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This was going to be a tough day for Taehyun. He tried to remain confident, but as he came closer and closer to his fathers office, he couldn't hide the nerves. It didn't help that every employee he passed shot him worrying looks, as if they knew what he was about to face. It was far from encouraging, but all Taehyun could do was block them out. He whole heartedly backed the decisions he made, and already knew the consequences that would come with them. There was no point in surrendering now.

This felt like the longest walk to his fathers office yet. He could hear some mumbling from down the hall, and could only assume his father was making a business call. It wasn't anything unusual, but it did cause Taehyun to wonder how he reacted to the news. Was this a casual business call? Or was this a frantic attempt at keeping the company together? Either way, Taehyun didn't have to concern himself with it anymore.

"Taehyun." When he heard his voice called, his fathers office was only a few feet away. He swung around, seeing his mother standing at the end of the hall. Her eyes were puffy and swollen, like she had been crying. "You don't want to go in there. Your father is very upset, it's better if you give him a few days to calm down."

"I understand, but I need to speak with him now."

His mother let out a heavy sigh. "You put in your letter of resignation on the same day Choi Seungcheol pulled out his funding. I'm so disappointed in you Taehyun, where is your loyalty?"

Disappointed? He tried to ignore the comment, but he couldn't deny that it stung. He spent his whole life putting on this perfect act; being exactly what they wanted him to be. He may have done things they wouldn't have approved of, but they never found, he never embarrassed them. He wasn't the cause of the companies downfall, he actually joined to help, but his fathers actions put them in this situation. He owed him no loyalty.

"Choi Seungcheol is a good man, he deserves to work with people who respect him." Taehyun could see his mother grow angry at his words, but he kept going. "As for me, I'm finally choosing what I want, based on what I deserve. I want to be happy, and I can't do that if I work for father."

"This isn't like you."

"You don't know anything about me."

The woman was caught off guard by that, and seemed rather offended. She went to speak, but held back, biting her tounge. She was close to getting very angry, but she didn't want to fight with Taehyun.

"Just stop being ridiculous. You're throwing your future away, how are you going to provide for Youngmi?" She asked, voice stern, and tone serious.

If she was already disappointed in him, there was no reason to hold back. "I guess I should also tell you that I'm not marrying Youngmi anymore, and we're both moving out today." 

He could see his mothers brows shoot up, and her mouth hang open. "Are you serious right now?" She questioned, as her anger was replaced with shock. She walked towards him, and placed both hands on his shoulders. "You need to get her back, she's great for you Taehyun. What are doing? You can't throw this all away."

Taehyun didn't hesitate to answer. "I'm in love with someone else." 

His mother let out an ungodly gasp, instantly struck with a wave of emotion. Tears were now brimming in her eyes. 

"He's someone I've been in love with for five years, and I can't push him away anymore just to please you."

He gently removed her hands while waiting for a response, but for a moment there was only silence.

"He?" She muttered.

Taehyun gulped and felt his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach.

"Is he from a wealthy family at least?" She finally spoke.

"No, but I love him, that's all that matters." He replied, his words quieter and weaker. He should have been relieved at her minimal reaction, but he didn't get long to appreciate it.

His mother placed her hand over her mouth, and looked away, as the tears streamed down her face. "I can't- I...I-I don't...Oh god..." His mother's words fell between choked sobs. "I need to get myself together..." She sucked in a deep breath, and wiped her tears away, even as they continued to fall. She finally brought her gaze back to Taehyun. "You'll always be my son, so I'll always love you, but I just need some time to wrap my head around this all. For now, I think you should go."

Even though he didn't he need to rely on his parents anymore, it still hurt to be pushed away. He hadn't done anything wrong, if only they could see that.

"I want to speak to father."

"No Taehyun, leave, please."

He couldn't ignore her begging, and decided to postpone his meeting with his father for another day. His mother didn't even look at him as he walked past her. He wasn't sure when they would see each other next, he could only hope that the future would be brighter, but he was a realistic man.

"How did it go?" Soobin asked eagerly, and Taehyun could sense how anxious he was.

"I only got to speak to mother, and to keep it short, she told me to leave." Taehyun replied, walking down the drive towards Soobin's car. He could see the vehicle was fully packed with stuff, and both Youngmi and Soobin were standing beside it.

"Oh I'm sorry Tae." Youngmi stepped forward, pulling Taehyun in for a hug. He could also feel Soobin softly patting his shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He shook his head. "We can do that later. Today's a good day, I'm not going to ruin the mood. Is everything packed?"

"Mmm that's the last of it." Soobin answered. "You ready to go?"

Taking one last look back at his child hood home, he couldn't say it was all unpleasant memories. In life there's a balance, you can only have so much good, if you also take the bad. This wasn't the first time he moved out, but it felt more monumental. This time he was leaving with nothing to hide, and stepping into the life he always wanted.

"I'm ready."

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