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"I'm telling you I'm going to win first!" Leo yelled from behind me, I looked back at him to see his eyes travelling down to places he could only dream of touching. "I can smell the loser sweat on you already."

"I wouldn't challenge you to a race if I wasn't going to win it!" I shouted back at him, a jolt of determination sprinting through me as I started to run faster.

As I looked back once again, I saw a small fluff of white with shiny white fangs. My feet picked up a faster pace as I screamed. "It's a fucking pomeranian!"

Leo laughed behind me, as he looked back at the small dog running along with us. "Don't tell me you're that much of a coward that you're scared of a small dog- oh shit!" The pomeranian let out a small growl at Leo before yelping towards him.

My legs felt fragile and weak as if they were going to give in and break like glass hitting a wood floor. I am very horrible at describing how I feel but the point is that I could die at any moment. Well, my legs could.

The next ten minutes were spent with both me and Leo screaming across the street and bothering the passing neighbours as we tried to shake off the baby pomeranian from our feet.

We both stumbled into the house, shutting the door before the pomeranian ran in. My hands rested on my knees as I gained back control of my breathing. I stretched my torso, before heading towards the kitchen where Leo was, now shirtless again.

I took in a deep breath to stop myself from breathing so heavily. I'm pretty sure I sounded like a bulldog at this moment, and that's the last thing I wanted right now if someone passed by the kitchen.

Placing one hand on the side of the fridge, I used the other to grab a bottle of water. Finally, I was at peace now, I had gotten my drink and could refresh myself. I deserved this cold water.

I began to drink, I felt the coolness of the liquid slide down my throat and the taste of it was amazing- Wait, water doesn't have a taste. Water doesn't have a taste right?

I slowly brought the hydro flask up to my nose and took a quick sniff of the liquid and- Oh. My. God.

Thanks to my intellectual thinking, I came to the great epiphany that what I had just drank was not water but instead orange juice. Holy shit, I'm going to throw up.

The question is, who would do this to me?

I should seriously slap myself across the face for that or maybe check if I even have a brain because it's obvious who did this. I need to seriously stop asking dumbass questions, it's like my life is becoming a comedy show with all this dumbassness.

Seriously Iza, 'Dumbassness'? That's not even a word, whatever, it is now.

To be honest, orange juice isn't that bad when you taste it, I mean it had a sort of sour and tangy taste that did give my taste buds a sense of satisfaction. But who in their right mind would replace my cold water with this? Actually, when I think of it now. I hate orange juice. Why am I saying it's nice? I must not be in my right mind of state because- Oh my God, why do I still have this bottle in my hand?

The taste of the liquid was lingering on my tongue, God the aftertaste of orange juice is horrible. Does orange juice permanently stick to your tongue when you drink it? I mean I wouldn't know, let me just focus on getting rid of the taste. I don't want to like the taste of this poison. I emptied the remaining contents of the hydro flask onto Leo's head.

Leo turned to me with a gasp, a pissed look on his face as the orange juice dripped from his hair to his bare chest.

I ignored him, grabbing an empty glass and filling it with what I hoped was cold water from the kitchen tap. I felt a bit of hesitation when I brought the glass up to my lips. Don't be stupid, just drink it. It's tap water.

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