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Where am I?

That was the first thought I had when I opened my eyes. Grey sheets, grey pillows, and a grey blanket. What the fuck, where was my lilac bedsheet? The bed didn't even smell or feel like my bed. I felt something soft and furry graze my leg, I looked down to see Nala at the end of the bed.

And that's when I realised where I was.

Behind Nala, was a guitar. Leo's guitar. Disgust overrode my face, I looked down at my clothes to check I was wearing my clothes and not a shirt that was too big for me. Should I check for any marks?

What. Stop, Iza what are you thinking? No, I would never, I would have to be really really drunk too and I don't drink so.

If not for that reason, why else was I in Leo's bed? My eyes quickly scanned the room for an explanation. But I found nothing, his plain old room told me nothing about him. I mean, not that I wanted to know anyways.

I heard the twisting of a doorknob followed by the door opening and the heavy footsteps of a sweaty Leo walking in.

He was wiping his face with the bottom of his shirt, which revealed his toned abs. I let out an annoyed sigh, shame on him for being so damn hot. He had earphones plugged in which is why he didn't hear Nala meow at him along with the crank of the bucket at the top of his door.

Oh, that's why I am here.

The next minute, he was drenched in ice-cold water.

I heard him quickly take in a deep breath before he looked up at me. He had the face of a killer with that ugly scowl on his face. I mean, everything on his face was ugly.

Everything about him is ugly. Revolting. Disgusting- Oh what's the point in lying to myself, his face is so pretty he doesn't deserve it.

I smirked like an evil villain as I grabbed Nala and slowly petted her. She just stared at Leo, as she watched him turn around and pick the bucket up. What was he going to do with it now? He couldn't throw any of the water on me because it was all emptied onto him.

My eyes widened as I watched him take off his shirt, leaving him in his white vest. Wait, he isn't doing what I think he is?

My thoughts were confirmed as I watched him fold the shirt and twist it. The water and sweat collected in his shirt were squeezed and leaked down into the bucket. He had a small smirk on his face as he looked up my fearful eyes meeting with his.

He was going to throw all that disgusting water on me. I would have thrown up if he hadn't started to approach me with the bucket. I started panicking. I don't want to be drenched in that disgusting, nasty sweat-mixed water. Think. Think, Iza.

I looked to my right and then to my left. Nala was sitting there. I picked her up with both my hands and put her in front of me as a way of defence against Leo's sweat water bucket.

Leo stopped at the foot of the bed, the bucket of water in one hand whilst he stared at me in disbelief. He shook his head. "You really think putting Nala in front of me is going to stop me from throwing a bucket of water at you?" He asked, rubbing his hand across his face.

"Well, I did catch her snuggling you in your sleep so I guess you love her too much to throw water on her too," I replied, still keeping Nala in front of me.

Leo sighed, "Why did you do this?" He asked, gesturing towards himself.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and disgust as my nose scrunched up. This man was so lost and stupid. "I didn't do you, asshole. You're so nasty."

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