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The suitcase wheels rolled smoothly over the concrete, just as they had been designed to do. No one forks out thousands, to have their luxury designer luggage squeak. 

Taehyun rolled both suitcases, one at either side, as he traveled towards those familiar iron gates. So tall, so formidable. Memories rushed back, times of rebellion; that fence signified the control his parents had over him.

He stood at those gates, staring at each and every detail. They were the same as they always were, but Taehyun very much wasn't. 

It had been 5 years, things had changed.

"Can we go inside already? It's cold out here." Youngmi moaned, snuggling close to her fiance.

Taehyun turned to the shivering woman, her pale face was pink from the chill. "Of course we can." Moving forward, Taehyun inputted the 6 digit code, unlocking the gates. He continued dragging the suitcases all the way to the front door, where a member of staff was waiting for him.

"Young master Kang, I can take those for you." The employee stated, taking a hold of both suitcases. "Your parents are waiting for you in the lounge."

"Okay thank you." Taehyun replied. He felt a hand grasp his own, interlocking fingers. Youngmi smiled at Taehyun, and gave his hand a squeeze. Taehyun smiled back.

Their shoes tapped against the marble, echoing clicking sounds through the grand foyer. The couple passed the double staircase, making their way to the lounge. 

It was such a large, refreshing space. Tall ceilings, and light furniture. It was always a nice place to be, if only the people were just as nice.

"Taehyun!" Mrs Kang strolled to her son, pulling him in for a short hug. Her attention quickly turned to the woman standing next to him, who she pulled in for a considerably longer hug. "Youngmi It's so wonderful to finally meet you in person. Those video calls do you no justice, you're so beautiful."

"Ah thank you, I'm happy to finally meet you as well. Taehyun's always busy with work, it was basically impossible to come any sooner." Youngmi replied, resting her hands neatly in front of her.

"I know all too well about a hard working husband. It can be a real pain at time, but the Louis Vuitton shoes are worth it." Both women chuckled.

"Where is father?" Taehyun asked, glancing around the room. He was slightly relived that his father wasn't present, and hoped that it would stay that way.

"An emergency has come up at the office, so he had to leave." Mrs Kang spoke quickly and precise to Taehyun, being much warmer with Youngmi. She grabbed the woman's hands, smiling brightly at her. "We won't worry about that, you'll meet him eventually. Anyway, I want to steal Youngmi away. I'm sure you'll find a way to entertain yourself." Mrs Kang directed the last part at Taehyun.

Youngmi looked to Taehyun, a little confused. She'd only just arrived, and now her future mother in law already wanted to spend private time with her.

"We're having a surprise engagement party in a weeks time." Mrs Kang said, picking up on Youngmi's hesitation. "You weren't really suppose to know, but I need to get you something fabulous to wear."

"Oh wow, that's amazing thank you."

"You're welcome sweetheart. You should get use to being treated like my own daughter."

Taehyun sighed as he watched his mother leave with Youngmi. It wasn't disappointment, it was fully relief. His father was busy, and his mother was off his back. There wasn't anything to worry about anymore.

A sudden sharp pain spiked the back of Taehyun's head. He grasped the sore spot, swinging himself around.

"You bitch! I never knew you were coming back!"

Blue shimmered in Taehyun's eyes, looking towards his old friend. Soobin didn't look any different than five years ago, and Taehyun envied this. The baggy black trousers, plaid under shirt, the over-sized black tee. The visible earrings littering his ears, the thick, heavy boots. A style much unlike his current fitted white shirt, tapered black trousers, and dress shoes.

"What are you talking about? I literally texted you."

Soobin scrunched his eyebrows, then suddenly widened his eyes. You could see that spilt second of realization. "Oh shit, my phone broke a few weeks ago."

"A few weeks ago?! Soobin that's serious procrastination." Taehyun said, letting out a chuckle of disbelief.

"It's not that, I just can't afford it. Your dads cut all the staffs pay, so I'm prioritizing paying for more important stuff."

This was insane, why on earth would his father cut the staffs pay? Taehyun could hardly believe what he was hearing. This was his father they were talking about, a man rolling in money. Before Taehyun could ask about it, Soobin completely changed the subject.

"Oop I need to get going." Soobin said, looking to his wrist watch. "I'll see you-"

"Can I come?" Taehyun interrupted. "I've got no where else to be."

"Hmm sure, but you're not going like that, and we need to be quick." Soobin grabbed Taehyun's wrist dragging him out of the main building. They walked through the large garden area, all the way to the groundskeepers house. The place where Soobin and his father lived. 

The sun was starting to set, with all natural lighting fading slowly. Soobin switched on his bedroom light, hurriedly heading into his closest. He dug around for a few minutes, pulling out the occasion clothing item, that he threw straight at Taehyun.

"I hope they still fit you."

The switch was quite strange, since Taehyun hadn't dressed like this in over 5 years. He was thankful to have such a good friend, Soobin had saved some of his old clothes, when they were headed for the trash. He had a hunch Taehyun would come back, and thus want his old clothes. Though it was a lot longer wait than he had been expecting.

The black cargo vest sat over a black mesh shirt. Both tucked into black cargo trousers, and secured with a leather belt. He wore a chain choker around his throat, and there were chains attached to his trousers. He was raised a few inches by the platform combat boots, and a single cross earring dangled from his ear.

"Holy shit! You look so hot!" Soobin squealed, watching Taehyun casually stroll into his room. "That's the old Taehyun I know."

"I really missed this feeling."

Freedom to express himself.

He hadn't had that in a long time. It felt like a foreign idea these days, considering he was so used to being what other people wanted him to be.

"Are you ready to go?"

"I am, but do you mind telling me where we're going?"

A sweet smile tugged Soobin's lips, as he let out a little giggle. "Did I not say already? Oh well. We're going to watch my boyfriends band." 

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