Chapter 7: Krish questions Meera?

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In Karan's Room-
"Meera...come out fast... I'm getting late for the office!!" Yelled Karan sitting on his bed as Meera took forever to come out the bathroom.

"Baby! Don't shout.. See I came out.. and why are you worried about being punctual to the office...? You're the Boss there..not an ordinary employee!" Meera said in a sweet tone as she came out of the room.

Karan gives her an annoyed look and says-
"Boss or staff, rules are common for both. And you know I hate to break the rules" then he goes in to the bathroom.

Meera just shrugs. After sometime he comes out of the bathroom wearing shirt and pants.

"Did you see my tie anywhere?" He asks as he takes out his blazer.

"No...--leave it I found it" he says as he takes the tie from his wardrobe's drawer.

" have to look over the house chores alone for a few days"

"What..? Why?" Meera asks incredulously.

"Oh! Actually that's because Anni is sick, and doctor has asked her to take rest... And Anna isn't coming to the office only I'm in a hurry" Karan replied in a matter of fact tone.

Meera hurls few inaudible curses at Seema but she just fake smiles at Karan.

"Prepare lunch and send it to the office through the driver, I'll have something for the breakfast from outside" he says pecking her forehead and leaves for the office hurriedly.

Meera's POV
Shit! What the hell?? I've do the chores ah? That too cook for that bitch..?? No way!!

"Meera...can I come in?" A voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned back and saw Krish standing there at the door.

"Sure! Come in" I welcomed him in. He sat on the couch.

"How's your leg sprain now Meera?"

Oh no! I totally forgot about that!

"Yeah, just fine..." I mumbled.

"Oh okay... Actually can you take care of cooking and other chores for two days or so... Seema is a little sick.... - He asked.

"Oh!.. but what happened to her exactly... Karan was saying she's is she now?"
I asked faking concern.

"It seems she overworked herself... The doctor said she needs complete rest" He replied.

Bloody drama queen!! Gaining sympathy from all!! I'll not leave her!!! *Pouts angrily*

"Okay..I'll take care!" was all Meera could say.

Krish got up to leave the room, he suddenly stopped. He turned to Meera again asking--

"Seema was saying that... yesterday you asked her to cook all the meals for her.... That too daily..
She also said you don't like the food cooked by the that so?"

Meera was startled by this.

"Uh...tha-that I" Meera fumbles not knowing what to say.

"If you have any problem with the maids cooking... you can tell me them your preferences.. they'll make it accordingly.. or you itself can make your favourite foods.. maids will get you all the ingredients you need" Krish suggested.

"Ohh.. that's okay I'll manage..." She said dismissively.

"Fine then...that's what I wanted to say.. prepare lunch for me as well.. as I'm staying back home. Ask the maids if you need anything in particular..."
With that Krish goes away leaving a fuming Meera behind.

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