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This dickhead is really fucking irritating. I don't know what it is but Jaxon just ruins my mood, especially after knowing how he was with Iza. He doesn't deserve to even be in the same room as her. I let out a frustrated sigh, holding back the urge to push him off the rooftop as I approached him, "What do you want?" I asked.

Jaxon glared at me, placing both hands on his hips before he spoke, "To leave Iza alone." He answered, narrowing his eyes at me before he raised his eyebrows and slowly lowered them. I bit my bottom lip down hard, it's really difficult to suppress my laughter when he keeps on making weird faces at me. Is this what he does to people when he is trying to intimidate them? Man, that's a comedy show I want to see.

"No can do, dude. I live with her." I responded, letting out a small chuckle as I looked back at Iza. She had her arms folded along with a huge amount of annoyance spread across her facial expression. Iza gently shook her head before mouthing the words 'get rid of him' to me.

I turned to Jaxon again, "What are you here for?" I asked. Fucking hell, I'm already tired getting of looking at this toad's face.

"To beat the shit out of you," Jaxon answered, his tone intolerantly aggressive and wrathful.

I let out a breathy laugh, folding my arms. "Fucking hell that seems fun, let's do it."

Jaxon scoffed, "You find that entertaining? Your life must be boring."

"And your life revolves around Iza's too," I reply, dead-ass serious. "We aren't so different, buddy." 

"What do you mean by that?" Jaxon challenged, again attempting to intimidate me.

I plastered a sarcastic smile onto my face. "You're not that dumb to not know what I mean do you?"

"Look, just leave Iza alone," Jaxon said, completely changing the subject and suddenly becoming extremely close to me as he leaned into my ear. "Everyone knows how much of a better boyfriend I am to her." He whispered, his infuriating voice sending my rage to war with my brain. All these voices in my head were mixing up my decisions, some were screaming 'attack' and 'kill' whilst others were trying to calm them down.

A sneer was etched onto my face as I chided into what he had just said, "If you were such a good boyfriend why did she dump you then?"

Jaxon's face morphed into one similar to the face of a blubber fish, seems like he has that in common with, Kai. He then came closer to me and pushed a finger onto my chest, "Listen, buddy, you break up with Iza now or you get beaten up. Choose wisely." He said each word with slow elaboration, his face on the brink of breaking into a chaotic clutter of anger.

I glared at him for a few seconds before I spoke up, through gritted teeth, "I'll never leave her, so you might as well go on to 'beating the shit out of me'."

My anger was at its limit, now at the edge of overflowing my senses. Just one more push and all that hot bubbling rage would be burning up inside me, consuming me entirely until I am just a monstrous shamble of anger. 

A voice behind me spoke up, "Jaxon, go away. You aren't relevant to me anymore."

"You. You fucking bitch." Jaxon turned to Iza, his face leaking with the clear emotions of anger and pain. "It didn't take you that long to get over me did it, Iza?" He asked, trying his best to get some sympathy on his side. I rolled my eyes at him, he's such a hypocrite for saying that. All those years he tortured Iza with his 'love', and now he expects her to be madly in love with him? "Now, you're this fuckers 'little girlfriend'?" Jaxon yelled, straining his voice.

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