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"Iza get up." A monster growled to me, his voice hushed and low and horribly sexy. He sounded like he had just stepped out of bed.

I groaned in response before I turned to him. "What?" I asked, opening my eyes to see Leo with a black hood covering most of his face with its shadow. He stood beside the bed, hovering over me. If I wasn't irritated by him for waking me up from my beauty sleep, I would have admitted to myself that he looked extremely gorgeous.

"Get up before I do something else to get you out the bed," He responded his voice sterner this time, he was dressed in all black with a silver chain hanging from his neck. I sighed, he always had to make it so hard for me to say no to him.

I took a glance at the clock on the nightstand beside me, it read ten twenty. I groaned in response, turning to Leo with an irritated look. "Why are you waking me up at ten twenty in the fucking night?" I asked, wanting to punch him right in that stupidly handsome face of his.

"So I can keep you up for the rest of the night," Leo answered simply, yanking my blanket off the upper half of my body as he laughed at my face. "I'm just joking."

"Fuck off," I muttered flashing him a glare before I grabbed my blanket off from his grasp and snuggled further into it.

"C'mon Iza," Leo demanded, grabbing my blanket and attempting to pull it off me again. "Get your beautiful ass out of this bed."

"You can take your commands and que te den por culo," I replied back to him as stubborn as ever. It was the only swear I knew in Spanish.

Leo laughed in reply, taking a seat beside me. His voice was hoarse with some sort of emotion that seemed to not work well with him. "Ya que sabes español, debes saber que eres mi vida".

I turned to him with a confused look, pulling out my translator app from my phone and slowly inching it towards his mouth. "Say that again." Both for the translation and to hear that damn voice again.

I heard a light chuckle emit from Leo before he spoke up again, standing up from the bed as he leaned down to the phone. "Eres un payaso." He's such an asshole.

As I heard the translation, Leo laughed at the sudden change in expression on my face, my annoyance getting the best of me, before I ran out the bed. Leo's hand suddenly came into contact with my waist. I tried my best to ignore the sudden chills sent up my spine as he wrapped his other arm around my legs. "Hm, so much for que te den por culo." He mocked with a breathy laugh.

I let out a whelp as he swiftly lifted me up from the bed, I immediately wrapped my hands around his neck. "Leo put me down now!" I demanded, repeatedly slamming my fist against his chest.

He let out a slight huff before he looked down at me and smirked, "My girl's got a load of fight in her, huh?"

My eyes widened for a split second, heat blushing my cheeks as his gaze met mine before I tore my gaze off of him. Shit, my heart feels like it's going to explode. Damnit, I hate the way my body reacts to him. He took the words out of my mouth too.

His grip got tighter against me as he carried me down the stairs to the front door. I'd think part of him enjoyed carrying me like this by the satisfied yet amused look on his face. Just to add, I did catch his eyes travelling near my chest, aka my boobs, a few times. "Nice view?"

He just chuckled in response before, shaking his head. As soon as we reached the front door he set me down before instantly grabbing my hand before I could take my small chance of running back to bed. Damnit how does he know me well enough to know I would do that? I watched him take his keys- wait. "You stole my keys?" I asked, looking at him with an unimpressed and further irritated look.

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