Chapter 28: Krish's Sweet Gesture.

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Seema's POV
"Please ask me no more...please" I choked as I started breaking down... Suddenly everything became blank. And I felt someone tapping me in my shoulders and shaking them continuously as I heard someone calling me in a panicked voice...I opened my eyes slowly, but closed them once again immediately because of the brightness around me.. I couldn't adjust myself to the new surroundings.. after a few minutes, I calmed myself and opened my eyes slowly only to find a worried Krish sitting beside me.. that's when it hit me... All this was nothing but my Nightmare! Neither I had asked him permission to stay back nor he compelled me to tell the reason.. all this while I was dreaming....!!!!! I breathed a sigh of relief. He passed me a glass of water and asked me to gulp it down slowly. When I turned back and looked at the clock placed beside in the Nightstand, it showed 1:03 AM.

"Are you okay now?" he asked in a concerned voice, he looked so pitiful right now. I just nodded my head in approval, not being able to speak..I don't know why. He looked at me from head to toe, as if assuring himself that I was alright now.

He was looking unconvinced with my answer, but he took the glass for me. I bet he wanted to caress my hair and check my temperature, but he was refraining himself from doing so, I knew this because he raised his hands twice towards me.. but then lowered them immediately in a fraction of a second.

"Seema.. I know you are not okay.. you were crying in your sleep" he said as he looked at me questioningly.

"I--I am fi-fi-fine Ji.." I answered, but my voice was very wobbly and I said this with a lot of chattering.

"Can I?" he asked as he raised his hands towards my forehead.. I meekly nodded. But that was enough for him, as soon as I nodded he touched my forehead and then my neck and cheeks to check my temperature. Strangely his hands were providing me the warmth I needed for the moment.

"Oh god Seema you're shivering in cold..wait I'll get you a blanket" with that he went towards the cupboard, and got a thick duvet. He wrapped the blanket around me and also switched off the fan. I felt a little better with the blanket around me.

"Seema.. tell me what's wrong.. what happened?" he asked slowly, as I sat leaning against the bed.

"A Ni-Nig--Nightmare" I said, but then again my teeth was chattering very badly.

"Don't worry..forget it.. you're safe with me.. now just lie down " he said as he slowly helped me to lie on the bed. But I couldn't lie down.. I felt like throwing up. I didn't want to take a chance so I stopped him, showing my hands.

"What happened Seema? it's okay.. it's fine.. lie down.. " he said once again.

"I ca--"

I clasped my mouth shut with my hands and ran towards the bathroom for throwing up. But unfortunately before I could open its door, I threw up on the floor.


*Vomiting sounds are heard*
Seema was continuously throwing up whatever she had for dinner. Krish rushed to her and held her head tightly, helping her throw up easily. After 2-3 minutes, she finally stopped throwing up. Krish slowly helped her to go to the washroom for cleaning up herself, he left her in alone and gave her some privacy. After a few minutes,when she was about to come out of the washroom, Krish carefully helped her till the bed and made her sit in it.

"Just a second" he said, as he went out of the room hurriedly.
Within a couple of minutes he came in with a glass in his hand.

"Here drink this you will feel better.." he said as he passed her the glass.
"Drink it slowly.. please don't hurry" he added again.
"But.. I--"
"Don't worry this will stop your nausea and vomit" Krish assured.
"Okay" she nodded. She drank it down
slowly, the water was luke warm and it tasted a less licorice.
After drinking, she actually felt good. Her nauseousness reduced to a great extent.
"What was that?" she asked referring to the water she just had.

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