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A thick stack of paper tapped against the hardwood, neatening the pile before it was slid into a light blue file.

"Done." Taehyun said, letting the file drop from his hands.

Yeosang watched it fall onto the desk, giving a swift round of applause. "You did that in three days, I'm impressed."

"Didn't have much of a choice." Taehyun shrugged. He leaned back in his chair, finally able to relax after all that hard work. Hopefully his father would be satisfied with that mock up, but he was a hard man to please.

"I'll take that to your fathers office." Yeosang glanced to the clock on the wall. "Only an hour more and we're free for the weekend." He chuckled, picking up the file.

It couldn't come soon enough for Taehyun. In these three days, he hadn't seen Beomgyu once. He wasn't purposely trying to avoid him, he was just extremely busy with the mock up. Now the weekend was here, he'd finally be able to see the man again. Things were different between them, he could feel it.

"Are you going to the gig on Saturday?" Yeosang was now standing, clutching the blue file in his hand.

Taehyun furrowed his brows, confused for a moment. It took a second to click. "The one at Chaotic Wonderland? I should be."

Anti-Romantic's first show there as regulars. He couldn't miss that.

"I'll be there too. We're actually all meeting up for food before it, you should join us." Yeosang replied cheerfully.


"Great, I'll text you where to meet." Yeosang gave a short wave, then left the office.

All alone, Taehyun decided to get back to work. Like Yeosang said, only an hour left, might as well get some stuff done. He straightened his posture, bringing his attention to his computer. He headed into his emails, checking over his messages before the weekend. After checking a very enthusiastic one from Choi Seungcheol, he noticed a new email pop up in his inbox.

From his cousin.

From: Mr Huening Kai
To: President Kang Taehyun

Hello Taehyun,
This is actually Shin Yuna. Mr Huening is currently in the bathroom, cleaning barbecue sauce off his shirt. He asked me to send this email.
We've had some thorough discussions with Youngmi, and I believe we're ready to move this whole process forward. Your fiance has picked out a few houses she'd like to view, so I'm happy to book the viewings for whenever you're both available. 
I look forward to hearing from you,
Thank you in advance,
Shin Yuna.
Huening Estate Agents

He almost forgot about the house search. It was good to hear that everything was moving smoothly, as he hadn't talked to Youngmi since their fight. He wasn't trying to avoid her either, it was the other way around.

From: President Kang Taehyun
To: Mr Huening Kai

Good Afternoon Kai/Yuna,
I am free Sunday afternoon if that works.
Thank you,
Kang Taehyun

The response came not a minute later.

From: Mr Huening Kai
To: President Kang Taehyun

Hello Taehyun,
Anytime of day works for me! I'll book the viewings for Sunday afternoon, and get back to you.
Thank you again,
Shin Yuna
Huening Estate Agents


"What the fuck happened in here?"

It's like a bomb went off. 

The coffee table was covered in unreadable sheet music. The floor was littered with crumbled up paper balls. There were pills scattered everywhere, and beer bottles half drunk. Somehow it seemed messier than usual. Yeonjun had came in only a moment ago, through the door that happened to be unlocked. That was the first sign something was up, since Beomgyu always locked the door.

The man in question was hunched over on the floor, guitar in hand, and pen between his teeth. If his knotted hair didn't make it clear enough that he wasn't looking after himself, then that awful stench did the job.

Yeonjun was actually shocked. Even though Beomgyu was a mess, it wasn't the same as it usually was.

"Earth to Beomgyu." The lights were on, but nobody was home. He forcibly took the guitar from Beomgyu's grasp, finally bringing him back to earth.

Beomgyu snapped his head up. "Give that back, I'm working on a song."

"I can see that." Yeonjun stated, handing the guitar back to Beomgyu. "You don't do this often, must have something you wanna write about. Can I hear what you've got so far?"

Beomgyu just rolled his eyes, leaning forward to read his messy scribbles. He began strumming clumsily, until he got the right cords.

"I resent you,
I hate the times I had with you,
After I lost you,
Everything became meaningless."

His voice was soft, not using much power. Though, through that, it hit Yeonjun harder.

"That's just the opening, the chorus will go kinda like this..."

He changed up the cords, to play slightly faster.

"Really I loved you,
It's because I loved you so much,
Because I want to forget you but I can't,
That's why I wan't to forget you."

"Really, I loved you,
That's how much harder it is,
I want to hate you,
But I can't so I hate you even more."

By now Yeonjun had figured it out. Beomgyu's inspiration had become clear as day. All of his songs were written about the same thing, or more specifically, the same person.

A smirk graced Yeonjun's face. "It's good, I like it."

"What are you smirking for?" Beomgyu growled, looking back to the table, he started scribbling more things onto his paper.

"Wouldn't you like to know." 

Yeonjun suddenly grabbed Beomgyu's wrist, and dragged him off the floor. The man wiggled and resisted, but couldn't escaped being forced to his feet.

"Get ready, we're going bowling."

"Absolutely not." Beomgyu snatched back his wrist. "I'm busy, so fuck off."

"You're also stinking, you need a shower. Once you brush that rats nest out of your hair, you'll feel much better, and be able to get more done. So come on, it'll be fun." Yeonjun held firm, pushing Beomgyu towards the bathroom.

"Fine! But you're paying." Beomgyu huffed, taking his annoyed self into the bathroom.

Well that was easier than he expected. At least Soobin would be happy that he managed to convince Mr miserable to come bowling. All he had to worry about was how he'd react to Taehyun. Maybe it would do him some good, since the song was about him anyway. He just had to wait and see.


Beomgyu's new song: I Loved You - Day 6 [English lyrics]

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