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[Usage of drugs ahead]

Taehyun shifted in the sheets, moving his body in between the Egyptian cotton. His eyes fluttered open, to the sight of the morning sun. He had no idea how long he'd slept for, but considering he got home around five in the morning, it couldn't have been long.

Rolling on his side, Taehyun noticed the visible space, Youngmi wasn't there. He didn't think too much of it though, as his mother had probably dragged her off for brunch, or something.

Taehyun sat up, leaning himself against the plush headboard. His eyes flickered to the opening door, expecting his butler had come to annoy him.

Yet, it wasn't his butler. Instead, a beautiful brunette women, in a long white pleated summer dress. It was Youngmi.

She gently climbed onto the bed, crawling over to Taehyun. She collapsed onto his lap, a position that allowed her to look up at him.

"Your mother really likes me." Youngmi giggled. Though her voice seemed to be hiding a layer of frustration.

Taehyun twisted his fingers around her brunette locks, commenting, "I told you she would, she's always wanted a daughter." Taehyun noticed how the woman's expression changed, picking herself up to sit opposite of him.

"Well I'm not really that am I, and I won't ever be. If she knew the truth about us, that love would be replaced with something much more hateful." 

Taehyun knew it was true. He completely understood that being here made Youngmi uncomfortable, and it was valid. She never had a safe home, and could never be herself. Taehyun gave her all of that, only then to snatch it away by bringing her to his home.

"It's only two weeks, we can deal with this. After we'll go back home, and you won't have to see anyone who reminds you of them."

Youngmi softly smiled, laying herself beside Taehyun. She cuddled into his side. "Did you go to see him last night?"

Taehyun's heart sped up, beating rapidly in his chest. Youngmi could feel this increase, letting out a little laugh.

"You did, didn't you?" She sat up again, looking at Taehyun in excitement. "What happened? Was he mad? Did you make up? Was it like one of those dramas, rain pouring, longing eye contact, running to each other in desperation. I need all the details."

Shaking his head, Taehyun chuckled at Youngmi's dramatic questions. "There's not much to tell. We kissed, but he still hates me."

"You kissed!" Youngmi squealed, quickly slapping her hand over her mouth. She needed to be very careful with what she said, anyone could have been listening. "That doesn't scream 'I hate you' energy."

"Well he told me he hated me before the kiss, then ran off after. So it's not looking great." Taehyun's voice sounded somewhat defeated, which honestly reflected how he felt. 

He'd been gone for five years, and this is how his first meeting back with Beomgyu went. He didn't enjoy how it made him feel, but it wasn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows, Beomgyu was hurt.

"Have some hope Tae, we're here for two weeks, you can do a lot in that time. From what I can tell, your father is super busy, and your mother is obsessed with me. You could probably slip away without anyone noticing."

"You're probably right, but it's best if I stay away." Taehyun replied, to the shock of Youngmi. Her furrowed brows, and dropped jaw, displayed her surprise. "It was a moment of weakness, It's not like I could ever get back with him. Plus it wouldn't be fair for him, I'll be back in America in two weeks. I can't leave him again."

"But you could at least make up with him."

Youngmi understood Taehyun, he was her closest friend, and more like family. She saw the sacrifices he made for her; she appreciated it more than she could ever describe. Though, she knew Taehyun gave up a lot of his happiness for her. It would bring her so much joy, to see him do something for himself.


Everything was blurry, unsteady, in such a haze. Beomgyu stumbled over to the speaker, twisting the volume to max. The music blared through his apartment, as he downed another bottle of beer.

The glass shattered against his wall, sending shards flying across the room. Beomgyu screamed at the top of his lungs, kicking another pile of beer bottles. They smashed into the cabinet, littering glass all over his tiles.

His body swayed to the music, like it had a mind of its own. There was no awareness only movement, dancing around his pitiful apartment, by himself.

"Fuck you Kang Taehyun!" He screamed, dropping to his knees on the floor.

His face, now level to the coffee table, stared at the hard word. Covered in burnt out cigarette buds, and take out menus. He swiped everything off the table, sending them crashing onto the floor. He reached into his pocket, still in the clothes of the night before.

Letting out a groan, Beomgyu remembered how he gave his coke away.

"This will do."

Pulling out a small baggy, five LSD pills sat there peacefully. Beomgyu tipped out the baggy, taking one pill, and letting it sit on his tounge.

Beomgyu clumsily pushed himself off the ground, swiping a half drunken beer bottle off the counter. He made his way through the apartment, and into his bathroom.

The water rushed out of the tap, flooding his bathtub full of the clear liquid.

Still fully dressed, Beomgyu collapsed his body into tub, sinking down and under. The water engulfed his body, his mind, and his senses.

He didn't need to come up for air, he could breath, or it was LSD telling him he could.

Life was peaceful under the water, he didn't have to think about Taehyun, or the band, or his mother, his mind was clear.

Beomgyu closed his eyes, feeling himself fade away.

"For fucks sake Gyu!"

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