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"You did what?"

"I told Beomgyu the truth about us." Youngmi muttered, slightly more hesitant to share than before. "I hate secrets Tae, and I don't want to lie to him. As much as you say you can't be together, I know you keep going to see him. If you want him back in your life, he needs to know the truth."

The woman's response only made Taehyun grow frustrated. After a long day at the office, he did not need to be coming home to this mess. Youngmi hates secrets, that's fair, but that doesn't mean she gets to go around exposing all of his. This situation was complicated, he didn't need her meddling in it.

"It's not your place." It was a struggle, but he managed to contain his anger. No matter how mad he got at Youngmi, he refused to raise his voice.

"Don't forget I'm apart of this too. What you do with him affects me, but I'm okay with that..." She stepped forward, trying to take Taehyun's hand, but he instantly stepped back. "Please, I don't want to fight about this."

Neither did Taehyun, but he couldn't ignore that he was irked by Youngmi's actions. However, the more he stood here angry, the more urge he felt to leave. 

There was someone else he needed to talk to right now.

"Stay out of it." He kept it short and firm. 

Never in his life had he felt more like his father.


Gentle strums, a simple melody. Beomgyu didn't put much thought into what he played; mind elsewhere completely. He'd taken some cocaine, came down from the high. Took some more, then came down from the high.

He couldn't get Yoongi's words out of his mind. Was he really an addict?

So, he didn't take anymore. It's not like he felt much better anyway, it was only a distraction. He decided to put his focus on his music. They were gonna be Chaotic Wonderland regulars, it wouldn't hurt to have a new song in his repertoire.

The melody came easy, but it was the lyrics that left him stumped. He needed to be inspired. He needed something to write about. He embraced his anger, pain, heartbreak, angst was his thing. Though, he couldn't quite get the words onto paper.

Letting out a sigh, he lent his head backwards, hitting the springy cushions of his couch. He stared up at the ceiling, just bathing in the quiet. All until he heard three precise knocks hit his door.

He didn't want to answer it, but with his track record of visitors, they probably wouldn't leave. With an annoyed huff, he pushed himself off the floor, carelessly throwing his guitar onto the couch. He walked over to the door, undid the locks, and swung it open.

Of course it was Kang Taehyun, he wasn't even shocked anymore. 

"The fuck do you want?"

"I'm sorry, Youngmi overstepped, she shouldn't-"

"No I'm sorry, I should've stayed away from your perfect little life." Beomgyu cut him off harshly. "I mean, you obviously weren't planning on telling me about your fake engagement, but then again, why would you? It's not like we're together."

This was bullshit. Taehyun shouldn't have been apologizing for Youngmi, he should be apologizing for coming back into Beomgyu's life and fucking up his head.

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