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"Think he's asleep?" I heard Arden's voice, merely a few hundred feet away from me. Wait, what the fuck? Why are they here?

I don't remember inviting anyone into the house before I went to sleep last night. "How do I wake him up? Wait...maybe I should do this. I've been wanting to do it again for such a long time." Shit, is he going to draw some weird shit on my face like how he did last time? I heard the clinking of glass before another voice joined in.

"Are you dumb? Why do you want to throw ice-cold water over him?" Lenorah scolded, she sounded like a mother telling off her child. If I wasn't trying to fall asleep right now I would join in with her, I believe I don't deserve such a harsh awakening.

"To wake him up, duh," Astrid answered, her voice excited and bubbly. "C'mon, Arden do it now."

"No, Arden don't, there are better ways to wake him up. God, do you both share the same brain cell?" Lenorah responded, her voice full of exhaustion. I feel sympathy for her, it must be tiring looking after two hyperactive kids first thing in the morning.

"Hell yeah, we do." They both answered in sync, followed by a clap, with as much energy as the other.

I don't get how they never get tired, they both always have some sort of chaotic energy whenever they are with each other. "Now give me the water-"

"Arden no- oh shit!" All of a sudden, my face was splattered with something cold and icy causing my body to jolt up in shock as my eyes shot open.

Before me stood Arden and Lenorah, in Lenorah's hand there was a glass whilst Arden's face just contained a scowl. Meanwhile, Astrid in the back started muttering to herself and shaking her head in disappointment. "Oh, Lenorah what did we tell you?" She scolded.

"What the fuck?" I spat out, ripping my now-wet hoodie off of me. It's only my luck that most of my vest hadn't got wet, or else I would have had to go up and grab a new one, which wouldn't be too good of a situation because Iza's sleeping there right now.

Me and her both got into an argument last night and she kicked me out of her room which is mainly the reason why I was sleeping on the couch, so even the slightest disturbance could make me dead meat.

Fucking hell, I hate arguing with her yet at the same time it's entertaining to see her so mad.

"Shit, I'm sorry Leo. I was just trying to stop these two from throwing water on you." Lenorah apologised, trying her best to not burst out laughing at the look on my face.

"Yet you ended up doing it, how ironic," I muttered, a small scowl fighting its way onto my face as I leaned back into my seat. "How did you all end up here?"

"Aran invited us over but he's gone out grocery shopping," Arden answered, looking around the living room like it was an art museum. "I have to admit for someone so chaotic he keeps the house really clean,"

"Plus you deserve getting water thrown at your face," He added, his casual tone suddenly turning annoyed whilst he sat down.

I wrinkled my eyebrows as I folded my arms and looked at Arden, "Why do I deserve it? Elaborate."

A flash of pain flickered onto Arden's face as rage consumed his words. "Because you've been spending all your fucking time on Iza, you don't even have time to spend time with the band anymore. Let alone perform songs!" He yelled, his face turning red with frustration.

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