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I was insane.

Anger. Hatred. Passion. Fear-  I didn't know what was going on in my fucking brain. I heard Leo call out behind me, but I couldn't, wouldn't turn back to him.

His voice calling my name made my heart ache. Not in a bad way but horribly in a good way, and my mind wasn't pleased at all. Voices pounded through my head, my mind blurry with confusion, fuzzing up my vision as I pushed open an empty bedroom door.

That song he had played for me echoed in the walls of my heart, pulsing like a curse in my head but a blessing in my soul.  

The moment the door was open, I inhaled and exhaled repeatedly as my feet dashed toward the window. My hands trembled while I twisted the lock of the window, opening it to breathe in deep swallows of air. "Izabella?" Followed by the closing of the door.

His footsteps got louder when all I wanted them to do was fade away, recede, and vanish forever from my memories. Taking a larger gulp of air when his cologne overfilled my senses, his melodic voice sighed, expressing his emotions. Emotions that he hadn't kept a good idea at hiding. "You need to let me talk to you."

I ignored him, hoping he would just go away like how he had done every other time for the past two week he had been trying to apologise to me.

"You can't ignore me," Leo announced, emitting a breathy laugh before he approached me and grabbed my hand, turning me around to face him. "Stop it."

I shoved him off me, an irritated look on my face. "Get out!"

A defiant scowl came up to his face, as he approached the door. "Get out, huh?" His hand covered the doorknob, before clicking the lock on.

"I think I'm tired of that," He murmured, before turning around, his rage leaking out of his face like steam from a volcano. "You cannot be mad at me when you haven't given me the chance to explain myself!"

"It's better for us both if I don't know," I screamed, my feet pulling my body near him. He laughed quietly, his head etching closer to mine until he froze, his eyes widening as he slowly analysed my face and the distance between us both. I waited for him to realise how stupid this all was and to step away, out of the room.

But he didn't.

Leo's eyes settled to my lips, not being able to pull himself further away from me. "You think?" His face was inches away from me, his overly elegant cologne filling my senses as I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes so they wouldn't have to look into his.

I nodded my head before slowly opening my eyes, his presence picked up all the words in my mouth and scrambled them up, leaving me a chaotic mess. "I don't need to be explained, Leon, I know you didn't do it to hurt me," I managed to muster out. "But it's for the best."

He let out a small chuckle, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear before his hand went to rest on my neck. "Why's that?" Suddenly, it felt like my skin was on fire, his hand was burning me, and the smoke of the flames on my skin swept away into my heart where I would keep it as a deep secret as I did once two years ago.

I couldn't form a reply, my lungs suddenly pushing my body for more air as he continued to stare me down. I was convinced that the heat of his gaze had now burned two holes into me. His breathing caught up in his throat for a second as he watched me struggle with my words, "Because?" He taunted.

I swallowed down the truth with the lie about to escape my throat, my voice a little hoarse whisper amongst the roaring tension between the both of us. "Because you infuriate me."

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