Chapter 18: Meera faces Karan's wrath!

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-Karan's Room-

Sun rays peeked through the curtains, disturbing the deep slumber of the couple sleeping peacefully on the bed. Karan was the first one to wake up, he slowly opened his eyes to look at the bright sun rays that fell on his face waking him up from his dream land. He turned to see at his wife who was sleeping peacefully, pulling the bed sheets till her face to the the avoid the sun rays falling on the her.

He moved out of the bed without disturbing her and went to the bathroom to finish his daily routine and take a shower. He came out after twenty minutes or so in a vest and a towel wrapped around his waist. He saw that Meera didn't wake up yet but has turned to the other side making the bed sheet move away from her face. He went near her, leaned down to her level and shook his head making the water drops fall from his freshly bathed hair on to her face. Meera opened her eyes groaning due to the sudden cold she felt on her face.

"Good Morning Baby" she wished him in a sleepy voice. But Karan didn't wish her back and went away as if nothing has happened now. She was confused at his sudden change of behavior. She woke up from the bed and moved towards him and hugged him from the back wrapping her hands around him, placing her face to his back.

"Sorry baby!" she apologized kissing his back in an attempt to pacify him. He was being grumpy at her from the previous night. He had already lashed out at her  the previous night for not taking a stand for Seema against her father when he was humiliating her and also for taking the free credit of cooking the dishes. 


After sending Mr.Shekar back home after the dinner, Karan came upstairs to his room and closed the door with a bang. Meera could see that he was extremely enraged at someone, his eyes were spitting fire and he was pacing the room making his fingers in to a ball. Meera wanted to know the reason for his sudden anger  so  she asked him politely what was the matter to which he didn't reply but gave her a angry glare and again was pacing the room. Finally after some persuading, he started lashing out at Meera-

"Meera.. how can you be so selfish? I never expected this from you.. you were never like this before .. then now what changed.. or it is that I didn't know your real face yet?  

"Karan.. baby what happened? why are you so angry on me? What did I do?"

"You did nothing Meera.. absolutely nothing" he replied in mocking tone.

"Then.. what's the problem?" she asked innocently.

"That is the fu**ing problem" he roared.

"Karan! Mind your tongue" she yelled back with the same intensity.

"What happened? Can't take a single shouting from me?" he asked sarcastically.

"Karan.. don't beat around the bush tell me what happened?" she asked raising her tone a bit.

"Ok.. let me ask you  directly.. when your father scolded Bhabhi for such a petty issue why didn't you take a stand for her and stood there watching the drama like a statue? You were there right? In the kitchen.. helping Bhabhi for making the rotis, can't you check whether the dough was proper or not.. ? Anyways leave that.. don't you know Bhabhi will never do something harmful for anyone let alone her father.. you saw her.. how happily she was making all the arrangements for the dinner..then how can she do something so cruel..?"

"I never said she did something" Meera said defensively.

" Yes...You never said this in front of your dad.. you became a total statue in front of him..hmm..why?"

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