Mystery Gal

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On a nice chill day with a cool breeze blowing across his face Fortis is reading the daily paper while forcing a jacked up criminal to submit to him by breaking his hand, making him realize that he's the bigger man in this situation and not him all while also drinking some coffee.

Fortis: "Huh this seems interesting (turns towards the man he's forcing to kneel) don't you think so."

Giant Crook: "Let me go you mad man."

Fortis: "Alright if that's what you want."

Fortis lets go of the crooks hand but before they could do anything else Fortis just casually kicks them hard in the chin knocking them backwards while also knocking them out as local police start to arrive he flies away towards the location that was in the paper.

-As Fortis flies away the paper falls revealing that some unknown heroine wearing black and red had just stopped a major slave trade racket going on in Gotham.-

After a few hours of flying Fortis lands in front of an old decrepit warehouse that's missing chunks of glass everywhere, spray painted in just about every corner and surface to the point it all started to blend in making it hard to understand where one started and the other stopped, and as a bonus it seemed that the building creaked and groaned as if it where breathing. 

Walking towards a few creates Fortis sees a bunch of homeless people or people that just like camping in areas that they know almost no one would come to either way he walks past the group and waves his hand like a spell caster as a form of distracting them while he makes a sleeping gas smoke bomb to knock all of them out.

Once their and anyone around them are asleep Fortis climbs on top of the creates and box's until he makes his way towards the only way to get into the creepy warehouse which was jumping on top of the roof and jumping through its broken skylight into the old mangers office.

Fortis: "(Dusts himself off) Man this place is the worst to enter every time. At least I can be thankful that almost no ones going to be able to get in though."

Looking towards the warehouse doors he sees that the giant wall he made was still there and hasn't seemed to budge an inch since he'd be there last.

Fortis then jumps off the railing an onto the ground floor as he makes his way towards a giant create with machines and broken parts surrounding it and began knocking in a certain patter from an old tv show about an animal superhero.

Once the correct sequence of knocks had been finished cracks in the floor started appearing as an entrance started opening up with it slowly closing behind him as he started making his way down into the cave beneath.

Walking into the only lair of the Gold Lanterns Fortis sighs in relief as the frat house version of the bat cave Fortis grabbed a little photo album and started looking through it going down memory lane of the things he's down with the girls he loves and those that he's close to before closing it right as Harley hoped onto his back.

Like a routine Fortis grabs Harley by the legs and lifts her off of him and throws her onto the couch as they both get close and kiss each other on the lips and once their moment of affection has finished Harley starts talking to Ghia'ta and Per Lynn while Fortis cleans the place up trying not to think about all the "missing items" that were reported on the news.

As the girls talk Fortis just stares at how Harley some how managed to find or acquire a priceless jade pot that could be sold to make enough money to keep a family rich all the way to the era of the Legionaries and yet Harley had been using that pot to make herself some stew.

What made that even worse was that next to where more priceless treasures being used to store rice or help her clean her clothes as well as wash them with even a treasured scroll that was said to almost cause a war between two countries was now being used to keep a five dollar coffee table clean from any and all stains.

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