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"Yeah, I'm in the car now," I said, checking myself in the mirror one more time.

"I still don't understand why your doing this, I mean did this girl not hate you," Noor replied as she lay on my bed, her tone laced with worry.

"Noor, don't worry. I'm just helping her around, maybe she'll get better when she is finally happy with herself." I soothed out, trying to calm her down without making it seem like I was. Noor seemed to be a little too stressed for a double date she wasn't included in.

"People like her can never be happy," She muttered lowly before I let out a small sigh.

"I know she's been a bitch but the least I can do is try," I answered, trying my best to bring some sort of positivity into my tone. I pulled my hair to the front, it dropped down to my waist as Noor let out a slow whistle.

"Leo's definitely going to be swooning all night," Noor chuckled as I turned back to her. "He adores flirting with you, and you only."

"He's just looking to piss me off whenever he's flirting, he doesn't like me like that," I admitted as I fixed my golden-hearted locket on my neck.

"Whose flirting?" Leo questioned as he knocked on my door before pushing it open, stumbling over the rug on the carpet as he trained his eyes on me.

He formed a smirk on his face, about to say something before he noticed Noor there and his face dropped. "You didn't feed Nala." Leo grumbled in his usual deep voice, "Just because she's in my room all the time, doesn't mean I have to always feed her. You stole her from the streets."

"You both take care of Nala together, like she's your baby and you're the parents?! Oh. My. Fuck!" Noor commented, the pitch of her voice going high. Oh my God, she is never going to let go of this.

"I've got to go now, Noor! See you soon!" I rushed out, grabbed my gold heels and walked out of my room before slamming the door shut.

"Hey, Leo make sure you use a condom!" Noor yelled out through the door, as I closed my eyes and let out a slow exhale. "Don't think of getting my girl pregnant."

"You could have waited at the door," I muttered, finally looking up at him as I was welcomed by the smell of his familiarly strong cologne and the sight of a black suit. Through his clothes, I could see the build of his shoulders and muscles and- holy shit is this actually Leo?

I don't think it is because the last time I checked he definitely did not look like this. His grey eyes particularly stood out now, and, maybe, if I looked close enough I could see whether his eyes were a darker or lighter shade of grey. His hair sat perfectly on his head as he ran his hand through it, his mouth turned down a bit, as he gazed at me.

"You don't look half-bad." He finally said, after a few minutes of silence.

"Your dick says otherwise," I lied, fighting back the laugh in my throat, as he looked down at his trousers with panicked eyes.


I stepped out of the car, purse in my hand, looking around the restaurant for Kai. Goosebumps, from the chilling weather, rose to my skin as I rubbed my arms with my hands before I felt some sort of warmth replace it. I looked down to see it was a blazer that looked very similar to the one I'd seen a few seconds ago on Leo.

Leo chuckled, looking back to see a small crowd forming far from us before he leaned into my ear, his breath fanning down my neck. "You wear my blazer well," He rasped out. It's just for the public. Do not slap him, he's pissing you off on purpose.

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