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[Sexual content ahead]

The jingle of keys echoed through the apartment as they clashed against the counter. They weren't Taehyun's keys, nor was this his apartment. Beomgyu asked for him to stay, and he wasn't going to refuse. They had just arrived only minutes ago, not having time to switch on the lights yet. Taehyun faced the counter, letting out a deep breath, thinking about how complicated life happened to be.

When he felt Beomgyu's arms snake around his waist, he didn't think much of it. Tonight must have been tough for him. He could use some comfort. Though, that's not necessarily what he came for. 

Pressed close against Taehyun's back, he ran his hand down the mans body. As he reached the mans crotch, he started rubbing it softly, instantly feeling his wrist snatched and pulled away.

Taehyun spun around, now only inches away from Beomgyu's face. He held a firm grip of Beomgyu's wrist, staring at him with confusion. "We shouldn't do this, you're upset."

"So you don't want to make me feel better?" Beomgyu asked with fake innocence. He leaned forward quickly, placing a kiss on Taehyun's lips before the man could move away. Taehyun leaned back as much as he could, but the counter was trapping him. "This would help."

"Gyu, we just got back from the hospital..." Taehyun sighed. This was inappropriate timing for sure.

"And what? I'm a bad son, someone has to punish me."


"Fine!" Beomgyu snapped, taking a step back. "You've made it very clear you're not interested!" 

Before Taehyun could even respond, Beomgyu stormed into the bedroom.

Being reasonable with Beomgyu never worked, because the man liked to pick and choose what he hears. Somehow simple consideration turned into a lack of interest. He sure knew how to make Taehyun feel guilty.

He slowly walked to the bedroom himself, seeing Beomgyu sat on the bed, staring down at his lap. "Please don't be mad-"

"I know I'm overreacting, but you can't blame me! we're not even together, and you already left me once before...Can't you see how desperate I am to keep you around?!"

"You don't have to force it to keep me here." Taehyun spoke softly, gradually walking into the room.

Beomgyu lifted his head. "I'm not forcing anything, I wasn't talking about that. I need you to want me, because if you don't want me, you'll leave."

"Do you trust that I love you?"

"I don't know."

To hear that Beomgyu doubted his love was painful. He had never once doubted the man, because he never gave him a reason to. No matter how badly Taehyun just wanted to move forward, the past was still affecting the person he loved.

He stood in front of Beomgyu, gently running his fingers through his dark hair. "I'm not engaged anymore." There was a twinkle of curiosity in Beomgyu's eyes as he stared up at him. In that moment, Taehyun thought he was the most precious person on this earth. "I love you, and I want to be with you. Only you. For the rest of my life."

"And so do I..."

"Then be my boyfriend again."

There was a lingering silence, that unearthed Taehyun's nerves. He almost stopped breathing as he awaited a response. The answer came in form of a kiss. Beomgyu grabbed a fistful of Taehyun's shirt, dragging him down into the kiss. It was soft and sweet, only lasting a few seconds. "If I say yes, will you give me what I want?" Beomgyu asked teasingly.

A smirk curved Taehyun's lips. "I can never say no to you."

With no warning, Beomgyu yanked Taehyun down onto the bed, immediately straddling the man. He lent down connecting their lips again, and this time, the kiss was far from innocent. It was passionate, and fiery, deepening in almost an instant.

They obviously craved each other, like a hunger that could never subside. Beomgyu kissed and licked down Taehyun's jaw, connecting his lips to the delicate skin of his throat. He just kept licking and sucking, marking Taehyun all he could, the world will truly know who the man belongs to.

They carry on like this for a while, bodies growing hotter, becoming needier at the second. Beomgyu pulls away, sitting himself over Taehyun's crotch, he starts grinding against him. Hands grab his small waist, guiding his movements, as he bites his lip to hold back a moan. Taehyun looked so damn attractive at that moment. Eyes full of lust, a coy smirk tugging at his lips, he knew exactly what he wanted the man to do to him.

"I want you to ruin me." He states confidently, receiving a deep chuckle from Taehyun. In an instant, their positions are flipped, with Taehyun now hovering over him.

"I'm not sure I heard you, could you say that again?" Taehyun replied, with clear intention to tease.

Beomgyu slowly ran his fingers along the side of Taehyun's face, eventually reaching his blonde strands. He made sure they retained eye contact, as he forcefully pushed Taehyun's head down, lowly whispering in his ear. "Fuck me, ruin me, destroy me, I want it all."

"How bad do you want it?"

Yet again, Beomgyu answered with his actions. He bring Taehyun's hand up to his mouth, where he begins licking up and down his slender fingers. One by one, keeping an intense stare on the man above him. Soon enough, he takes three fingers in his mouth, sucking on them seductively, just waiting for Taehyun to snap.

Taehyun was entranced, watching the sensual display before him. He could feel that twitching in his underwear, that became more uncomfortable by the second. They had teased long enough, it was time to ease some of this tension. He let Beomgyu continue to suck on his fingers, as he used his other hand to unbutton the mans jeans. He only removed his hand once Beomgyu also had a desire to discard of their clothing. In a matter of minutes, they were both stripped bare.

Taehyun reconnected their lips, as he pushed the first finger inside. The loud moan Beomgyu let out was almost enough to make him cum, but he had more self restraint than that. He pushed the second in, followed by the third, thrusting and scissoring inside of his tight walls.

"Mmm...more...I want all of you..." Beomgyu muttered between whimpers.

Looking down at the mess Beomgyu already was, pushing it further almost seemed cruel, but it's what he desired. His flushed cheeks, ruffled hair, sweaty skin, were so beautiful, in such a vulnerable way. Taehyun could never crave another person, not after Beomgyu. He was the only person he wanted to give his all too, and he was the only person who deserved it.

"Then you'll have it."

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