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Fortis: "(Clicks his pocket watch open and then closes it) the waves of change are upon us."

Megan: "(Tilts her head cutely) What?"

Fortis: "(Pockets pocket watch) Nothing don't worry about it (grabs plate of food and takes a bite) so what you making my lovely Martian."

Megan: "I'm making some crab cakes for everyone. (Smiles and looks at him with somewhat sinister eyes) But don't worry I made sure to make yours a bit more special than the others."

Fortis: "Why thank you (kisses cheek lovingly.)"

Fortis then began walking away as he made a quick napkin and spit out Megan's special crab cakes which were either filled or doused in something that made him feel hot, cold, somewhat numb but also getting stabbed by pin needles.

Her doing this was most likely not out of pure malice but it certainly didn't help that she could see into his mind seeing that he was both with other women some of which she knew and also seemed to go even farther with them than he had gone with her.

But all of this was more than worth it if he could some how help Megan and Conner get back together again while also somewhat envying the man since he probably had a literal iron stomach that could survive anything that Megan cooked even when she was angry.

Taking a quick glance at Nightwing Fortis grabbed onto his arm and pulled him into a quick hug as he created a shield around the two that made them disappear for a brief moment into a plane that seemed to be in space.

Outside the shield however no one had noticed a thing as both men came out with Fortis looking at Nightwing Sternly and as hard as it might have been to see through his mask seemed to look a bit cautious at either Fortis or what he had told him.

Nightwing: "I'll make sure that doesn't happen."

Fortis: "Its probably for the best if you do."

Nightwing: "How'd you-"

Fortis: "(Helps up) Don't worry about it I just wanted to help."

Fortis smiles as Per Lynn and Ghia'ta float in front of him looking very annoyed as he just walks past through a gate in front on Artemis and Wally's house and walks in unannounced to help them move some of their stuff around.

Artemis: "Thanks for the help what with Wally being busy studying and finding a job as well as my late night jobs made it hard to move things around."

Fortis: "(Giant gold hand moves thing around in the back) No problem I know how troublesome it is when you want something done but have too much to do already."

Artemis: "So anything new happening in your life?"

Fortis: "Not much just same old same old. (Pops head out of bathroom holding basket) Although I have started truly looking for an apprentice."

Artemis: "(Strokes back) What feeling jealous that your the only one without a junior (slaps back very hard.)"

Fortis: "(Punches arm playfully) No I just think I've done enough hero stuff in my life and I don't really want it to wait for however long it did to find me."

Artemis: "Aww I think that's cute but speaking as someone who's been both a sidekick and dates one all I can say is make sure that you know how to encourage them and help them grow instead of just figuring things out as they go."

Fortis: "Let me guess Dick told you that huh."

Artemis: "He's one of my best friends and is basically a brother to Walley so yea as well as what it felt like working for Green Arrow."

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