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After his altercation with Yoongi, Beomgyu definitely wasn't feeling any better than he was before. Instead of getting high, he decided to stick with his plan of finding Soobin, and giving him Taehyun's watch. That way he could get that cursed item away from him, and be able to give Soobin a piece of his mind. 

Unfortunately, he'd come all the way to Soobin's house, and couldn't get in. Obviously there was another house in the way, so Beomgyu had to ring the buzzer to be allowed through the gates. Yet, he'd been ringing the buzzer for 10 minutes now, and still got no answer.

"Just answer the damn thing! Let me give that rat Taehyun's fucking watch!" Beomgyu shouted out of frustration, this was taking too long.

"Who are you?" He heard a woman ask.

Swinging himself around, he came face to face with a strikingly gorgeous brunette. Perfect hair, perfect makeup, in a beautiful pink baby doll dress. He couldn't help but feel just an ounce of insecurity. 

He was serving Dennis the menace vibes, while she was serving Princess Peach. 

His baggy black jeans, and oversized red striped jumper, made him stick out like a sore thumb in this neighbor. She was probably judging him; all people like her do.

"You said something about having Taehyun's watch?"

"Yeah, I need to give it back to him, or preferably Soobin." She must have been thinking he stole it. No one like her would think anything else.

"Are you Beomgyu?"

So he didn't know what she was thinking after all.

"How do you know that?"

"I'm Youngmi, Taehyun's fiance."


This was his competition.

Wait, not competition. He didn't care about Taehyun anymore. He didn't want to be with Taehyun anymore. He didn't need Taehyun anymore. She can have him for all he cares.

"I think we should talk, do you want to come inside?" She walked towards the gate, typing in a six digit code. "If not you can just give me the watch, I'll pass it on for you."

"You live here?"

"Technically, but it's actually Taehyun's family home. Wouldn't you know that? Isn't that why you're here?"

Beomgyu's eyes widened.

This was Taehyun's home? That meant...Soobin works for Taehyun. Was their friendship simply boiled down to a boss x employee type of deal?

"I think you should come inside."


The house was incredible. Tall vaulted ceilings, glossy marble floors, a new member of staff passing them every few minutes. He always knew Taehyun was rich, but it was a different feeling coming face to face with it.

"Am I really allowed to be here?" He felt like an outsider, with each member of staff doing a double take as they passed.

"Probably not." Youngmi replied nonchalantly. "Taehyun's parents are busy for the rest of the day, that's the only reason I dared to bring you here."

"So, what did you want to ta-"

"I didn't want to talk to you about anything, let me escort you to Soobin's house."

Did this woman have memory loss? She literally said 'I think we should talk.' Now she apparently doesn't want to talk.

Ignoring all the confusion, Beomgyu followed her through the house and outside. Though, once they reached the gardens, the woman didn't even spare a glance in the direction of Soobin's house. She walked a whole different direction entirely.

They ended up in a maze of green hedges, heading to the center, where a large fountain sat.

"We couldn't talk in there, too many people could have been listening."

He was taken back by her switch in tone. From sounding so cold, to a much more casual approach. This woman was a good actor.

"I'm not your enemy Beomgyu, far from it. This whole situation is way more complicated then you would ever understand, but if there's one thing I can assure, is that I will not get in the way." Youngmi spoke firmly, as if she had thought about this thoroughly. 

It actually took a few seconds for Beomgyu to process her words. This was not even close to what he was expecting. "What are you talking about?"

"My engagement is fake." She blurted out, immediate relief washing over her. It was nice to finally admit that to someone. "It's a long story, but me and Taehyun don't actually love each other, well, not in that way. It's just a deal between us."

Beomgyu didn't know what to say. He just stood there silently in shock.

"I shouldn't be telling you this. This could ruin my whole life, and yet, I don't care anymore."

She was tired of the secrets, she was tired of hiding. It was desperation now, longing for a life of openness and acceptance, where she could speak the truth.

This was the first step to that, even if the consequences weren't necessarily in her favor.

"You deserve to be happy, and if Taehyun makes you happy, I can't stand in the way."

There were a few seconds of silence, and she began to worry. Beomgyu had an unreadable expression, so she had no idea what he was thinking.

"Give this to Taehyun." Beomgyu said, reaching out his hand. The watch laid flat on his palm, until Youngmi took a hold of it. "I have to go."

Without another word, he turned away, intention of getting as far away from this confusing place as possible.

"If you ever need more answers Beomgyu, you know where to find me." Youngmi made her last proposal, knowing that he would never take her up on it.


All this information was too overwhelming. This day had taken a toll on him, and all he could focus on were the frantic thoughts in his mind. He couldn't stop them, they were so loud, and painfully unbearable. He was tempted to smash his head into a wall just to make them all go away.

'If Taehyun makes you happy.'

No he doesn't, 

but at the same time, 

yes he does.

There was no answer he could accept. He'd come face to face with the one thing he had been avoiding, since that man had come back. Would they ever be what they once were? He thought it was impossible, but as time went on, he could only feel himself pulled further into the illusion. The small chance that he and Taehyun could be together again.

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