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The night was captured by a chilly breeze, sweeping through his blonde locks, as he wandered towards Soobin's house. If he needed to entertain himself for a while, this was the place to go. When he was younger, Soobin was his escape. Being one of his only friends, he felt happy being around the boy. There was no pressure, no need to be perfect, he could let go of his worries, and could actually be himself.

Just as Taehyun was about to knock the door, it surprisingly swung open. Soobin was all dressed up, seemingly about to go somewhere. 

"Oh Tae, what's up?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.

"I've got nothing to do, so I thought I'd come here." Taehyun replied, yet again, glancing at Soobin's outfit. He felt a little awkward, since Soobin was obviously on his way out. "I see you're busy though."

Soobin giggled, grabbing Taehyun's arm, and pulling him inside the house. "Lets find you something to wear."

Helplessly, Taehyun found himself dragged up to Soobin's room. Like deja vu, he was being thrown clothes upon clothes, then forced into getting changed.

A white collar shirt poked out of his over-sized black jumper, tucked into his fitted black trousers, tightened around his waist with a black belt. A couple chains hung around his neck, finishing up the look with some white trainers.

"We're celebrating Yeonjun's birthday tonight." Soobin chimed, dragging Taehyun back down the stairs. He pulled open the front door, pushing Taehyun out, before shutting it behind them. "We can't be late."

The two boys made their way to Soobin's car, wasting no time getting in the vehicle. Taehyun could already feel the knots in his stomach, whether that be excitement or nerves, he didn't know. He just knew that it was very likely he'd see Beomgyu tonight, but there was no guarantee. He wasn't sure if he should ask Soobin about it, since it would bring a certain level of suspicion.

"About the other night Tae." Soobin said, anxiety present in his voice. "I'm sorry about the drugs. My friends are into stuff like that, and I guess I am too, just not as much as them."

"It's alright, you're grown adults, you can do whatever you want." Taehyun didn't agree with the practice, but he did believe in freedom of choice. People can do as they please, destroy their own lives, it had nothing to do with him. There was only one person Taehyun wanted better for, only one person he was willing to fight for, only one person he would ensure got on the right track.

"Thanks Tae, I just don't want to make you uncomfortable." Soobin stated, looking to his friend for reassurance.

"You don't."

Soobin nodded, putting his concentration back on the road. It didn't take long for the two to arrive at the club, parking just down the road from the building. The street was packed, as always, and Soobin made a comment about this being one of the most popular clubs in town. Taehyun didn't really go clubbing, he didn't have the time to. He was more of a bar, or lounge kinda guy, since most of his colleagues were ancient.

The music boomed through the club, flashing lights illuminating the room. Thousands of people filled the building, dancing to the intense beat played by the DJ. Soobin glanced around, hopelessly trying to spot his boyfriend. It was basically an impossible task, not even an eagle could find the boy.

"Can I borrow your phone?!" Taehyun heard Soobin ask, voice raised considerably to be heard over the music. He'd almost forgotten Soobin's phone had broken, but it was pretty obvious why he needed the phone; with no hesitation he handed the device to him. He watched Soobin tap the screen a few times, and drag the phone up to his ear. "It's Soobin, Where are you? The balcony?! Okay! I'll be there now!"

Soobin ended the call, grabbing Taehyun's wrist. "They're upstairs!"

Taehyun felt kinda like a rag doll, Soobin just kept dragging him places. Though, he didn't mind it now, considering it was extremely easy to get lost in the crowd. They headed up the stairs, past the hoards of people, to the seating area. There was a bunch of tables, and padded leather sofas, and it was just as crowded as downstairs.

The duo walked past every table, until they eventually found Yeonjun's. There were more people than Taehyun had met last time, but he didn't pay any attention to them. He focused more on what was familiar.

"Finally! I didn't think you were coming!" Yeonjun shouted, the music was so loud, it was really hard to hear people speaking. He scooted across his portion of the sofa, making room for Soobin.

"Well I'm here, happy birthday!" Soobin sat down beside his boyfriend, planting a sweet kiss on his lips. Yeonjun smiled, snaking his hand around Soobin's waist.

"Hey Taehyun!" Taehyun looked to the sofa across from Soobin and Yeonjun, where Yeji was waving him over. He immediately noticed the scowl on Beomgyu's face, but ignored it, heading over to the girl.

There were multiple people Taehyun didn't recognize, so he chose his spot next to Yeji. He could see Wooyoung sitting with two guys he didn't know, and there was a girl next to Yeji he also hadn't met yet. Beomgyu was sitting by Wooyoung, on the third sofa, not the one he was currently on.

"Ryujin, this is Taehyun, he's Soobin's friend." Yeji introduced.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Ryujin smiled at Taehyun. "Want a drink?"

"Sure." Taehyun watched as Ryujin poured him a shot of something, he didn't know what it was, until he gulped it down, realizing that it was tequila.

"How do you know Soobin? I've been wondering since the other day." Yeji asked, pouring herself a shot of tequila.

"Well we've been friends since we were little, but I moved away a few years ago." Taehyun replied, leaving out that Soobin actually works for him. There was no reason for him to bring that up, when he doesn't think any less of Soobin. In his eyes, he's his friend, not an employee.

Both girls nodded, then Yeji dropped her head back, swallowing down her shot.

"You're really hot you know." Ryujin's comment caught Taehyun off guard, something she immediately picked up on. "Don't freak out over a compliment, I don't swing that way." She laughed, turning to Yeji. She cupped the girls face in her hands, smashing their lips together.

As Ryujin pulled away, Taehyun noticed the faint layer of blush spreading across Yeji's face. "Are you two together?"

"No, friends can kiss sometimes." She giggled, but Yeji seemed a little disappointed, taking down another shot. "How about you? Are you dating anyone?"

"I'm engaged."

Yeji nearly choked on her drink, slamming down the shot glass. "Holy shit, that's insane!"

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