Missing Home

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As the man was traveling through the universe he began making more and more stops of different places where he could see that everyone had a family or someone they could befriend and have a fun time with.

But he never had any of that when he was on earth and since he left he has been doing nothing but exploring the different planets that he was able to go to and have fun learning about them.

So, after some time and celebrating a very private and sad Christmas for himself he then decided that he would try and make friends with whatever native species that lived on this planet so that he could finally make some contact with something or someone that he had not created or with himself.

And when he went over he saw a bunch of reptile like aliens that were either doing some hard core training or they really did not like some of their own kind and were trying really hard to break/destroy them.

And as you got closer to them to try and talk to them you were met with a spear a few meters away from you and then they all started to charge at you, but that is something you would agree on doing if some random thing that looked nothing like you came over and tried to do something you could not understand.

But after you dodged all of their attacks and traded some blows of your own with them it seemed like they started to not be as hostile to you as they were before and do what you think was their way of laughing most likely at you but after a few moments of what you think was your bracelet learning their language you started to hear them talk like if it was English.

???: "Bwha haha did you see the way that creature fought he was weaker then a hatchling, makes you wonder if he is even a man creature."

And after hearing that the rest of the lizard people also started to laugh as well, you then got angry and started to tell him off witch they were not expecting at all but then they started to laugh even harder at you and then they brought you into their village and started to tell you how you failed as a man and what you could do to improve upon your standing.

Because you had learned of the fact that their species was one centered along fighting and the winner would gain everything they desired if the fought long and hard enough for it while the loser would gain nothing except the thought of training harder to get back what they had lost.

And you had learned that the more battle hardened a male of their kind was the better looking they were in the eyes of the women of their kind.

But you did not really care all that much about it because you were just happy to be able to talk to anyone else but you, yourself, and I and after being allowed to stay there for a week you had decided (you were forced) to do something to help with the village and since you were getting really tired of them making fun of you for never fighting you then decided to take up being one of the hunters of the tribe.

And after being told that you were to need to fight with a weapon you choose something they had because you were not trying to rely to much on the bracelet's power for things that you could try and do on your own.

And so out of the many options you chose the spear because you wanted a real challenge and also it was the thing the village was most Prominet for using to fight so after a long day and night of trying to hunt your hunting party finally found some prey.

You and the rest of the hunters surrounded it and then you all began to charge at it and try to strike everyone was making clean consecutive hits, but you were failing a lot because it was the first time you had ever held a spear before, so you were very bad.

And after everyone had returned to the village you were made fun of even more because you were worse than a newborn for the lizard people that you had made friends with. You were told that in a few weeks' time there would be another hunt so you could see if there were any improvements from last time when you all go hunting again.

So, you then began to train with the other lizard men and start to learn and get better at using a spear to where you could actually hit something once in a while with the spear while hunting the which was a very big improvement but not by much compared to the lizard men who could hit a very tiny object a long distance away with their spears.

After a long amount of time has passed you were now at the level of mastery the rest of the lizard people were at, but you had never grown at all while the rest of your friends died while you were training.

And because of that you were slowly becoming more of a legend and then myth and you felt you were getting closer to becoming a god to them so before that could happen you left your spear after hunting some food for the tribe you had lived with for the longest time.

And then you left the planet and started to travel some more across the universe to explore some more while also learning not to stay at one place for too long without the fear of becoming a god to those who lived there.

And as you were traveling you made a little plain for yourself so that you could continue with your training and also try to become better at using other weapons so that you would be able to fight and not lose to anyone.

As the man who was going to better than all others combined.

And that is it for now hope you all enjoyed, and I just want to let you all know that it will probably take a long while but hope you all enjoyed and until next stay safe and peace.

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