What the hell?! We're literally in public Gyu!" He whisper shouted.

Beomgyu took a quick glance around the area, noting that it was a bit too crowded for comfort. He lowered his voice. "I know, but I need your help. It's my last one, can you just buy it from me?"

"It's free every other time."

"Well it's not today. Seriously Jun, if I don't get rid of it, Yoongi's gonna be really mad."

"Then chuck it, he'll never know." Yeonjun suggested. Surprisingly, finding the baggy slipped into his hand.

Beomgyu shoved his hands into his pockets. "Not literally. He doesn't care where the supply goes, it's about the money. He gave me so much to shift, I've been selling all day. Just do me this favour one time, so I can actually get ready for our gig."

A few seconds passed of Yeonjun staring at him blankly.

"Fine." He sighed, pulling out his wallet. He took out a paper note, trapping it between his index and middle finger. He pointed it towards Beomgyu, and just as the man was about to take it, he pulled back. "Don't be late tonight."

"This performance is too important." Beomgyu assured.

Yeonjun allowed him to take the note.

"Should I tell Taehyun about this? You know, when he asks me where you are?"

"Say whatever the fuck you want."


Yoongi's punishments for Beomgyu weren't as brutal as they were for other dealers. Of course he was thankful for that, but it didn't mean he enjoyed his punishments. Having nearly triple of what he was usually given, and having to get it all gone within a day was basically impossible. Good thing he had determination, and Yeonjun, or else he would have had to do it all again tomorrow. 

The time was 7:35. He never liked to eat before a gig anyway.

The walls were paper thin, and in this quiet hall, you could hear everything. There was yelling, coming from Yoongi's apartment. Voices becoming more familiar at every step closer. When he was finally outside the door, it was almost like a wall wasn't separating them.

"You have to help me! I need it Yoongi-"

"Get a grip woman! I am helping you! If you need heroin so badly, go somewhere else. If you actually want to fix this mess you've gotten yourself into, you'll listen to me!"

His stomach twisted at each word. His mother was in there, and it was obvious why.

A sudden clicking caught his attention, and before he knew it, the door had swung open. Yoongi stormed out, noticing Beomgyu almost immediately. He quickly shut the door, and placed his hand on the males shoulder.

"You should go."

"But I have your money..." Beomgyu trailed off, hearing the door open again.

This time his mother came out. She looked skinnier than a week ago. Matted hair, dirty clothes, scabs that seemed to be starting to heal, and that was the only good thing he could say about her appearance. She stumbled forward, a smile gracing her lips.

"Beomgyu, you'll help me, won't you?"

He didn't know what to say, too busy listening to his pounding heart.

"This will be my last hit, I promise! Then I'll stop! I have before, you've gotta trust me."

"What happened to your boyfriend?" Beomgyu muttered, voice almost inaudible.

"He left me, like they always do...Beomgyu I love you so much, you're the only one who never leaves me. Please help me, if you love me you'll help." She pleaded, with desperation in her eyes. She grabbed Beomgyu's hand for just a second, before Yoongi swatted her away.

"Don't touch him."

She scowled at Yoongi, then looked back to her son. Her hands were now balled into fists at her sides. "You'll do this for me Beomgyu, won't you?"

The woman in front of him was so weak. Reliant solely on a drug to keep her alive. For the first time in his life, he acknowledged what he could become. Like staring back at a mirror, this could be his future.

Never did he want it to get this bad.


He stood his ground, something that enraged his mother. Her breath got heavier, her nostrils flared, she violently shook her head and lunged towards him, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt. They were mere inches away.

"You ungrateful brat! I'm your mother! Why are you being so selfish! I-" The woman was yanked off of Beomgyu, now caged in Yoongi's arms. "Hey stop! Get off me!" She wouldn't stop struggling, doing everything she could to escape his hold, but he held tight.

Beomgyu tried to have compassion for his mother, but he was no saint, and after that attack, he was livid.

"Selfish?! Me?! You must be joking! I have a gig tonight, but you're more concerned about getting your fix, than seeing me play!" 

Tears were streaming down his face as he screamed, so frustrated by everything that was going on. No matter how many times he forgave her, and believed her when she said it would never happen again. Here they were. The cycle kept repeating itself, and she was the only person who could put a stop to it.

"This is the last straw now, sort yourself out, or I'm done."

"You have no right to threaten that! I'm your mother, you should love me!"

This wasn't his mother, not anymore.

"That's enough from you!" Yoongi shouted, still holding the aggressive woman in his arms. "Go already, I'll deal with her."

He didn't want to stay anyway, the sight was making him feel sick. He took a deep breath, and turned around. Walking down the hall to the melody of his mothers screams.

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