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Chaotic Wonderland was packed, and way busier than anyone could have expected. The word had spread; people were desperate to attend Anti-Romantics performance. It should have been flattering, they should have all been excited, but they weren't. No one could enjoy this achievement, because they were freaking out over the fact Beomgyu still wasn't here.

Taehyun stood in the crowd, along with Soobin, Ryujin, Yeosang, San, and Seonghwa, who did decide to come after all. Which was probably the reason San wouldn't let Yeosang out of his arms. They were all trying to figure out where Beomgyu could be. 

Every person who tried to call, or text him, couldn't get a response. So, there really wasn't much they could do.

"Hey guys! He's still not answering my calls." Yeonjun yelled, pushing through the crowd. He reached his friends, sweaty and panting. "I'm gonna quickly swing by his apartment."

"That's too risky, what if you're not back in time?" Soobin asked, worry lacing his voice.

"Well there's not much else I can do-"

"Yeonjun, what's going on?" An unfamiliar voice graced Taehyun's ears, as he turned towards the source. A blonde man, no taller than himself, came rushing towards them.

Yeonjun's eyes widened for a split second, before he masked his panic. "Jeonghan, it's good to finally meet you in person." He'd only had calls with the man so far, since he was extremely busy running Chaotic Wonderland.

"I'd say the same if It wasn't for what I just heard. Your front mans gone MIA, and you're meant to be on in twenty minutes." Jeonghan spoke with haste. "I don't like being messed around Yeonjun."

"I know, and I apologize. No matter what happens, Anti-Romantic will play tonight." Yeonjun assured.

Jeonghan accepted his words, and headed back off into the crowd. Now he was gone, Yeonjun let out a deep sigh, running his hand through his dark locks. "I better go."

"How about I go instead? You can't miss this gig, Yeji and Wooyoung need you." Soobin said, immediately pulling his car keys out of his pocket.

Yeonjun seemed hesitant, arising Taehyun's suspicion from earlier. The man was keeping something from them, but this was no time for secrets.

"I'd rather you not. It's too much to explain now, but I'm scared Beomgyu's got himself into trouble. Serious trouble." Yeonjun put emphasis on the last words, which instantly put the group on edge.

"I'll go with him." Taehyun stated, knowing that it would ease Yeonjun's worry. It also meant he could go find Beomgyu, because if he really was in trouble, he couldn't just stay here and do nothing.

Yeonjun still wasn't pleased that Soobin was going, but agreed, since he wouldn't be alone. Truthfully, his place was here. His band mates needed him, and this was their big opportunity. He obviously cared about Beomgyu, but wasting time on finding him wasn't worth what he'd be giving up. They had to perform tonight, even if it was just the three of them.

With 18 minutes to go, the clock was ticking. The two men headed straight to Soobin's car, and got on the roads. There was a thick tension in the air, as both of them were dwelling on Yeonjun's words. Serious trouble. It could mean anything, but neither of them were thinking anything good.

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