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"What did you say you want to be again?"

"A doctor."

"Oh yeah. That." Aran bit his lip to stop himself from laughing as he sat around at the table waiting for dinner both me and Leo had almost finished.

It did involve a lot of yelling and cursing but we were at the final stage now, which was placing the food on the plate. Leo handed me a bowl of baked potatoes and a knife, indicating for me to cut them before he turned away to place the steak on the plates.

I couldn't help but notice, Leo throwing a few dirty looks at Jaxon every now and then. I watched as he did it again, whilst Jaxon carried on talking. I sighed in frustration, as I cut the potatoes. "Could you stop doing that?" I whisper-yelled at Leo.

Leo paused and looked at me, with a bewildered look. "Doing what?"

"Killing him with your ey- ouch!" I suddenly yelled out, bringing up a now bleeding finger. I brought it away from the potatoes so as to not let my blood fall on any of them.

Leo jumped up immediately, his flirty demeanour falling to a now panic-stricken one. "Fuck, you okay?" He said, coming closer towards me as he looked down at my finger and then back up at my face.

He didn't hesitate to turn around and rushed through the cupboard, looking for a packet of plasters. He took out a green box of plasters, quickly taking out a plaster to in fact see a condom in his hand.

He sighed in frustration, "That idiot," He muttered before throwing the box at Aran's head.

It landed exactly on Aran's head before all the packets of condoms fell out onto him. He didn't seem to notice they were condoms at the start and instead ignored it before one of the packets landed exactly on the table in front of Jaxon.

Leo turned back to the cupboard and pulled out a red box this time, and when he opened it there thankfully was a bunch of plasters in there. He sighed in relief before he walked towards me. "Give your hand," He told me.

I let out an awkward laugh. "Leo, I can do it myself-"

"Just give me your hand," He said, a serious look in his eyes as they met with mine.

I sighed, giving him my hand before he took it into his grasp. I blinked hard, trying to ignore the warmth of his hands as he slowly placed the plaster over my cut. As soon as the plaster was wrapped around my finger, I pulled my hand out of his grasp.

"No, thank you kiss?" Leo teased, a laugh emitting out his mouth before he took the knife in his hand and carried on cutting the potatoes.

"I would've been able to carry on cutting the potatoes-" I said before I was abruptly cut off by Leo.

"So you could almost cut your finger off again? No thanks," He muttered, as he placed the knife down and started to place the potatoes on the plates.

As both Leo and I placed the plates of food on the table, Jaxon and Aran shared an awkward silence as Aran was still collecting his condom packets from the floor. The awkward silence carried on through the dinner table as we all ate silently before Jaxon cleared his throat. "So you live here now, Leon?"

Aran suddenly stopped playing with his food and looked up to Leo, voicing my exact thoughts. "You know this douchebag?"

Leo eye's moved up to meet with Jaxon. He seemed like he was ready to pull out a knife and stab him continuously. His eyebrows were furrowed with a huge frown on his face whilst his jaw was clenched tight, he looked like he was ready to rip off Jaxon's head from his body.

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