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"A night of sales wasted! The fuck is wrong with Gyu? He normally takes this seriously." 

"Calm down, there's obviously something going on with him."

"Well he's your son, you figure it out for once."

"He should be here soon; we can figure it out together."

Beomgyu sighed, watching through the crack in the door. He'd come down from his high merely hours ago, which meant he now had to face Yoongi, and his mother. The very people he'd fucked over by going on his emo breakdown, the night before. 

God, he hated Kang Taehyun.

There was really no reason to delay, he might as well get the scolding over with already. Pushing open the door, Beomgyu walked inside the apartment, to a mixed reception. Yoongi stood furious, leaning his arm on the TV, whilst his mother was quite calm, softly beckoning him to sit next to her on the couch. 

"Explain yourself." Was all Yoongi said.

Beomgyu sat by his mother, feeling a hand gently rubbing his back. "I was sad, so I drank and took some LSD."

"Yeah I already worked that part out." Yoongi scoffed, shaking his head. "I have no problem with you getting wasted, or high. I'm all for that, but you need to be responsible. You knew you were working that night, meaning you do none of that shit."

"I know."

"If I hadn't broken into your apartment, you would've drowned kid. Think about how that would have affected your mother." 

His mother held a forced smile, as Beomgyu looked to her. She was obviously worried for him, which made him feel really guilty. 

"You're my best dealer, I need you." Yoongi stated, throwing a bag at Beomgyu. "You're going to make it up to me by working tonight. I don't care what you have to do, I want all of that shifted."

The bag was heavy, more heavy than usual. As he opened the black duffel, he noticed almost double of what he was usually given. There was no way he was going to be able to get rid of it all in one night.

"There's too much." He muttered, looking to Yoongi in confusion,

A small chuckle escaped the man, as he strolled towards the door. "It's your lot from last night, plus your mothers distribution for tonight. Her dealers got lucky, getting the night off. Now you better get moving, the clocks ticking."

The door slammed.

"I'll help you sweetie." His mother said, taking the bag from Beomgyu. "He's being ridiculous."

Beomgyu gulped, pulling the bag back to his lap. He ignored his mothers confused expression, zipping up the duffel. "No, It's my fault, I'll sort it."

"Are you sure? It's meant to be split between five dealers."

All Yoongi wanted was for him to take responsibility.

"I'm sure."


Each step was brimming with confidence, as Taehyun took sharp strides all the way to his fathers office.

This would be their first meeting, in five years, that they'd have in person. And even though, Taehyun hated the idea of it, it was something he couldn't avoid.

"Hello father."

"Have a seat."

From the black wood, raised paneled walls, to the large custom mahogany desk, to the dark leather chesterfield office chair. His office hadn't changed one bit.

"I'm glad you're back, your mother missed you dearly."

"And you? What do you want from me?"

His father wasn't ever the doting father he should have been, he only cared about Taehyun when it benefited him. It was more likely that his father had a motive for this meeting, and in that case, Taehyun wanted to skip the small talk.

"I'm sure you've heard of the allegations our companies been under recently. I tried my best to sweep them under the rug, but our sponsors have started to pull out." His father sighed, running his hand through his raven locks. "Our company is at extreme risk, If we don't do something now, we'll go bust."

So that's why the staffs pay had been cut.

"My son, business graduate, former president of a successful social media company, happily engaged. We need to show the world a united front, and you're someone people can easily get behind."

"Well not former, I am still the president."

"Yes I know that." Mr Kang groaned. "I want you to come work for me, help turn the company around. We can beat these allegation together."

Allegations- Taehyun found himself rolling his eyes at that. They were definitely not just allegations. He knew the type of people his father worked with, he trusted the victims.

"I thought you didn't need me."

Years of being told he wasn't worthy of joining the company, having it held over his head, like it was such a glorious thing. Being told he'd have to prove himself first. Oh how things had changed.

"Don't be difficult Taehyun, just agree."

"I have a life in-"

"I don't want to repeat myself."

Things were always his way, Taehyun couldn't escape it. 



He could hear sobbing.

Taehyun hurried into the bedroom, discovering Youngmi curled up under the covers, sobbing. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, worry lacing his voice.

"I-I can't believe you." She cried, covering herself further. "Stay away from me."

He knew, of course he knew. It became very clear that Youngmi had heard his agreement with his father, and she was deservedly upset.

"Can we talk about this?"

"No! G-go away...please Tae."

He'd have always upset someone, and trust him, he would've never wanted it to be Youngmi. Though, Taehyun didn't have much choice when it came to his father. The more he complied, the easier his life would be.

Youngmi would come to understand this, or at least he hoped.

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