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"So you're only 23?! Dude, that's way too young to be getting married!" Ryujin stated, her face covered in shock.

Honestly, this was the first time anyone had ever commented on his engagement in this light. Getting engaged, and married young, was normal for the people he surrounded himself with. It may not have been his ideal choice for his life, but it's not like he was in an ideal situation.

"I could never." Yeji said, shaking her head in disbelief. "I mean she sounds lovely, but that's just crazy to me! When's the wedding?"

"Ooh I wanna come!" Ryujin chirped, receiving a playful shove from Yeji.

"You've literally just met him!"

"And?! I still wanna come!"

Taehyun laughed, he quite enjoyed the girls company. "We only got engaged recently, so nothings set yet."

"Okay fair enough, but I still want an invite." Ryujin giggled, receiving only a sweet smile from Taehyun.

It's not like he could invite the girls, even if he wanted to. Knowing his family, the guest list would be completely out of his hands. It would only consist of people, pre-approved by his mother, and it's not like Taehyun was about to go exposing his secret life to his parents.

"Alright, let's stop talking about me. I want to know about you guys."

"Aww you're so sweet!" Yeji cooed, pinching Taehyun's cheek. She looked to Ryujin, then back to Taehyun, her tipsy self trying to think of something to say. "What's there to know? I'm in a band, and I'm friends with the most annoying dorks on the planet."

"How did you all meet?" This was something Taehyun had been wondering, since he met the group. More to understand how Beomgyu ended up with them, he wanted to know more about the boy, and what he had been up to these last five years.

"I've known Ryujin my whole life, then met Soobin through a university lecture. He introduced me to Yeonjun and Beomgyu, because they needed a bassist in their band. We still needed a final person, so I asked Ryujin if she knew anyone, and she told me about her friends boyfriend, which happened to be Wooyoung."

"Yeah, you see those guys over there." Ryujin pointed to the two guys next to Wooyoung. "Have you met them yet?" Taehyun shook his head. "That's San and Yeosang, we're in a street dance group together."

"Which ones Wooyoung's boyfriend?" Taehyun asked innocently.

"They both are." Yeji chuckled, pouring another round of shots for the three of them. "Now here, it's good for the soul."

Taehyun took the cold shot glass in his hand, starting to question whether drinking was a good idea. He needed to go home eventually, and turning up in a drunken state, would not look good for him. The two girls seemed confused by Taehyun's hesitation, causing the man to quickly gulp down his shot.

Looking over to Wooyoung's couch, he immediately noticed the absence of Beomgyu. His heart beat sped up, eyes frantically searching the room for him. Had he left? Taehyun really hoped not. Just as he was starting to think he'd never find him, the fleeting presence of the male flickers in his view. 

"I'm going to the bathroom." Taehyun announced, jumping up from the couch.

He ignored Yeji's weak attempt at getting him to stay, rushing in the direction of Beomgyu. There was no explanation for why he was chasing him, he didn't need one anymore. He fully accepted that he wanted to be around him, and he was going to take any opportunity to do so.

Taehyun pushed past the hoards of drunk ravers, barely making a dent in the scheme of things. This place was so big, and there were so many people, getting to Beomgyu wasn't an easy task. Though, Taehyun was determined, he kept pushing, and pushing, until he found some space. He was just in time, to see Beomgyu entering the men's bathroom.

He followed behind, grabbing the boys sleeve, as he was about to head into one of the stalls. Beomgyu groaned, turning to Taehyun, he expected to see some drunk idiot, but this was much worse. He harshly swatted Taehyun's hand away, trying to make it into the stall. He pushed the door, attempting to get it shut, but Taehyun was able to push his way in.

"Why the fuck are you here?! Get the fuck out!" Beomgyu shouted, as he heard the click of the lock. With no warning, he found himself shoved against the wall of the stall, a hand slammed over his mouth. His eyes widened, in shock and confusion, feeling Taehyun press their foreheads together.

The males breath was heavy, fanning over his pale skin. "Don't shout, I just want to talk to you." Taehyun's voice was like a sharp whisper, sounding desperate and needy.

Beomgyu wasn't sure how to react, reaching up to Taehyun's hand, he slowly lowered it down. "Fine, what is it?"

"I haven't got anything to say, I just know, I want to talk to you." Taehyun replied, taking a step back, he gave Beomgyu some room.

"What about what I want? I don't want to speak to you Taehyun, don't you realize how much I'm struggling with you just being here?" Beomgyu sighed, observing Taehyun's down trodden expression. "I get that you know Soobin, but these are my friends, and this is my life. You may get to go back home to your big mansion, fiance, and high ass company position, but I don't. This isn't fun and games for me, it's taken five years, and I'm still not over you."

Tears were brimming in his eyes, flushing a sense of guilt over Taehyun. "I'm not trying to mess with your feelings I-" He paused, not knowing how to explain. "I...I don't know. I'm not over you either, I fucking love you so much. Being here, with you, it's bringing back everything I've missed."

"You're so selfish..." Beomgyu muttered, tears tricking down his pale skin. His body was like a magnet, drawing closer to Taehyun. The way his finger sparked electricity, wiping away his tears. He didn't want to give in, but it wasn't a choice. "I hate you." 

"That's fine."

Taehyun brought their lips together.

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