"You fucking dickhead!" I shouted, out in the air. God, I wish I had the power to kill people through the phone.
The air that swept past my face felt like ice amongst the sweat that built up on my forehead, in the last few minutes. My Converse shoes hit the ground again and again, sending a rush of adrenaline through my veins every time my foot stamped onto the ground. My legs felt numb after putting so much work into them for the last seven miles, but it didn't matter because if that man caught both me and Noor we would be dead meat.
"You deserve it!" Leo screamed at me through the phone, his voice a small whisper compared to the heavy footsteps me and Noor ran along with the mewlings of the kitten in her hands.
Noor looked back for a second before she turned to me, "Where is Aran when you fucking need him?!" She screamed, seeing the man behind us get closer towards us.
"Wait, why the fuck are you breathing so hard?" Leo asked, his voice highly suspicious and indicating he was thinking something much dirtier in his mind. "Are you having sex?!"
"No! I stole a kitten because this man on the road was beating it and now he's chasing after us," I confessed, looking back one more time to see the man only getting closer than before. "Fuck!" I screamed, my panic pushing my feet to run as fast as ever.
"A kitten?!" He answered with a surprised tone as well as clear judgement in his voice. "That's so stupid. God, why would you do that?"
"I guess stupid recognises stupid, huh?" I answered, almost stumbling over myself as both me and Noor took a sharp turn on the pathway.
My eyes spotted something on the road, along with the faint drum of Taylor Swift playing. Fucking finally.
I changed the topic of conversation upon seeing Aran's black Toyota, jumping to open the backseat door as both Noor and I leapt in. "I know you fucked up my painting on purpose because of that shit I did on your guitar!" I proclaimed as I heard Leo's intake of breath.
Both Noor and Aran started cackling like two children as she placed the small grey kitten beside me. Before Aran quickly switched the dial for Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift to play. Noor and Aran instantly started singing along to it, "Fever dream high in the quiet of the night, you know that I caught it-"
"My guitar?" Leo repeated a little bewildered.
I froze in my seat.
Oh shit, he didn't know. I closed my eyes at my foolishness, it was supposed to be a surprise for him, on my behalf of him pissing me off, and now I had just ruined it for him.
"What did you do to my guitar?" He asked, his voice becoming dangerously low. I didn't say a word. I will not spill another word, I'm not a snake after all.
Aran then suddenly yelled, "I'm drunk in the back of the car and I cried like a baby coming from the bar!" As Noor carried on to finish the lyrics with him.
I could hear the heavy pounding of his footsteps from the other side of the phone call. The footsteps stopped for a second, I expected to hear a scream from him but instead, I got something much worse. Silence.
I sat in anticipation, stroking the kitten's fur as I waited for Leo's reaction on the other side of the call before I finally spoke up. "Leon?"
"What the fuck? This is my only guitar," He said, pure shock laced in with his tone, well, shock mixed with anger. I could imagine his face. His eyebrows pulled down and a huge scowl would be visible on his face, as he glared at me with a look that was basically throwing daggers at me.

All For You
RomanceHe steadily opened his eyes, his breath pausing for a second as his gaze met mine. "𝐓ú. 𝐒𝐢𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞 𝐭ú," He hushed in a hoarse voice, his hand suddenly travelling to the back of my neck before he used it to drag me closer to his face. The tip o...