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Smoke was the first thing Taehyun smelt as he woke up. He scrunched his nose as he sniffed the air, soon registering that the smell of smoke was definitely not a good thing. He snapped his head towards the bed, noticing an empty space beside him. Worry instantly coarsed through his body, forcing him up and out of bed. He ran out of the bedroom in a panic, now hearing the smoke alarm set off.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Beomgyu cursed, frantically waving a towel at the smoke alarm. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Gyu what is going on?"

Beomgyu let out an exaggerated sigh, turning to Taehyun. "Just open a window please." He replied, sounding quite dejected.

Taehyun hurried over to the windows, opening one, and failing to open the other.

"That ones broken." Beomgyu said, finally hearing that annoying beeping stop. He grabbed a pan off the stove, and harshly chucked it into the sink.

"I didn't think you'd have fire alarms in your apartment." Taehyun walked over to the kitchen, now noticing the burnt mess in the sink. "What were you making?"

"Soobin bought them for me a while ago. I would thank him if they didn't go off each time I tried to smoke something. And don't look at that..." Beomgyu pushed Taehyun away from the sink, blocking off his piss poor attempt at cooking. "I was trying to make you breakfast, but I screwed it up."

Taehyun smiled wide, the sun had barely risen, but Beomgyu had already woken up to make him breakfast. He leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss on the mans lips. "You're cute, thank you for trying."

Beomgyu's lips curved into a shy smile. He stepped forward, letting Taehyun engulf him in a hug. "I'll do better next time."


"Morning Taehyun!" Yeosang said happily, handing Taehyun his morning coffee and paperwork

"Morning." Taehyun replied, taking his much needed sip of coffee.

The two started walking down the hall towards Taehyun's office. A time where Yeosang was meant to be briefing Taehyun about his schedule for the day, instead spent gossiping about the other night.

"So you and Beomgyu? When did that happen?" Yeosang asked eagerly, eliciting a chuckle from the blonde beside him.

"It's too complicated to explain right now." Taehyun chuckles again hearing Yeosang's annoyed groan. He tucks the paper work under his arm, and pats the man's shoulder. "I'll tell you one day."

"You're full of secrets Kang Taehyun."

"Mmm secrets are necessary sometimes." Taehyun slows down as he reaches his office, pausing for a moment to unlock the door. He turns back to Yeosang saying, "Isn't that why you aren't honest about your job?"

He walks inside the office, followed closely by Yeosang.

"You're not honest either." Yeosang commented, taking his usual seat across from Taehyun's desk.

"Haven't we already established that?" Taehyun smirks as he sits down, placing his coffee and paper work on the desk. "It doesn't really matter now, since I'm going to come clean to everyone soon. I kept a lot of my life hidden, because I wanted to be accepted into your world. Considering how much I care about you all, I don't want to keep lying to you."

"Wow I'm glad to hear that. Everyone really likes you Taehyun, trust me, you can be yourself with us." Yeosang spoke genuinely, and you could tell he really meant every word. "I mean, look at the mess we are. Wooyoung's always pissing someone off, Yeonjun gets in fights all the time, Beomgyu always high-" Yeosang cut himself off, and quickly shut his mouth.

Taehyun had been laughing along up until that point. He could tell Yeosang was panicking, but he wasn't mad at him. It just stung to be reminded of the trouble Beomgyu was in.

He opens his mouth to speak again. "I didn't mean to call him a mess, it's not like that- I was just trying to be funny. Sorry it came across like that." He mutters fast, waving his hands around as he spoke. By the end, he awkwardly clasps his hands together, and forces them into his lap.

"It's alright, I know you didn't mean it." Taehyun comments softly, seeing Yeosang visibly relax. "How about we discuss something else?"

Yeosang nods enthusiastically. "You have meetings at 10-12, 1-2, and 5-6, oh and how could I forget? Your father wants to see you at some point today."

"I'll just go see him now then." Taehyun stated, wanting to get it out of the way, so he could actually enjoy the rest of his day. As he stands up from his desk, Yeosang does too. "Can you stay here and send an email for me? Tell my cousin, Mr Huening, that I'll call him later today to discuss matters further."

Yeosang nods again, and hurries over to Taehyun's computer. 

Taehyun makes his way out of his office, far from excited about seeing his father. He wasn't sure what the man wanted to see him for, all he hoped was that he hadn't found a problem with his mock up. He worked his ass off for three whole days to get that done. He didn't need any more work on his plate.

"Oh President Kang your fathers in a meeting right now." His fathers assistant informed. "Care to leave a message?"

"No, it's alright, I'll come back..." Taehyun trailed off, as his eyes fell on the bin beside the assistants desk. There happened to be a very familiar light blue file discarded in there. He looked back up at the woman, and pointed to the bin. "Did my father throw that away? If so, when?"

The woman took a glance in the bin. "Um earlier this morning I believe."

"Did he say anything?"

"Not to me, he was talking to Kim Minjun though, but I really couldn't say." The woman plasters on an evil grin, and goes back to looking at her computer, side eyeing Taehyun.

"I'll get you one week of paid vacation." He bargains.

"Two weeks and we have a deal."


"So generous President Kang, no wonder everyone likes you." She smirks, turning to the man, she crosses one leg over the other, and leans forward. "He was talking about the contents of the file, and they were laughing at how ridiculous it was. Then I heard them mention Choi Seungcheol, something about getting one over on him."

Taehyun had to make sure that was it. "Is that everything?"

"That's everything." The assistant confirmed.

Well Taehyun really wasn't sure what to make of this situation. He barely had any of the story, but from what he could decipher, his father wasn't planning on implementing any of his changes. He was even plotting to fool Seungcheol. This was low, even for his fathers standards. 

He didn't allow himself to get mad, because he couldn't have expected more from his father. However, he wasn't just going to let him get away with this. Maybe the Taehyun of before, but he wasn't going to be pushed around anymore.

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